After the Paris Attacks, Business as Usual
I was saddened and horrified by the attacks on Paris last Friday. I like France and the French, and Paris is my favorite city that is usually associated with culture, love and romance. It was heartbreaking to follow the events as the bad news got worse by the hour. Most of us were angered and saddened but certainly not surprised, knowing the kind of enemy we face. The Friday attacks were the deadliest on France so far. In a way, they were French equivalent for 9/11. Like many others, I knew it was only a matter of time when bad things start to happen to our world. I am afraid that things can, and will, get worse unless we do something to stop them. I come from an Islamic background and know what is in the hearts and minds of Muslims. The amount of hate in the hearts of some Muslims, once released, can produce enough energy to destroy the world.
Did we learn anything from the 9/11 attacks? Did the French learn anything from the Charlie Hebdo attacks? I don’t think so. Those were real massacres that required real actions. Charlie Hebdo was not only a massacre of journalists but an attack on the cherished value of free speech as well. The French reaction was to pose to camera’s holding pens, which the media described as an act of defiance. I don’t think any terrorist gave up their arms or lost sleep because of that kind of defiance. On the contrary, it was the magazine that surrendered when it vowed never to print cartoons about Mohammed again.
Knowing the prevailing culture of defeatism in the West, I didn’t hold my breath for a powerful response. In the aftermath, the headlines were designed to keep the public satisfied, without hurting the Muslims feelings, which has become a regular and predictable pattern. Browsing through the British news sites has become a depressing activity. I knew nothing has changed and no lessons were learned. To make sure I wasn’t overreacting, I looked for the usual story about ‘the hero Muslim who …’ and I wasn’t disappointed, there was one. I also found the one highlighting certain Muslims’ condemnation of the attacks and expressing fears from a backlash. The shameless British media never changes, their only concern is to project Muslims in good light, even in times of disasters caused by Muslims.
The only people who seemed to have been surprised by the Paris attacks are our politicians and their powerful arm, the main stream media. If ordinary citizens can get their predictions right why can’t the politicians? The western politicians are selfish people who are interested only in holding office, not serving their nations. They see the real world but ignore it which is why they always get it wrong. Most of the terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attacks were from the gulf states, in particular Saudi Arabia, which converted tens of millions of Muslims to wahhabism, which is the true (radical) form of Islam. Those terrorists were acting on behalf of Muslims for the sake of Allah. The logical course of action was to address the problem posed by Saudi Arabia and Islam in the West. Yet America ignored the reality and directed its attention to Afghanistan. The Muslims who committed the Friday atrocities in Paris were not Syrians but Europeans who were radicalized by an Islamic system that was blessed (and often funded) by the European governments. Bombing ISIS is the easy option for the leaders and has only symbolic value. It is designed to mask the politicians’ weakness and inability to face the real enemy and deal with it, the enemy in their midst.
It is unlikely that the bombing campaign in Syria will eradicate ISIS. Even if it did, that is not the solution because ISIS is not the problem. Three years ago we didn’t have ISIS but we had big problems with Islamic terrorism in Syria and all over the world. ISIS happened to be the organization most active today, just as Al-Qa’eda was after 9/11. Last year, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government produced a list of banned Islamic terrorist organizations, and on its list were over seventy organizations! There were more evil entities as such, but the UAE didn’t consider them as terrorists and didn’t ban them. Eradicating an organization like Al Qa’eda or ISIS is like trimming small branches of a tree; the tree may even grow larger as long as the roots are healthy. Syria is swamped with other Islamic terrorist groups, some of which are funded by the United States, and some other groups are funded by the Gulf states.
The root of the problem was never ISIS, Jihadi John, Al Qaeda or any terrorist organization. The roots are in Islam, the ideology behind all of the aforementioned. Islam must be named and shamed and defeated, otherwise we will be defeated. It is our destiny to live at a crucial point in history and it is our duty to make the right decisions. There has never been a clearer enemy, but our leaders fail to see it. It is ironic that the West, which is at the peak of its power, finds itself against the Muslims, who are some of the least developed people in the world, and completely dependent on the West, in this battle for survival. This may look like an easy win for the West, but it may not be, not when the West sides with its enemy. Power, military muscle and influence are like weapons. Even the most lethal of them will become useless in the absence of the well to use them.
Europe is sick and the disease was left for too long. It is a disease in its advanced stages, such that even stopping the Muslim’s immigration completely (which is near impossible) may not help. There are already enough of them to bring down Europe. Also, it is not practical to deport all of them because many are indigenous white converts. The outlook is gloomy, Europe seems to be doomed, and the rest of the Western world may not be far behind.
Europe as we know it is coming to its end. This was bound to happen, with or without Islam, because of serious flaws in its culture. Islam’s role has been to speed up the process, it is encircling its prey waiting for the right moment to jump at it. There is no hope from a nation that welcomes its invaders with open arms and concerts singing “take my country, its yours”. If you told this to anyone forty years ago they wouldn’t believe it or understand it. It is sad that the majority of Europeans opted for suicide but we are doing our best to stop them from doing so. You can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink. Europe is a rich culture that is worth defending and keeping in safe hands. We don’t want the best civilization to be replaced by the worst. While we cannot get rid of Muslims or reform Islam, it might be possible to reform Muslims.
Reforming Muslims is different from reforming Islam, and easier, but requires courage and political determination. We must have the backbone to abolish the PC culture regarding Islam. The religion must be discussed objectively and openly with no restriction on criticism. Intellectuals with critical views about Islam must be allowed to air their views without any intimidation. Former Muslims should be encouraged to participate in such debates; those who left Islam are the ones who know it best. So far, the only people who are allowed to speak about Islam are the imams and Muslim leaders, and their lies go unnoticed and unchallenged. Muslim groups, Imams and other Muslim organizations should be stripped off their powers. Governments should keep a close eye on mosques, and all Friday sermons should be officially approved, just like the Arab governments have been doing all the time. The truth of Islam must be told, which is exactly what we are doing on this site albeit on a small scale. Muslims are ordinary humans who have been conditioned to believe a big lie that has been told to them again and again. They believe Mohammed was a prophet but they don’t know his dark history because it has been brushed away by their scholars to hide the truth. They believed their scholars’ claims that the Quran, which teaches ignorance, has scientific miracles. There are millions of Muslims who would happily denounce their religion once they discover the truth. There are millions of other Muslims who are in Islam only because they find comfort in numbers. Their reason is that all those millions of Muslims can’t be wrong. They too will leave as they see their fellows in faith leaving. Naturally, some Muslims will cling to their religion until their last breath. They are too weak, or too scared to open their eyes. Such Muslims will be a minority, and when Muslims are a minority they become harmless and respectful to others.
Reading through the comments on the various threads i am just staring to wonder if this blog is being hijacked by Pro Christian fundamentalists. While Islam is the worst of all the organized faiths at this time in human history i simply see all other faiths as being the same dumb ideologies with not a shred of hard evidence to support their myths. Even a casual look at Egyptian and Greek Mythology should suggest to the open minded logical thinker where the core of Christian beliefs come from. And believe it or not the followers of Jesus have about as much or more blood of the innocents on their hands as Muslims throughout recorded history. Hmm i wonder which book were they following than.”Walla the Bible” . We all hate Islam and what it stands for but lets not drop to their level by saying one religion is better than another because it simply is not and that is exactly what Muslims well at least most of them do and thus the barbarism. In their warped mind their faith is so good that it has to be imposed on all of us by love or force.
To Richard, I did strive to be fair and don’t all blame the Muslims in the city I live in or other cities I visit for the vicious and brutal actions of militant Muslim that do engage in the violent jihad of Islam. Many times ,if they seen willing , I do give them an invitation to sit down with me and find out from the Bible what it really teaches about the nature of Jesus, as in First John 2:22,23 and the teachings Of Jesus ,as in John 14:6. So don’t think don’t care about people who are Muslims.
Do you think that St Silouan lacked compassion for the vicitms of militant atheism? Remember that those words were written at a time when his Russian church was going through Stalin’s holocaust and many were being murdered at the hands of the atheists. The two instances of compassion are not mutually exclusive.
Re the old testament – here is another commentary on St Isaac:
St Isaac claims, one should not interpret literally those Old Testament texts where the terms wrath, anger, hatred and others are used of the Creator. If such anthropomorphic terms occur in Scripture, they are used in a figurative sense, for God never does anything out of wrath, anger or hatred: everything of that sort is far removed from His Nature. We should not read everything literally as it is written, but rather see within the bodily exterior of the Old Testament narratives the hidden providence and eternal knowledge of God. ‘Fear God out of love for Him, and not for the reputation of austerity that has been attributed to Him’
Remember Jesus said “Father forgive them – they know not what they do.”
If we cannot stretch to that level of compassion then that is our weakness.
I do not feel the need to forgive the ideology (Islam) that led Abaaoud to his evil deeds – but ultimately he is another victim of that ideology.
The problem is that so many western leaders are prepared to forgive the ideology.
To Richard, we had gone over this ,somewhat, before..To state things in another way. what you put down about having “a merciful heart ” I can keyboard that I do have a merciful heart in the sense that I give much sympathy and empathy to the people who were victims of those demonic jihad attacks in Paris. As the that Islamic fiend and mastermind of those Islamic terror attacks, that character is where of put a limit on compassion. My compassion is for the victims of those jihad terror attack in Paris. How about telling all the fathers and mothers of the sons and daughter who were murdered that night that I should feel sorry for that jihadist mastermind ? Think about that ! So as that jihadist villain and mastermind, Abaaoud. Let his name rot. For the Bible teaches “the name of the wicked will rot.” Proverbs 10:7. [N.K.J.V.]
Re Abaaoud
We must not fall into the same error – here is a story of St Silouan:
‘It was particularly characteristic of Staretz Silouan to pray for the dead suffering in the hell of separation from God’, writes Fr Sophrony, and he goes on to recall an exchange that he overheard between the Starets and a somewhat dour hermit:
I remember a conversation between him and a certain hermit, who declared with evident satisfaction, ‘God will punish all atheists. They will burn in everlasting fire.’
Obviously upset, The Staretz said:
‘Tell me, supposing you went to paradise and there looked down and saw somebody burning in hell-fire – would you feel happy?’
‘It can’t be helped. It would be their own fault,’ said the hermit.
The Staretz answered him with a sorrowful countenance:
‘Love could not bear that,’ he said. ‘We must pray for all’
and here is a famous passage from St Isaac the Syrian – a contemporary of Mohammed (What a difference!)
What is a merciful heart? It is a heart on fire for the whole of creation, for humanity, for the birds, for the animals, for demons, and for every created thing. At the recollection and at the sight of them such a person’s eyes overflow with tears owing to the vehemence of the compassion which grips his heart; as a result of his deep mercy his heart shrinks and cannot bear to hear or look on any injury or the slightest suffering of anything in creation. This is why he constantly offers up prayer full of tears, even for the irrational animals and for enemies of truth, even for those who harm him, so that they may be protected and find mercy.
After those brutal malicious and murderous jihad attacks that Friday night on November 13, 2015 it’s a very good this ,after a period or mourning, for the people of Paris and all of France to move on with their lives,as in to keep on living their own lives and not be afraid and go different places and do different things because of fear of future Islamic terror attacks. For to live in fear would make the jihadist enemy happy. Furthermore, it also should be added that the jihadist chief and mastermind Abaaoud, of those heinously evil jihad terror attacks that was so malice-filled , vicious sand murderous in which all those people died in different parts of the the city of Paris that it was reported that he had said “It is nice to see the blood of infidels.” The he was actually glad is that awful disaster in Paris only showed his ruthless, heartless and demonic Islamic mindset. As for that hideous way of thinking as to be glad at the calamity of all those people in Paris, is an affront to all that is good and right. Nevertheless, it came back on Abaaoud that very same week and came back down on him hard. For before the very next Friday came he in died in violence. For the Bible teaches “He who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 17:5. [N.K.J.V.] In addition, Abaaoud had found out the hard way that he was taught and believed in total falsehoods from the Koran about a houris, filled paradise for the jihadist “martyr.” For he had a very harsh reality check after he died. As to not find himself in any kind of “a paradise” but instead he found himself trapped ad a terrible place of suffering in fire that the Bible calls hell. It’s now too late for him to repent for the evils ways and there is no hope for him now at all. As harsh as this seem so some its still the Bible’s truth. Another way to look at it is that Abaaoud was very happy when all those people dies in Paris. He is not happy now.
Muslim hordes are conquering Europe with sex, while European men are just watching.
Thought-provoking article, and I particularly agree that those afflicted of them need to have courage and political determination to rid themselves of the PC and multiculturalism mindset.
Sadly PC and the perversion of multiculturalism have been introjected by so many, the media spreads them, and all our schools teach them, and our police forces are frozen and immobile in the face of infringements of them which require them to be mindful rather than following them blindly.
Perhaps the answer is to name, as often as is necessary, the ways in which PC and multiculturalism have failed us all, how our politicians and religious leaders have misinterpreted them so that Islam, in the parasitic way it always has, is using them to keep its promise to force us to destroy ourselves by our own miserable hands.
But nowhere is it written that we have to go gentle in to that good night. We owe to it our children and grandchildren and all future generations to stand up and speak out, yell if needs be, until we are heard.
@commoner I agree with what your write about knee jerk reactions and short-term focused foreign policy
@Commoner ” what angers me is the same shock and outrage was never on display by the West when Mumbai was attacked in 2008.”
agreed – not to mention Beslanwhich also failed to provoke a proportionate response inthe West
A most well reasoned argument. One that is unencumbered by political correctness. Thanks for the refreshingly honest essay.
Whule I totally condemn Paris attacks, earlier London ànd Madrid attacks what angers me is the same shock and outrage was never on display by the West when Mumbai was attacked in 2008. As if the 200+ people that died on 26/11 didnt matter.
West has to abandon this duplicity and move away from its knee jerk and shor term focussed foreign policy. America knows where most of the Islamic Terrorists come from but still shamelessly mention these countries as its ally on war on terror. What an irony