London Police covered up for Islamic terrorists is after a man who murmured a slur about Islam

In August 2014 the world was shocked to read that in Rotherham Uk, police, 1400 children were sexually abused and exploited by Muslim men since 1997 while the police deliberately looked the other way, ignored the complaints of the helpless victims and allowed the innocent children to be raped, for the fear of being called racist.
In this week the British newspapers accused the police of covering up a campaign of abuse, threats and violence aimed at Islamicizing an area of London.
Victims say that officers in the borough of Tower Hamlets ignored or downplayed outbreaks of hate crime, and suppressed evidence implicating Muslims in them, because they feared being accused of racism.
However, when a man riding a public bus murmured something disrespectful of Islam, the police got into action. They immediately published his picture asking the public to identify this man whose slur is deemed to be more dangerous than the rapes, grooming of children and violence perpetrated by the followers of the religion of peace.
The Telegraph and Argus writes
POLICE wish to speak to this man (right) after derogatory comments about Islam were made on a bus.
The incident, described as a public order offence by police, allegedly happened on the 576 Halifax to Bradford bus, between 10pm and 10.20pm on Thursday, January 8.The man is said to have got on the bus and sat directly behind an Asian man, before muttering his comments.
The suspect is described as white, aged 40 to 50, about 5ft 8ins tall, and was wearing a black woolly hat and black jacket that may have had a bit of red on it.
This is happening in UK, not Saudi Arabia, even though you may not know the difference anymore. Tax payers money is at work.
I hope bro ali sina ,and others will read Somalia the ignorant mullahs lied to us about everything.herse,s funny stuff that people might enjoy reading.please post this bro sina
*that SHAKA ZULU,the warrior chief of the Zulu,s was actually a muslim and that his reall name was SHAIKH zula, amuslim hero and an arab
*that sheakspeare,the enghlish playright and author was actually “SHAIKH SUBEYR.hA,HA,ha
*that MOSES was “black”,because his hand turned white when tested by pharaoh
*that the island of “hawai was discovered by muslims ofcourse and the name itself “hawai meant hawa meaning “air or life.
that it was ok to fondle mermaids, if fishermen ever cought any,it was ok to fondle with thebreats, upper part(that made her a woman)and only to eat the lower part(the fish part) .
that MJ,micheal Jordan was actually a secret muslim,but the kafirs didn’t want him to expose his new faith(islam)
*that micheal Jackson was burning in hell,and the rest like Madonna,iman and all would burn in hellfire.
yes am laughing hard too,no wonder my Somalis turned out all crazy and messed up
you think is BAd.ha,aha the crazy Somali mullahs tought us that incase a mermaid,yes a mermaid was cought ,you could fondle the breasts(the upper human part),and only eat the fish part.i swear am not lying.i was going to write bro ali sina about that
I can’t believe the police let these young girls become victims of sexual violence, why is something not done about this ?
The image of the well respected English- “Bobby ” is no more after seeing them -retreating in front of a muslim mob on video-this man -murmured ? what? immigration has ruined England and all the countries that has opened it’s borders to this scourge on humanity .
This country is Fucked, and I will Not be told different by Anyone!
We are an absolute laughing stock.
Let me know when he’s found, I’ll buy him a beer
So people in Europe are required by law not to say anything bad about a religion? Really?
Jon MC, Do you have a link to that article?
Sorry for that keithellerby. It is now fixed.
Sorry is your second link in this article broken as when clicking on it you end up back at this article.
The father of one of the Rotherham rape victims was arrested by the Police on a “public order offence” when he went to the house where his daughter was being raped to try to get her away from the Muslim rapists.
He wrote an article about the whole affair with the recurring theme
“but you mustn’t upset the Muslims”.
Which says it all.