Is Allah the Worst Communicator Ever? (David Wood)
In the Qur’an, Allah claims to be perfectly clear in his commands (see 6:114; 11:1; 12:1; 15:1; 16:89; 22:72; 24:1, 34, 46; 26:2; 27:1; 28:2; 36:69; 41:3; 57:9; 65:11; etc.). Yet when critics quote the Qur’an, many Muslims insist that Allah means something very different from what he says. This should cause us to wonder: Is Allah’s speech clear, or is it horribly unclear? Could Allah be the the worst communicator ever? In this video, David Wood discusses the problem
Muslims know very well what it says in the Koran, they lie to keep the truth from us. We have to inform everyone we can the truth about Islam and its teachings.
The problem is that Allah, like his prophet, is illiterate. That is why he can’t express himself correctly. Otherwise there is no doubt that he is a a compassionate and merciful god. He keeps saying it in every sura. Anything repeated often must be true.