The Tylenol in Your Ass Theory of Moderate Islam – Eric Allen Bell
“I have been made victorious with terror” – The Prophet Muhammad, Founder of Islam –
Taken from Hadith Bukari. This is core Islamic teaching, taught to Sunni Muslims. 85 to 90 Percent of the world’s Muslims are Sunni. Here is another quote, regarding Islamic terrorism: “No religion teaches this!” – Barack Hussein Obama, President of America – Protector of Islam.
But what about the rest of our “leaders”? What’s their excuse? Well, some of our leaders are stupid, some are insane and some rationalize doing anything to get money from lobbyists paid for by Arab oil. And then there are a few who have a clue, but they are clearly out numbered. However, I’ll come back to that in a moment.
Now, here is an analogy for you…
IF 3 OUT OF 4 PEOPLE TAKE TYLENOL AS A SUPPOSITORY even though the bottle clearly says to take two tablets orally, for a headache, does that mean that how you take Tylenol is really open to interpretation? The Quran says over and over and over to kill and subjugate the nonbeliever and to spread Islam, by force, until the entire world submits to Islam. The references are clear and endless. Now, just because maybe your friend from work, who just happens to be Muslim, hasn’t tried to behead you, does not mean that what the Quran says is not relevant to what Islam is. And sticking a Tylenol up your ass will not change what it says on the bottle. The President has had a Tylenol in his rectum for 7 years and the headache of militant Islam has still not gone away.
Meanwhile, back in the painfully non-metaphorical world, a few final thoughts:
HILARY CLINTON SAYS that we need to learn to empathize with ISIS and try to also see their point of view.
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA SAYS that ISIS has been contained and that the act of Jihad (he won’t call it that) in Paris Friday was “a setback” and that “no religion teaches this kind of violence”. (Yes, it does actually, but if you try to teach a donkey to sing you just frustrate the donkey and you disappoint yourself.)
DEMOCRATIC HOUSE CANDIDATE DAN KIMMEL RECENTLY TWEETED that ISIS isn’t necessarily evil. It’s made up of people doing what they think is best for their community.
And now would be a good time to hit the panic button.
Iran before 1979 and now…. please watch
I am responding to urge you to consider some additional facts relevant to your apparent claim that Islam is the enemy; I urge you to consider the broadest possible reading of verified facts in your thinking about the horrible threat we confront.
First, I hope we can agree that it is not true that Islam is the unique source of contemporary terrorism that claims religion as a motivation. For example, Buddhist monks are leading marauding bands of murderers targeting Muslims in Myan Mar.
Orthodox Christian Serbs engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide across the former Yugoslavia, targeting mostly Muslims but also some Roman Catholic Croats. Christians killed Christians for generations and until quite recently in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
I hope we can agree that selective quoting of scripture from many religions can be used to claim that followers are exhorted to violence; see this link for examples.
I hope we can also agree that it is also possible to quote selectively from the Quran to suggest that Islam is a religion of love.
I work across Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia on a regular basis; I feel I am very motivated to figure out an effective response to ISIS terrorism. In that spirit, I urge you to consider that blaming this terror on Islam or all Muslims is not an effective response to the threat we face. Effective response to any terror group must begin by understanding their goals, which always include political goals and sometimes include religious goals. The goal of ISIS is separation between Muslims and the rest of the world. The religious ideology that justifies that goal arises from a small cult that was founded about the same time as the Amish and share their rejection of modernism. This cult no more broadly represents Islam than the Amish represent Christianity. By accident of British map drawing as the empire disintegrated, this cult came to control vast petroleum reserves. They have used this wealth to promote a virulent strain of Islam that advocates violence to achieve this separation:
This advocacy of violence is no more the only logical consequence of the writings of the Quran than shunning technology by the Amish is the only logical consequence of the writings in the bible. Calling it Islamic is overly broad and obfuscates or even ignores the reality of what we face, I do not object to the label Islamic because I have some Kumbaya vision of inclusiveness about Muslims. I object to it based on facts, and I have presented several links to support my position.
More practically, consider what Wikileaks revealed about how members of our government discuss the funding of terror in classified documents:
It follows from this that asking why our last two presidents or anyone else seem reluctant to say Islamic terror. We should be asking why politicians are not saying publicly what SOS Clinton apparently said privately. In other words, why aren’t our leaders talking Wahhabist terror. I have a guess about the answer: profits from the sales of oil and arms. Although the editorial from which I pull this quote was written about the UK and not the US, I believe these words apply equally well to our leaders: “Our allies are up to their necks in complicity with terrorism, but as long as there is money to be made and weapons to sell, our rulers’ lips will remain stubbornly sealed.”
Keithellerby –
ISIS kills innocent people in the name of an ideology which seeks to force the entire world to submit to it. The meaning of the word “Islam” is submission and ISIS prefers to be called “The Islamic State”. What part of that do you empathize with please?
In what ways you empathize with ISIS? Would you also have empathize with Nazis?
Hi Alex, unfortunately the link you have given does not bring up the page. You can get to tpnn home page and it does look like a good site. I don’t know if you have another link to the article.
I can empathise with ISIS but I am still going to do everything I can to prevent them taking control of my country and imposing their vile Sharia law on me and my family. That includes not converting to Islam and taking actions to prevent them coming to power “legally”.
I also wrote about my personal experience with Islamic Religious Texts: