Stereotyping Muslims
I am old enough to remember the good days of air travel when people actually enjoyed the experience. Those were the days when people dressed for the occasion and looked...
· by Mumin Salih · 23 Nov, 2015
I am old enough to remember the good days of air travel when people actually enjoyed the experience. Those were the days when people dressed for the occasion and looked...
· by Mumin Salih · 20 Nov, 2015
I was saddened and horrified by the attacks on Paris last Friday. I like France and the French, and Paris is my favorite city that is usually associated with culture,...
· by Mumin Salih · 9 Nov, 2015
Introduction The war that has been going on between the West and Islam is obvious to all except those Westerners who live in denial and refuse to believe their...
· by Mumin Salih · 30 Sep, 2015
Introduction The Quran describes Muslims as being nice to each other and harsh against the unbelievers (Q. 48:29 “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful...
· by Mumin Salih · 1 Sep, 2015
Experts in the UK expressed opinions suggesting that the Quran manuscript of Birmingham may be older than Mohammed. Historian Tom Holland, one of the most celebrated historians in the UK,...
· by Mumin Salih · 1 Sep, 2015
Most people in the civilized world must have noticed that individuals who convert to Islam, and the ‘Muslims by birth’ who suddenly turn religious, develop new tendencies, such as: *...
· by Mumin Salih · 2 Aug, 2015
The discovery of an old artefact is always a welcome addition to our knowledge since it boosts, or modifies, our understanding of history. From this perspective alone, the discovery of...
· by Mumin Salih · 2 Jul, 2015
Introduction Muslim scholars still claim that the Quran contains numerous scientific miracles. Many Muslim Arabs regard those claims as the most important reason why they accept Islam as the true...
· by Mumin Salih · 15 Jun, 2015
Introduction After 9/11, America discovered that most of the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia but pretended not to notice anything. Instead of punishing the Saudis, America attacked Afghanistan and then...
· by Mumin Salih · 7 May, 2015
Introduction Unlike the hadith collections, which were subjected to thorough scientific scrutiny by different scholars in different places and at different times, the Muslims never subjected the Quran to any...
· by Mumin Salih · 12 Apr, 2015
Introduction The black flag of the Islamic State has become a familiar sight to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The flag is not only associated with the Islamic State but with...
· by Mumin Salih · 9 Apr, 2015
Introduction It is common for Muslims scholars, or Muslims in general, to claim that Islam equally recognizes all prophets of the Abrahamic religions without making any distinction between them. They...
· by Mumin Salih · 2 Apr, 2015
Introduction Throughout the Islamic history there have been people who were better off with Islam, or even owe their living to it, but most Muslims would do better without their...
· by Mumin Salih · 25 Mar, 2015
Introduction Recently, Dr. Ali Gom’a, the former grand mufti of Egypt, argued that the issue of adult breast feeding was treated unfairly by the media(1). He described Dr. Izzat Atiyya’s...
· by Mumin Salih · 17 Mar, 2015
The influence of the main stream media (MSM) on public opinion cannot be underestimated. In most cases, public opinions are mere reflections of what the public read in the papers,...
· by Mumin Salih · 11 Mar, 2015
Introductory background As the Islamization of the Arab World, which kicked off in the 1970s, gathered speed, Arabs were re-educated in a new brand of Islam and a new matching...
· by Mumin Salih · 3 Mar, 2015
A few days ago, some Islamic State thugs stormed a museum in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul and destroyed its treasures. This action is not peculiar to the Islamic...
· by Mumin Salih · 27 Feb, 2015
The Western main stream media is sleep walking towards a speedy Islamization of their societies. Many journalists voluntarily chose to do the Islamists’ dirty jobs for them. Many Western journalists...
· by Mumin Salih · 24 Feb, 2015
Have you ever wondered what does the name of the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram actually means? It literally means: books (boko) are forbidden (haram), in other words: all un-Islamic...
· by Mumin Salih · 9 Feb, 2015
There are indications that atheism is on the rise in the Arab world. This rise is alarming enough to force many Arabic TV channels to admit it and discuss it...
· by Mumin Salih · 24 Nov, 2013
11/24/2013 Premise: The Quran is such a good book and is free from errors Conclusion: I conclude it is from Allah Introduction The above short statement helps to explain why...
· by Mumin Salih · 29 Oct, 2013
Mumin Salih As we know, the Islamic Khilafa ended by the collapse of the Ottoman empire in 1924. Not many Muslims at the time mourned the death of the Khilafa,...
· by Mumin Salih · 17 Oct, 2013
10/17/2013 The Deluded Muslims The great Egyptian Muslim reformer, Muhammed Abdu (1849-1905), made a famous comparison between France, where he spent sometime of his life, and Egypt. He said: “In...
· by Mumin Salih · 30 Sep, 2013
Simon Hughes case was not an isolated incident, it is increasingly common to see politicians who are prepared to bend over backwards to accommodate the endless list of Muslims’ demands. It is a bad sign and unfortunate that an increasing number of those who join the political parties are ‘career politicians’, who are only motivated by their wish to make good living at any cost. They are keen to win the elections, not to serve their country, but to acquire power and financial gains.
· by Mumin Salih · 11 Sep, 2013
9/11/2013 Introductory Background Note: This article looks at Jesus from the Islamic perspective. Therefore, and for the sake of arguments, Allah will be considered as God, which is believed by...
· by Mumin Salih · 29 Aug, 2013
8/28/2013 Introductory Background What is happening in Syria is not a revolution against the Assad regime, it is an invasion of the country. From the beginning, the Islamist rebels were...
· by Mumin Salih · 26 Aug, 2013
8/26/2013 …whoever kills a person, it is as if he had killed all mankind. And whoever saves one it is as if he had saved all mankind… Introductory Background This...
· by Mumin Salih · 20 Aug, 2013
8/20/2013 The Egyptian people made the call loud and clear Egypt is making history again. The events taking place in that country are of extra ordinary significance. The events, which...
· by Mumin Salih · 9 Aug, 2013
8/8/2013 Introductory Remarks The history of Religion is probably parallel to the history of man; they came to existence together and may disappear together. As humans became more sophisticated, they...
· by Mumin Salih · 2 Aug, 2013
Abu Sufyan was a careful leader. He knew what was on stake and how rich the caravan was. His strategy was to send spies to explore the roads ahead and screen them for gangs who might be tempted to raid the caravan. Indeed, the news came that there was a huge gang, an army in fact, under the command of Mohammed, waiting to ambush the caravan at the place called Badr. Abu Sufyan diverted the caravan to an alternative route that went towards Yanbu’, at the red sea coast. At the same time, he sent to Mecca to alert them that Mohammed and his gang were planning to ambush the caravan.
The Battle
· by Mumin Salih · 30 Jul, 2013
“The house has a god committed to its protection” – Abdul Muttalib
· by Mumin Salih · 19 Jul, 2013
Being itself a collection of myths, it comes as a no surprise that the Quran endorses various kinds of of myths and folk tales. The existence of Jinn, Angels, the Jinx, the belief in magic and the random interpretation of dreams are only some of those fables endorsed by the Quran.
· by Mumin Salih · 5 Jul, 2013
7/4/2013 I can not be the only one who feels that we live in a very special time of human history. Our generation came to existence as the human civilization...
· by Mumin Salih · 27 Sep, 2012
With such a complexity, probably Mohammed himself would have trouble in telling which of those women would be included under wives, right hand possessions or offered to him and what would be the grand total of his true wives.
· by Mumin Salih · 11 Sep, 2012
Reflecting on that Islamic story, whoever that stranger was, he was impolite and disrespectful, hardly an angel at all.
· by Mumin Salih · 4 Sep, 2012
It is not advisable to question the authenticity of the Quran with Muslims unless you are sure of their relative tolerance
· by Mumin Salih · 28 Aug, 2012
With the changing times and the inevitable changes in life style and circumstances, Muslims encounter new problems that never existed in Mohammed’s time.
· by Mumin Salih · 20 Feb, 2012
Choosing between Sunni or Shia is like choosing between the idiot and the fool; both sects come from the same cult called Islam.
· by Mumin Salih · 14 May, 2011
Although Muslims spend their lives reading about Islam but they never read it with objectivity.
· by Mumin Salih · 17 Feb, 2009
Contrary to what most people think, hijab is a fairly recent innovation in Muslims’ societies; it started gaining popularity only in the 1990s.
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