I am lost, please help!

Ali Sina

Ali Sina is the author of Understanding Muhammad and Muslims. His forthcoming books are: The Untide Nations: United in Oppression; Holy War, Unholy Peace: Why the Israel-Palestine Conflict Defies Resolution; The Demographic Time Bomb: Immigration, Islam, and the West; The Most Influential Man in History: How Muhammad Changed the World; The Life of Muhammad: A Comprehensive Biography of the Prophet.

5 Responses

  1. Phoenix says:

    It seems this site has chosen a username for me.I will stick with Phoenix instead

  2. anonymous said:it is best to only talk about what a group of people can verify with physical senses//
    Can you prove the veracity of this assertion using your physical senses? Or at least give us a deductive argument to discuss.Claiming there are lots of fanciful ideas has no evidentiary value.
    @Jim J Fox

    I’ve seen numerous skeptic sites claiming to have debunked NDEs,when in fact they present caricatures of the phenomenon,which are stawmen then refute those.
    The ketamine/drug/hallucination objection,has been dismantled many times.If you believe there is anything in that link which is irrefutable then share it.

  3. anonymous says:

    I know this was about advising on what to believe in, however, when it comes to debunking religion, it is best to only talk about what a group of people can verify with physical senses. Talking about things that are anecdotal or could be imaginary allows the possibility of many fanciful ideas that can’t ever be verified.

  4. Jim J Fox says:


    Please, some balance here.

  5. Ra says:

    Great article from Ali Sina, as always. And my cat wants to play. I am going to play with her or God will tell me I wanted to play and you didn’t play with me.