At War with Islam: How Paris Terror Attacks Ignited a Global Awakening
By Michael A.
On January 7, 2015, the office of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine known for publishing cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, was attacked by masked Muslim terrorists who ruthlessly murdered 10 journalists and 2 police officers at the heart of Paris, in broad day light. Two days later, on January 9, another Muslim terrorist, in conspiracy with Charlie Hebdo murderers, attacked Hyper Cacher Market, a Jewish grocery store in Paris, took the shoppers hostage and killed 4 people in cold blood. A day before, the same hostage taker had shot and killed a female police officer in the middle of the street. Eventually, Charlie Hebdo murderers and the super market hostage taker were killed simultaneously in synchronized police raids.
These atrocities shook the world to its core, but they are not isolated incidents, they belong in a long, bloody chain of Islamic terror that has spread across the world from the East to the West, they were not the first of their kind, and they won’t be the last. This is the grim reality, the terrible truth that the civilized world is condemned to live with, until and unless the entire humanity becomes united, rises up against Islam, and either reform this medieval barbaric religion and update it according to the 21st century standards or eradicate it altogether.
Studying the devoted, martyrdom seeking followers of this evil ideology reveals disturbing facts about them. Whether they were born Muslim or converted, and regardless of their age, sex, race and ethnicity, they have several things in common including:
– Psychopathic tendencies
– Criminal background
– Lack of proper education
– Financial stress
– Failure in social endeavors
Islam has the morbid potential to attract and draw loners, losers and rejects of the worst kind (i.e. paranoid sociopaths, petty criminals, sex offenders, etc.). It then gathers them under one umbrella, brain washes them and gives them a false idea of purpose and a bloated sense of self-importance and turns them into weapons and guides them to commit the most hideous crimes. Islam is the plague of human soul, a virus that thrives in filth and ignorance and feeds off of human misery.
In 2011, Syria succumbed into chaos of sectarian violence, and a brutal civil war turned this small Middle Eastern country into a hell hole, the breeding ground and a safe haven for Muslim terrorists who came from every corner of the world to wage Jihad, Islamic holy war under Islamic terrorist banners. Every Muslim loser who had failed in every aspect of civilized life found a cause to fight for and a place to associate with his kind, other failures and rejects. For example imagine Jack the Jihadist, a loner filled with anger and hatred and repressed desires who used to work as a shopping mall security guard somewhere in small town Britain, suddenly found himself in the lime light of Jihad with the prospect of sleeping with an underage girl who was abducted from her family and sold as a slave, beaten into submission and forced marriage.
Jack enjoys his stay in Syria, living a life of crime, rape for breakfast and murder for lunch. He then takes it to Facebook and Twitter, contacts other losers like himself and informs them of this ideal permanent vacation resort and invites them over. That’s how rats come pouring in and occupy a war torn country. They indulge themselves in murder, mayhem, sexual assault, drug use and property theft, and the only authority they feel obliged to respond to is Allah, their despicable, sinister and toxic God who in his holy book Koran constantly advocates animosity, hatred and violence and encourages and instructs his followers to kill, destroy and wreak havoc.
After a while, cruising the ravaged towns and villages of Syria is no longer enough for them, so they invade the neighboring country Iraq and turn it into a blood bath with severed heads of men, women and children on public display. Eventually, like junkies hooked on heroine, they become addicted to chaos and killing, and start making plans for wreaking havoc on the entire world and slaughtering innocent civilians on a global scale. Needless to say, they will never succeed in their evil endeavor, they will be humiliated, defeated and thrown to the trash can of history. Every innocent blood they spell will encourage and inspire thousands to unite and stand against them and their ideology.
On January 7, 2015, they attempted to silence Charlie Hebdo and failed miserably. On January 11, millions of people came to the streets of France to demonstrate their solidarity and unity and reject the Islamic tyranny with the loudest voice. On January 14, one week after the massacre, defiant Charlie Hebdo, published its “Survivors Issue” featuring a Muhammad caricature on the cover. It had sold out of most French newsstands within minutes, driving publishers to increase its print run from 3 million to 5 million to cope with the overwhelming demand. The magazine’s usual circulation is of 60,000 copies. In addition to French language, “Survivors Issue” became available in print and online in several foreign languages including English, Arabic and Turkish. Charlie Hebdo became the symbol of freedom and resistance.
The world is slowly waking up to atrocities and horrors of Islam, across Europe, nationalist parties are gaining power and thousands of people are coming together to make a stand against the Islamic terror. The road is long and treacherous, and war against Islam must be fought step by step and decisively. The first step is to push aside the politically correct, apologetic and misleading interpretation of Islam which corrupt politicians and the liberal mainstream media advocate. Instead, we must recognize, assert and reaffirm the explicit truth about this religion:
“Islam is not the religion of peace, it has never been. Since its inception in deserts of Arabia, it has been a weapon, a tool of terror and violence. This fact can be verified by studying 1,400 years of the history of Islam, its holy books and traditions of Prophet Muhammad who was, among other things, a barbaric war lord, a mentally deranged narcissist and a pedophile.”
The next step is to reform Islam and eradicate it from various aspects of social life, economy, politics, etc. Muslims have the right to practice their faith in privacy of their homes, but not in public. They shall not be allowed to dress in ancient Islamic tradition, and cannot make political decisions or economical transactions in accordance to the 6th century Islamic Sharia Law which has no place in the 21st century.
Around the world, people worship a variety of Gods, from snakes to cows and male penis. The question that which religion is more reasonable than the other is irrelevant. Religious belief is a fundamental human right, as long as it’s personal and private and causes no harm to others, but when it becomes political and militarized and turns into a weapon, it’s no longer acceptable and tolerable. Like followers of other religions, Muslims must keep their faith private and personal and accept the fact that the world has evolved , humanity has progressed and the clock cannot be taken back to the medieval times. This is a turning point in human history, either Islam will be reformed and updated to meet the needs and requirements of modern times and coexistence will be achieved, or war will continue to the bitter end.
To state that mass murdering terrorists are “faulty by design” ,imperfect or have fallen short, are gross understatements .You have trivialized their criminal actions and the plight of their victims.
“Chritianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, are all religions and none of them are to blame for what people do.. educate yourself.. instead of causing hatered, our planet has enough of it“.
This is a fallacy of false association in conjunction with an appeal to pity in order to redirect our criticisms away from the actual culprit:Islam.None of those religions are similar to Islam.The crimes muslims perpetrate to advance Islam is unique to that particular ideology only.We as non-muslim majority nations do not have the problems muslim nations face.Jihad,suicide bombings,terrorizing minorities,blasphemy laws,kidnapping school children,destroying secular or rival religious institutions are all endemic to Islam only.
Bare in mind,the perpetrators are not uneducated street thugs but devout muslims and are usually respected in their communities.
Michael, Your article is well researched and telling the truth. Unfortunately the world leaders and eminent muslims continue to lie that Islam is a not about hatred. Islam is a complete war machine. The minorities in Pakistan, Egypt and other “islamic” nations are considered by the world to be lesser humans!!!! When these minorities suffer gross injustice of abduction, rape, land grab,no justice or judicial help, false accusation of insult to “prophet” the world just does not take notice, leave alone making noise. When Jews are hated and murdered for ages no one sees the evil design by the people of the “prophet of peace”. The people of devil have influenced Hitler, Timothy McVeigh, and countless psychos and in modern days the evil terrorist organisations have given the incentive of “heightened fame ” in their hall of fame including the world theater with more than 5 billion people who are computer literate and well informed. These suicide killers are just stupid to believe that they will be received by god when entering eternity because they have been conned (just as Eve was conned) It is impossible for any to have this physical body away from this earth or into eternity. Jesus said we will all be like angels (Mattew 22:30) in eternity as there will be no marriages.But Islam teaches about 72 virgin being given to the muslims in eternity. It describe the physical pleasures in sordid detail. The muslims will say that this too is a lie. Search the net and you will find the truth.!!!!
Michael, well done… and keep it up!!!1
Darcy: on one hand you are correct: people are flawed – religions call the results of this sin. You are also correct to write ” religion is not at fault for peoples shorfalls”. Indeed, religions are supposed to provide guidance to correct such shortfalls.
On the other hand you are wrong: you write “Chritianity [sic], Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, are all religions and none of them are to blame for what people do…” That is not necessarily true.
To establish whether the religion is “at fault” for this or that behaviour you do indeed need to “educate yourself” as to the teachings of those various faiths and then you need to compare those teachings with the actions to which you refer.
If the actions are contrary to those teachings it is fair enough to declare the religion innocent, but if the actions are in agreement with the teachings then the religion is guilty of supporting those actions.
Islam (alone of all religions) legitimates the very worst of human behaviour (“flaws”) if these actions are directed at the “other” – i.e. non-Muslims.
The Koran directs and incites hatred of non-Muslims, the hadith have Mohammed and his companions killing and raping captives, Mohammed orders the murder of (at least some of) those who criticise him etc.
Don’t forget that Boko Haram, IS, al-Shabab etc. all quote the Koran, hadith and sharia law is support of their actions.
Thus the actions of these groups and the actions of the terrorists in France are in accord with the teachings of Islam and it is therefore the action of the ignorant, the liar or the deceiver to state that Islam is not “to blame for what people do”. On the contrary, the blame lies within Islam for legitimating such actions.
You fail to understand human beings.. we are by design not perfect, so before you start blaming peoples faith .. please consider us as faulty by design.. we therefore spend most of our lives to perfect ourselves.. religion is not at fault for peoples shorfalls.. Chritianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, are all religions and none of them are to blame for what people do.. educate yourself.. instead of causing hatered, our planet has enough of it..
Islam also attracts the wealthy: Osama bin Laden, the “underwear bomber” the two Doctors who tried to bomb Edinburgh airport.
So whilst “Islam has the morbid potential to attract and draw loners, losers and rejects of the worst kind (i.e. paranoid sociopaths, petty criminals, sex offenders, etc.)” it also attracts those from middle-class and upper-class backgrounds.
the idea that “Islamic extremism” aka orthodox Islam is only attractive to the “socially disadvantaged” and thus is not a reflection of “real Islam” which is a “religion of peace” is a trope used by those who wish to pretend that “[real] Islam is the solution” (as the Muslim Brotherhood say ad nauseum) rather than telling the truth that Islam is at least part of the problem.
The author errs greatly in limiting the appeal of orthodox Islam to “loners, losers and rejects”.
Orthodox Islam appeals to Muslims from all social and ethnic groups. Yes, it legitimates the worst kinds of behaviour and as such has a strong “pull” factor to those convicted of such offences; but all to often Western based terrorists of the “home grown” type are not poor, not loners and not social rejects.
Amongst examples is the classic of Briton Anjem “Andy” Choudhry. “Andy” Choudhry was a sex-and-alcohol loving party animal until he studied Islam and morphed into Hate-preacher Anjem Choudhry.
In the case of U.K. home-grown terrorists (the only ones I am qualified to speak about), most were well adjusted, westernised and (at least superficially) assimilated, but once they started to read the Koran and study the rest of the Islamic canon and understood what Islam truly says (and no doubt listened to Islamic preachers on the net) they became orthodoxised – i.e. real true believers and expressed their Islam in, as both Koran and hadith state, the highest deed possible by jihadi terror.
‘The first step is to push aside the politically correct, apologetic and misleading interpretation of Islam which corrupt politicians and the liberal mainstream media advocate. Instead, we must recognize, assert and reaffirm the explicit truth about this religion’
How, exactly? Name me one media outlet that isn’t liberal and politically correct? When did you see a documentary on TV that was remotely critical or analytical of Islam rather than sycophantic and hagiographical? On the BBC they did a documentary series about Christianity….hosted by a Muslim, Rageh Omar, who used to work for the BBC, did a little work for Al Jazeera. I’m sure a lot of Christians were angry and confused as to why they did that. Especially since the Qur’an is less than flattering about Christ and his message. Obviously the BBC revels in poking fun at Christianity; it’s an easy target. To further the point they showed a live performance of that infamous ‘Jerry Springer the Opera’. They have the nerve to pump out ‘Muslims are peaceful’ propaganda, while at the same time run in fear from these supposedly ‘peaceful’ people. Their own cowardice betrays the reality: Muslims are not peaceful. If they were, the BBC wouldn’t care about saying anything negative about Islam. Indeed, Muslims and Islam wouldn’t even be in the next news bulletin, like they so often are today.
Islamic scripture isn’t a secret; academia have been studying it for years, like any other text. I myself have a PDF Qur’an, with 4 translations for each verse. We have to stop assuming that to know Islam you have to be a Muslim; apparently any idiot can say what they like about the Bible, and yet to express an opinion on Islam you have be a card-carrying Muslim. Bullshit. The more we have atrocities like this, the more the civillised human being will awaken to this threat, and they won’t be relying on the traitorous, cowardly media they’re stuck with.