Another Muslim Swearing on Thomas Jefferson’s Quran
by Louis Palme Newly elected Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib no doubt believes she is connecting with Islam’s long history in the U.S. by taking her oath of office on Thomas...
· by Louis Palme · 29 Dec, 2018
by Louis Palme Newly elected Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib no doubt believes she is connecting with Islam’s long history in the U.S. by taking her oath of office on Thomas...
· by Louis Palme · 29 Aug, 2017
Hardly a week goes by without a newspaper article or a public service announcement that depicts Muslims as victims of bigotry or Islamophobia. FBI statistics actually show that Jews...
· by Louis Palme · 17 Nov, 2016
By Louis Palme We have all read the romantic account of the Taj Mahal – this one published in Medieval and Early Modern Times, a widely-used seventh grade social studies...
· by Louis Palme · 26 Aug, 2016
2016 Olympics: Why Muslims Can’t Jump In 2008 I wrote an article for discussing why Intolerant Societies did so poorly in the Beijing Olympics. I compared the Olympic results...
· by Louis Palme · 27 Apr, 2016
By Louis Palme The most elaborately decorated Quran of the 21st Century was published last November after nine years in preparation. Each of the Quran’s 77,000 words was hand-lettered and...
· by Louis Palme · 14 Jan, 2016
By Louis Palme President Bush said it on Sept. 16, 2001, “Islam is Peace.” President Obama said it on numerous occasions, for example on Nov 7, 2010, in India,...
· by Louis Palme · 24 Sep, 2015
A firestorm has erupted in the 2016 US Presidential election campaign over whether a Muslim could become President. Technically, the answer is “yes” because the Constitution says there shall be...
· by Louis Palme · 28 Jun, 2015
FFI Editor’s Note: Since the advent of Muslim Brothers in the 1920s and after, Muslim loyalists developed a specific concept of Islam, and a longing to go back to the...
· by Louis Palme · 6 Jun, 2015
By Louis Palme The Quran makes three bold statements: “Our God and your God is one.” (Surah 29:46); “The Quran confirms the Scriptures that came before it.” (Surah 5:48); “If...
· by Louis Palme · 20 Apr, 2015
Genocide in Four Horrific Phases 1. Fatwah to massacre unbelievers – Once the Ottoman Empire entered World War I with the Germany, the Islamic Caliphate (Shaykh al-Islam Ürgüplü Hayri) issued...
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