Charlie Hebdo Assassinations – Islamic Terror to Intimidate
B Kisan
The recent assassination of the Charlie Hebdo Cartoonists and staff in their central Paris offices by al Qaeda linked Jihadists is completely in line with how Muslims have learnt to deal with critics of their religions founder as his actions regarding dealing with blasphemers are documented in the Hadith and Sira.
For example, Asma Bint Marwan (a female critic who lampooned Muhammad) was murdered whilst asleep with her small children to the approval of Islam’s founder and many others too were killed similarly it is the Sharia punishment of death for criticism or lampooning of Islam’s founder under all fiqh schools in Islam.
After the slaughter of Asma Bint Marwan were said to have ‘seen the power of Islam’ and to have accepted Islam. This was the pattern of acceptance of Islam throughout the Pagan Arab Peninsula where Quran 9:5 mandated the killing or conversion of the Pagans to Islam and this was implemented by Muhammad’s followers.
As Machiavelli says in his book the Prince about whether it is better to be loved or feared and concludes that fear is preferable the Islamic religions founder found that warfare, coercion and terrorisation of populations was by far the most effective means of expanding the religion of Islam.
“i have been made victorious with terror” he is recorded as bragging and in this case he wasn’t exaggerating.
The terrorism was effective and efficient and remained the core methodology of Islam enforcing its writ on the world through Jihad.
In response to this threat, cowards, appeasers and the ignorant naturally comply with Islamic blasphemy laws through fear which is the first stage of creating an environment of intimidation where Islam can spread without the disturbance of criticism, ridicule and opposition.
India is a nation that knows the ‘power of Islam’ all too well through its historical experiences and the impulse to cringe, cower and appease is ingrained in most there.
In Delhi is the famous Qutab Minar, symbol of Islamic dominance, next to the ‘Qawwat al Islam’ Mosque, the ‘might of Islam’ mosque. with material from 27 destroyed Temples incorporated into it. This was architecture meant to show the terrorising might of Islamic jihad and set the stage for Islamic supremacism, overlordship and dominance.
If suffered to live at all without conversion, the non-Muslims were to pay the jizya (humiliation second-class citizen) tax and be made to live in abjection. They were called Dhimmis, or ‘protected’ minorities, a protection in the mafiosa sense, pay for protection (from Muslims) or be killed by them.
Islam in this unequal scenario it sets up allows itself the right to preach to and convert non-Muslims, but will kill any who leave it under apostasy laws. Anyone who criticises it and in particular its founder and role model will be similarly face execution. On this unlevel playing field Islam will slowly gain followers until other religions are wiped out and Islam dominates over all other religions as per Quran 9:33.
In India the Hindus have learnt that criticism of Islam’s founder is beyond the pale, particularly anything involving images or cartoons.
There is a law, 295 in the Indian penal code, that criminalises blasphemy. This law came about in the English era in response to the assassination of a critic of the Islamic ‘prophet’ using the incriminating and embarrassing material that appears in the Islamic sources themselves. A person who was distributing a book ‘Rangeela Rasool’ or Colorful Prophet was assassinated in a similar way to the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, and subsequently this law came into being to placate Muslim demands.
It is still used to placate Muslim complaints and threats of violence in the modern era too. The current bunch of India’s leaders are compliant with this blasphemy code too. The Islam critical website is blocked by Indian Government internet providers on police advice for hosting the movie on the life of Muhammad by Imran Firasat.
The Indians have learnt appeasement, cowering and censorship in fear of Islamic violence and they even think it is a clever and mature policy that others need to learn. As the media talking head and former star policewoman Kiran Bedi recently tweeted advice to the French and others in the wake of the Charlie Hedbo assassinations:
Kiran Bedi
Verified account
France Terror-Shoot-Out sends a message: why deliberately provoke or poke? Be respectful and civil. Don’t hurt people’s sensitivities!
Censorship of Islam’s founder is now becoming ingrained in the West too. In the wake of the Salman Rushdie affair, Cartoon riots and killings etc a self-censorship is becoming the norm in media outlets and video sharing websites.
Imran Firasat’s movie on Muhammad, although an accurate and well-documented production was removed from all of the major video sharing websites like youtube, live leak, vimeo etc.
This slaughter of the Charlie Hedbo cartoonists and staff will only reinforce this tendency of censorship that is growing in scope, in spite of some token comments about upholding ‘free speech’ a self-censorship in regards to Islamic sensitivities already is largely in place.
Without the right to criticise, ridicule, lampoon, blaspheme Islamic taboos and its founder a major
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