The Worst Crimes Against Humanity
What are the worst crimes against Humanity?
- Female child marriages with adult males
- Stoning of women and men
- Rape
- Taking females captive and raping them
- Slavery of men, women, and children
- Beheadings
- Murder
- Female genital mutilation
- Inequality among men and women
- Inequality between white and black people
- No freedom of religion
- No freedom of speech
- No right to question
- Division of humanity based on religion
- Hatred towards others
- Burning people
- Eternal punishment
- Taxation based on religion
All the above are 100% clearly advocated by the Quran and Hadiths.
All these are done by Christians and Muslims only
Mr. Ali Sina you are doing wonderful work. Your work is an eye opener. Your efforts will never go waste. People will understand you.
Astonishing matter is, world’s over a billion Muslims think ( and consider) all of the above 18 crimes against humanity the perfectly correct as well as the most appropriate things to do in day-to-day life.
World’s over a billion Muslims think all of the above 18 crimes against humanity should be officially instituted in every non-Muslim-majority country!