The Evolution of Mankind and the Dawn of a Spiritual Civilization

The evolution of the species is observable. This really we can’t deny. However, I am not a Darwinist and I don’t subscribe to the notion that the survival of the fittest can explain the entire evolutionary process. The impulse of evolution is spiritual.
This is actually a knowledge I gained many year ago in flash of epiphany. I was taking shower when in just a few seconds perceived some information that answered all my questions, even the ones I had not posed. It was not like learning new things but rather remembering. I stood there, saying, “Yes, yes, of course.” It was as if I knew all that and had forgotten it. Everything was coming back to me in a flash.
Although the experience was overwhelming and I thought about it for some time, eventually I ignored it. Now that I am reading about the NDE of others, I see many of them describe the same thing.
The process of evolution is correct, as Darwin explained it. However, there is a spiritual force behind it that Henry Bergson coined as elan vital or the vital force. This elan vital is immaterial. It appears in organic matter. As the organization of matter becomes more complex the size and the faculties of the elan vital increase.
What Bergson called elan vital is what our ancestors called soul. Volvox is an organism, or is it? You can break the unity of volvox and its components can live independent from each other. By coming together they can work in conjunction as if there is a mind controlling the entire group. The organism suddenly acquires a super-mind that is responsible for the behavior of their collectivity. You can observe the same phenomenon in a school of fish, a skein of geese, a host of sparrows, a flock of sheep, a swarm of bees, etc. Who controls these animals in group? How a murmuration of starlings know when to turn right or left simultaneously without an apparent leader? Watching hundreds of thousands of starlings move synchronically without bumping to each other, forming amazing shapes in sky is fascinating. How can they do that?
A Murmuration of Starlings or a Dance of God?
There seems to be that by coming together these animals become recipient of their super mind. This super mind is of spiritual nature. Whenever organisms of the same species come together and work jointly in harmony they become the seat of their super consciousness that takes control of them and moves them as if they were a single organism.
The entire evolution is based on this principle. Atoms are formed when particles join together. Particles are alive. But when they are organized as atom, they become the seat of a new spirit: the spirit of atom. Atoms are alive, even though their life is so primitive that we don’t consider them living. The process continues. Atoms form molecules, molecules form mega molecules, mega molecules form proteins, proteins form cells and cells form big organisms like humans. In each stage of the evolution matter becomes the seat of a bigger spirit and more “lively.” The cells composing your body are individually alive, but there is no comparison between your life and theirs.
Darwin was not wrong. His description of evolution was correct. But he did not see the spiritual force behind it. This spiritual force explains why despite entropy evolution is incremental. Why organisms are growing more complex instead of more disorderly.
In my spiritual experience, I also learned that humans are at the verge of a new evolutionary saltation. The old world is dying and a new one is being born. The suffering in the world is nothing but the birth pang of this new birth.
I had my experience before Internet became popular, back in late 1980s. Now I can see how this new evolutionary process in our species is taking place. Technology in general and the Internet in particular are the catalyzers. The Internet is making all minds to merge. At first there will be collision. We have lived segregated from each other for thousands of years, each nation creating her culture, religion and idiosyncrasy. The clash is inevitable. Eventually, we’ll come together. Truth will prevail and mankind will be united. When that happens, humanity will become a super organism, the seat of the spirit of the super spirit of humanity. This Super Spirit is none but God. All spirits are God. God is in every living being. But when humanity becomes united, it can capture the most magnificent God’s consciousness. It is impossible for any person to grasp this let alone describe it. Imagine a cell in your body trying to grasp your consciousness. How futile would that be? But by working together, all your cells become you and can attain a consciousness that is impossible for them individually.
By becoming one super organism we won’t lose our individuality and freedom any more that a fish in school looses her individuality and freedom. But the sum will be far greater than its parts. Mankind will attain a new consciousness that at this moment is inconceivable to us. We will be able to communicate with other advanced civilizations in other parts of the universe, telepathically. We will be able to tap into the energies that are unknown to us today because they are of different dimensions. We will have control over the forces of the nature, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tides and even the Sun. We would be able to move planets, including the Earth at will or pulverize them. There will be no need for doctors, because there will be no diseases. All diseases will be removed from human genome. Conflicts will not be resolved through courts or wars, but through prayers. We will be able to remain in touch with our deceased loved ones. All this and more will happen in this millennium, but we will start seeing the transformation as early as the end of this century or the beginning of the next. The babies of today or their children will witness the dawn of the new mankind.
All one needs to be convinced that God is real and there is a life after death is to read many stories of NDE. Anyone who still denies that is willfully ignorant. Willfully because the truth is accessible to anyone who reads. People refuse to read or even watch the videos on NDE because they have made their minds and like any religious fanatics they are unwilling to let go of their dogma. Discussion is useless. You need to educate yourself by reading these stories. One you read or better watch dozens of them, you can no longer cling to the silly cop out that the oxygen deprived brain makes up those amazing stories. Even if we accepted this harebrained argument not fit for rational people, it still can’t explain how these near death experiencers come back with verifiable information of things they could possibly not know while lying in their operation room or even the morgue/
This discussion is useless. You want to know the truth, go to you tube and watch a few dozen of videos on near death experience,
Quote of the day: “I find God in the sufferring eyes reflected in mine. If this is how you are revealed to me.. this is how I will forever seek you.” (Kayla Mueller)
“Atoms are alive, even though their life is so primitive that we don’t consider them living”
This looks like gibberish- alive, yet not alive? The clear distinction between living and non-living matter—“the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death”
Atoms do not have any such capacity, any more than basic molecules that form minerals, rocks, water, etc.
“why despite entropy evolution is incremental. Why organisms are growing more complex instead of more disorderly”
The entropy argument has been tried by Creationists and FAILS because increasing disorder [entropy] occurs ONLY in CLOSED SYSTEMS. Evolution proceeds in an OPEN system where energy is received from the sun; entropy is overruled.
“mega molecules form proteins” Not so fast! Here is the unresolved issue- ‘living’ proteins don’t form spontaneously, nor do they result magically from ‘mega molecules’.
Your last paragraph is pure fantasy.
Even so, your work repudiating islam cannot be criticised; please continue…
I am really surprised that you (Ali Sina) write about such unscientific things. Of course, that is your opinion and as long as you do not force your belief on others and have a nice fulfilling life then good for you. However it is incredible that someone like you who objectively criticizes Islam and other imaginary religions believe in this kind of nonsense. Don’t take me wrong, I am open to science and if NDE… is proven right then I will accept it. But no matter the current research on this it is not conclusive. I think it is our turn to tell you that you are delusional. Sorry Ali.
Sorry, Ali- not god, just science- and still learning. Huge fish shoals do the same sort of manoeuvres; insects do similar. Nor is it some ‘universal consciousness’. I am surprised that an educated man such as yourself still wants to cling to religious belief, considering that you see through Islam… Religion is indeed the opium of the masses and the refuge of the superstitious. Nonetheless I don’t object to people having spiritual beliefs as long as it is kept PRIVATE!