News Blog


Part 1, Chapter 6 Iraq I do not believe and have never seen any evidence to confirm that [Saddam Hussein] was involved in 9/11. We had that reporting for a...

Afghanistan Since 9/11

Part 1, Chapter 5   Afghanistan Since 9/11   She really thought there was a lot to be done [in Afghanistan], and she could be a part of it …...

Afghanistan—Before 9/11

Part 1, Chapter 4   Afghanistan—Before 9/11     To watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters battle modern arsenals with hand-held weapons is an inspiration to those who love freedom....

Is Black Magic Real?

Hi Ali, My name is Ishaq. I used to be a devout Muslim and would try to learn a lot and follow the sunnah as taught by my imam and...

The Church and Islam

Evangelist Franklin Graham, son of the legendary Billy Graham, has characterized Islam as “a very evil and wicked religion. . .a religion of hatred, a religion of war.” In recent...

You Are Owned, by Default.

By Khalil Fariel This is on a verse of Qur’an. Not at all ambiguous, nor scores of undertones confined, but all about a message. Can be taken in on the...

Who Created God?

I am having a little discussion with a friend on the side who in his latest email said, “From my point of view everything comes from Zero and returns to...

Why I Stump for Trump

The front runner Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would ban the entry of all Muslims into America “until we find out what is going on.” Up until then...

Letter to Rose Hamid

By Susan Olsen.Sunday, Dear Rose, Your stunt at the Trump rally was well played. You appeared to be an innocent Muslim woman seeking peace and understanding. Let us assume that...

Osama bin Laden

Part 1, Chapter 3 Osama was just like many of us who became part of the [Muslim] Brotherhood movement in Saudi Arabia. The only difference which set him apart from...

Why Evil Wins and Goodness Loses

A reader who did not want her email published asked why often evil people get ahead while good people stay behind. Why injustice seems to be more victorious? Up until...

9/11—A Nation Transformed

Part 1, Chapter 2   And when We decide to destroy a town (population), We (first) send a definite order (to obey Allah and be righteous) to those among them...

The Faith of Hate

As the motive behind San Bernardino shooting unfolds, the reactions mould into the typical mode. A small faction directs their wrath to Muslim communities and threats, intimidation, and attacks on...

An Ex Muslims Speaks of Islam

While the main stream media is so concerned in portraying the best image of Islam and particularly the leftists and liberals become even vile and violent towards anyone criticizing Islam,...

Is Islam a Religion?

Part 1, Chapter 1   The [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of Grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within,...


Great civilizations are not murdered. They commit suicide. —Historian Arnold Toynbee   This is a book on Islam, the second-largest religion in the world with 1.6 billion adherents. More precisely,...

The Rise of Racism in the West

A lady named Sima wrote expressing her concern that many movement against Islam are: “mostly dominated by haters and racists, who hate not only Islam as an ideology but also...

Islamism is Islam

Following every terrorist attack carried out by radical Muslims to fulfill what Islam professes, comes a justification “Islam is a religion of peace and has nothing to do with terrorism”....

Islam Prescribes Stoning

The horrific incidents of stoning women to death remind us of the barbarity Islam advocates. The recent victim of such cruelty and the Sharia prescribed punishment for adultery was Rokhsana...

Stereotyping Muslims

I am old enough to remember the good days of air travel when people actually enjoyed the experience. Those were the days when people dressed for the occasion and looked...

Suicide Bombers

The following is an excerpt from The Clash of Civilizations by Panini available on Amazon. This is a great book for anyone who wish to understand effect that Islam has...

Ali Sina Radio Interview

Listen to my interview with Radio Jihad Network where I speak about reforming Islam and other things.

Carnage in Paris

 What Multi-Culturalism and Freedom of Religion’ Means to Muslims? Within just over 10 months since the Charlie Hebdo massacre Paris was rocked by a massive Jihadi attack slaughtering in horrific...

The Quran and the Siege of Paris

Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, millions of people are once again trying to understand the relationship between Islam and terrorism. Both peaceful Muslims and jihadists quote the Quran...

Quran at a Glance

One of the problems of Islam and ironically a key to its success is that its holy book, the Quran is a confusing and tedious book that most people don’t...

Jihadis are not Radical

By Howard Pond Jihadis are not Radical I love the story told by a writer by the name of David Wallace: “There are these two young fish swimming along, and...

Indonesia: Religious Discrimination

Indonesia is allegedly a moderate Islamic country and arguably it is but only in comparison to other Islamic countries where minorities are systematically persecuted and killed. The moderate Indonesia however,...

Is Shariah Implementable?

By Nadir Baloch   “Shariah for the UK” depicted a banner during a demonstration held by Muslims in London to condemn blasphemous publications. Such calls have sparked concern and distress...

The Nice Side of Muslims

Introduction The Quran describes Muslims as being nice to each other and harsh against the unbelievers (Q. 48:29 “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful...

Why a Muslim Could Not Be U.S. President

A firestorm has erupted in the 2016 US Presidential election campaign over whether a Muslim could become President.  Technically, the answer is “yes” because the Constitution says there shall be...

An ex Muslim from Fiji

Hello Ali, I finally joined your website as a registered member. I just wanted to let you know how my journey began and how your website was largely responsible for...

The Quran Predates Mohammed

Experts in the UK expressed opinions suggesting that the Quran manuscript of Birmingham may be older than Mohammed. Historian Tom Holland, one of the most celebrated historians in the UK,...

Mental Disorders and Islam

Most people in the civilized world must have noticed that individuals who convert to Islam, and the ‘Muslims by birth’ who suddenly turn religious, develop new tendencies, such as: *...

Why Islam Cannot be Reformed

by Junaid A. Malik Being a student of Islamic theology for last two decades, I can categorically tell you that ideology (Islam) cannot be amended or reformed. The only way...

Oldest Quran Discovery

WHY THE QURAN IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD: WHY ALLAH IS NOT GOD 1100 Plus Reasons Islam is Fraudulent By Jake Neuman The news media was awash with the...

The Quran’s Mythical Science

Introduction Muslim scholars still claim that the Quran contains numerous scientific miracles. Many Muslim Arabs regard those claims as the most important reason why they accept Islam as the true...

How Islam fascinates the West

Or: How the West is duped by “The Religion of Peace” Given the encroachment of Islamism into the UK and Europe and its effect on far too many decisions made...

Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam

In the immediate aftermath of the ISIS-claimed massacre of civilians in Tunisia David Cameron, the U.K.’s Prime-minister has once again assured the British public and non-Muslims worldwide that the attack...

ISIS or Isa ?

FFI Editor’s Note: Since the advent of Muslim Brothers in the 1920s and after, Muslim loyalists developed a specific concept of Islam, and a longing to go back to the...

Is Obama a Muslim?

In a video posted to YouTube on Sunday, former Iraqi member of parliament Taha al-Lahibi said he thinks Barak Hussein Obama is a Shiite claiming he is “more cooperative with Shiite...

Are Allah and God the Same?

By Louis Palme The Quran makes three bold statements: “Our God and your God is one.” (Surah 29:46); “The Quran confirms the Scriptures that came before it.” (Surah 5:48); “If...

Islam Is Idolatry

I had a discussion with a Muslim who argued, “Muslims don’t worship black stone of Kaba. They worship only Supreme God, Allah. Black stone is foundation stone of Ka’ba. It...

Who is Deaf, Dumb and Blind?

A Muslim wrote to me saying he read some of my articles and believes that I got it all wrong. He advised that I should read the Quran to have...

Islamic Bullying

Dear Mr. Sina, I am a non-muslim woman born and raised in India but living in Canada now. Recently something happened to me which disturbed me a lot and led...


                         THE ISLAMIC HOLOCAUST (Warning Graphic pictures throughout)   “ Who After all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians. “ Adolf Hitler Let us prove  Hitler wrong. We...

The Little Arab

Introductory Background Islam came from the Arab tribe of Quraysh. Influenced mostly by Jewish scriptures and the arid desert environment, Muhammad sought glory in the ugliest of way. He raided...

Materialists Know Everything

I received the following email from Maggy Hi Mr. Sina After reading your article “The Deceptiveness of Pure Reason”         i still don’t think consciousness is an undefined energy field. I...

Mohammed’s Flag and Seal

Introduction The black flag of the Islamic State has become a familiar sight to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The flag is not only associated with the Islamic State but with...

Mohammed, First Among Equals

Introduction It is common for Muslims scholars, or Muslims in general, to claim that Islam equally recognizes all prophets of the Abrahamic religions without making any distinction between them. They...

The Muslims Who Shouldn’t be

Introduction Throughout the Islamic history there have been people who were better off with Islam, or even owe their living to it, but most Muslims would do better without their...

CNN: Whitewashing Jihad (Part One)

Many people in the West are wondering what causes jihad. CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin invited Christopher Dickey, foreign editor of the Daily Beast, to explain. According to Mr. Dickey, terrorism...

Breast Feeding a Man, Re-Visited

Introduction Recently, Dr. Ali Gom’a, the former grand mufti of Egypt, argued that the issue of adult breast feeding was treated unfairly by the media(1). He described Dr. Izzat Atiyya’s...

I Was Hungry

My friend Eric Allen Bell wrote a comment which I thought I should answer. I wrote the following and was going to send to him as an email. Then I...

The Deceptiveness of Pure Reason

Today I read a comment from a materialist who attacked me accusing me of deviating from science and reason and being delusional because I now believe in the survival of...

The Jihad Triangle (David Wood)

Many people are confused by jihad. If Islam is a religion of peace, why is there a persistent problem of radicalism in the Muslim world? If Islam is the problem,...

Streamlining Pedophilia

Introduction Researching Islam for some time, there are a few things that stood out in my mind, and wondered why Muslims can’t see them. For instance, Muhammad beheaded more than...

The Language of Islam

Introductory background As the Islamization of the Arab World, which kicked off in the 1970s, gathered speed, Arabs were re-educated in a new brand of Islam and a new matching...

Islam and Ancient Treasures

A few days ago, some Islamic State thugs stormed a museum in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul and destroyed its treasures. This action is not peculiar to the Islamic...

Creepy time down South!

She was a 1,400-year-old woman in the body of a ten-year-old girl. She should have returned to the Netherworld where she belonged but she had decided to stay in the...

The Media and ‘Prophet’ Mohammed

The Western main stream media is sleep walking towards a speedy Islamization of their societies. Many journalists voluntarily chose to do the Islamists’ dirty jobs for them. Many Western journalists...

Obama’s religious nightmare.

     The accusation has been made in some quarters that Barack Obama is still a Muslim. People have Emailed Bill O’Reilly, put it on their websites; muttered the charge while...

Browsing Around an Arabic Bookshop

Have you ever wondered what does the name of the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram actually means? It literally means: books (boko) are forbidden (haram), in other words: all un-Islamic...

Obama’s Two Faces of Islam

By Bill Siegel In the midst of recent horrific acts of terror, from burning the Jordanian pilot to storming the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a Danish café holding a free...

Notes from a Defeat Jihad Summit

by: Diana West Earlier this week, I participated in the Center for Security Policy’s Defeat Jihad Summit. I find that the several hours of speeches and discussion have distilled into some salient...

What is truth?

Mr Ali Sina, Thank You This is the word in my mind since last 3 months. I should have said it before but never gathered courage to say it. All...

Sura Like It

Introductory Notes Growing up in a Muslim country, one is more likely than not to hear Muslims talk about how miraculous the Qur’an is. Its Arabic language is just “amazing”...

I am lost, please help!

I am from Indian subcontinent, and i was a moderate non practicing Muslim till i encountered your website, and reading some of your articles i have disheartened from Islam,...

The Dilemma of Islamic Terrorism

The recent massacres in Paris of the staff of Charlie Hebdo and the Jews in a kosher supermarket and the increasing incidences of butchering young people coming out of pubs...

Jihad by Civilian

 Things are not so Simple for Pharaoh and the Jews Prof. Phyllis Chesler Jihad has rapidly taken a new and ominous shape. In the past, bombs were exploded—either human homicide...

Hollywood: it’s showtime

By Bill Siegel During this week’s Golden Globes ceremony, Hollywood made numerous gestures in support of our freedom of expression. Referencing the computer hack of Sony Pictures in response to...

The “Perfection” of Mohammed

By Howard Kainz The recent developments in Paris are indeed sad. The satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, went to extremes, as satire often does, in criticizing Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other...

Why is there suffering

Abid, a reader from asked, “Why God couldn’t make it such a way that we grow strength without generating so much pain in body and muscles? In the same...

Ten ways the Mafia and Islam are similar

During a debate on HBO’s Real Time last October, host Bill Maher declared that Islam is “the only religion that acts like the mafia, that will f***ing kill you if...

Is Russia Banning Islam?

Russia appears to be taking serious moves to combat the “radicalization” of Muslims within its border. Recent pro-Islamic reports are complaining that Russia is banning the Islamic hijab—the headdress Islamic...

The Myth of Islamophobia

Phobia (noun) : A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not...

Why is there suffering?

Dear Ali “The Purpose of Life” another great topics you have touched, many many thanks for that. I think in your article, the spiritual explanation of life is very soothing...

What is the purpose of life

A couple of years ago, someone asked me this question and I replied him from a materialistic point of view. Now that I read that article I see how I...

Saving the west from the virus of Islam

Is history repeating itself? Muslims have invaded the west again, this time under the guise of immigration and westerners are drunk or sleep. This invasion is lot more dangerous, because...

Islam’s ‘good cop/bad cop’ routine

By: Raymond Ibrahim Yet one more piece of evidence tying the United States to the Islamic State recently came to light. In a new video interview, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one...

What is Haraam (Forbidden) in Islam & Why?

The rules of what is haraam can, in principle, proliferate almost indefinitely when you realize that one principle as to what is haraam (not allowed) is that “which leads to...

Sam Harris is wrong about Islam

The debate between Sam Harris and Ben Affleck on Bill Maher’s Show generated a lot of controversy. Harris said Islam is the mother-load of bad ideas and Ben Affleck retorted...