Islam and the Giant Squid analogy

The existence of Islam and free speech at the same time is an oxymoron. There is no such dual presence. It is Islam that needs to change, not our right to practice free speech. It is Muslims who need to pass the bridge of civility of the river Tame from the shores of Barbarity Island to the shores of Humans continent.
Ra’if Badawi is a human rights activist in Saudi Arabia. He has been unjustly imprisoned and was lashed 50 times the last few days as part of a punishment for him because he wants to live in a better world where the barbarity of Islam is no more. Make no mistake about it: Islam fears freedom. Islam fears truth. Uncovering the truth about Muhammad can be easily discovered from the Qur’an and the hadith; both reliable sources for Islam since its inception. Islam’s ugliness in the Qur’an and the hadith can be seen through its Shari’a laws: cutting of hands for robbers, and killing of apostates, and flogging those who do not ascribe to Islam like Mr. Badawi. Islam is ugly. Beheadings is its main recipe. Muhammad’s ugliness can be seen in his life examples. He had about two soccer teams of women as his wives and concubines. he married a six years old girl, thus establishing pedophilia as the norm in Islam. He lusted after and married his daughter-in-law Zaynab bint Jahsh. He committed genocide against Bani Qurayza annihilating them in one day. To top his crime of genocide, he raped one of the Qurayza women the same night; the young woman he raped was Rayhana. The ugliness of Islam and the ugliness of Muhammad go hand in hand.
The video below is an analogy of Islam to a giant squid that many try to ignore
In my mind Islam is not a religion, it is a”Cult!”
I’m even afraid to give my name now because I might get killed!
Maybe now, or very soon, all people who oppose muslims will be killed everywhere in the world!
Mark my words!