196 postsAli Sina is the author of Understanding Muhammad and Muslims. His forthcoming books are: The Untide Nations: United in Oppression; Holy War, Unholy Peace: Why the Israel-Palestine Conflict Defies Resolution; The Demographic Time Bomb: Immigration, Islam, and the West; The Most Influential Man in History: How Muhammad Changed the World; The Life of Muhammad: A Comprehensive Biography of the Prophet.View Posts →47 postsJon MC is a retired Chemist, Physicist and teacher (not necessarily in that order) who still has professional commitments. His interest in Islam was kindled when he met some "radical Muslims up close and personal" and he has studied the foundational texts of Islam ever since. He writes under a nomme de plume in order to keep his professional life and views separate.View Posts →36 postsEric Allen Bell is a writer, filmmaker and Media Consultant, presently living in New York, NY. While making a documentary about the construction of a 53,000 square foot mega mosque in Murfreesboro, TN he attempted to expose “Islamophobia”. Once he stated that Islam was the biggest threat to human rights in the world today, he was banned from the writing Daily Kos and MichaelMoore.com, after LoonWatch.com created a petition to silence him. His article, “The High Price of Telling the Truth About Islam” has been widely circulated and has caused several Liberals to rethink how they look at the Religion of Peace. CHECK OUT MY BLOG AT: http://www.EricAllenBell.comView Posts →21 postsSujit Das lives in Mumbai (India). He is the author of several articles critical of Islam and two books "Islam Dismantled: The Mental Illness of Prophet Muhammad" and "The Allah Delusion". He can be contacted at [email protected]View Posts →19 postsECAW is an Englishman who started looking into Islam after the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby in 2013....and the more he looked the worse it got. He blogs at ecawblogView Posts →9 postsThe writer, a Shillman-Ginsburg Fellow at the Middle East Forum and recipient of the 2013 National Jewish Book Award, is the author of fifteen books, including Women and Madness, Woman's Inhumanity to Woman, and The New Anti-Semitism. She has published three studies about honor killing and is at work on a fourth. Her latest book is An American Bride in Kabul, (Palgrave Macmillan). Professor Chesler may be reached at her website www.phyllis-chesler.comView Posts →4 postsAndrew G. Bostom is the author of The Legacy of Jihad (Prometheus, 2005) and The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism ” (Prometheus, November, 2008). You can contact Dr. Bostom at info[@]andrewbostom.orgView Posts →3 postsMartel Sobieskey has 35 years research experience in the field of religious conditioning and its relationship to warfare. He is greatly alarmed that American politicians, educators, journalists, intelligence analysts, security personnel and police have failed to comprehend the deeply entrenched Jihadist conditioning inherent in all of Islam, moderates included.View Posts →3 postsHoward Kainz is emeritus professor of philosophy at Marquette University. His most recent publications include Natural Law: an Introduction and Reexamination (2004), Five Metaphysical Paradoxes (The 2006 Marquette Aquinas Lecture), The Philosophy of Human Nature (2008), and The Existence of God and the Faith-Instinct (2010).View Posts →2 postsDr. Sami Alrabaa, an ex-Muslim, is a professor of Sociology and an Arab-Muslim culture specialist. He has taught at Kuwait University, King Saud University, and Michigan State University. He also writes for the Jerusalem Post and is the author of the book: “Veiled Atrocities”, published by Prometheus, New York 2010 .View Posts →1 postsLarry Kelley is an author and political commentator. His work has appeared in Piedmont Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, Human Events, and Townhall Magazine. TOWNHALL DAILY: Be the first to read Larry Kelly's column. Sign up today and receive Townhall.com daily lineup delivered each morning to your inbox.View Posts →1 posts“Howard Pond, like most people in the West, paid little attention to Islam, Sharia, or the Koran prior to 9/11. Only after that transformative moment did he start searching for an explanation as to how these assassins could be so confused as to the “peaceful” teachings of one of the World’s great religions. Upon investigation he discovered that the better the follower of Islam might be, the more toxic that person is to a society which honors individual freedoms.View Posts →
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