Deadly Devotion and the Doom of the Western Civilization

The other day I saw a documentary on Youtube, titled Deadly Devotion. It was the real life story of Kim Anderson, a woman who grew up as a Jehovah Witness and never questioned her faith. She married another devout Jehovah Witness Jim Kostelniuk and together they had a son and a daughter.
Like all Jehovah’s Witnesses, Kim and Jim were expecting the end of the word and the return of Christ by 1975. Many believers sold their properties, farmers stopped farming, young people stopped pursuing their studies and most devotees sold their houses. The end of the world was eminent.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the headquarter of Jehovah’s Witnesses, has made a series of predictions about Christ’s Second Coming and the advent of God’s Kingdom, each of which has gone unfulfilled. Amongst them are 1878, 1881, 1914, 1918 and 1925 and finally 1975. Each time, when these prophecies did not materialize, many believers left the church. But many more stayed.
When 1975 came and went and nothing happened, Jim started having doubts. “If the Church was wrong on this crucial point, on how many other things they could be wrong?” he asked. But Kim, like a true believer, did not allow facts destroy her faith. And since she could no longer live with an apostate, she received permission from the elders of the church to divorce him.
Jehovah’s Witnesses share a lot with Islam. Among them is the fact that a divorced woman has no respect in the society. Kim’s friends shunned her. She had no friends and no life outside the church. Like Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses are discouraged to take unbelievers as friends. The only way for her to regain her status was to find another husband. Finally, she was introduced to another Jehovah’s Witness and she married him.
Like Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t date, unless with a chaperon. As the result they can only know the person they marry superficially.
Kim’s second husband proved to be a psychopath. She came to realize her bad decision in the wedding day. As time passed her new husband became more abusive and having also grown up as a Jehovah’s Witness he knew that women are expected to serve their husband and used that to control her.
Finally, Kim decided to report to the elders and asked permission to divorce her abusive husband. But, like in Islam, although the husband’s apostasy is ground for mandatory divorce, marital abuse is not. To her dismay, the elders took the man’s side and ordered her to be obedient to her husband.
Betrayed by the elders, she finally came to her senses and realized they don’t speak for God. She summoned her courage and escaped, taking her children with herself. Her abusive husband found her, stalked her, and one day he forced his way into her house and shot the three of them dead.
The story of Kim Anderson is heart wrenching. But it would be a mistake to think this kind of blind devotion is reserved for religious people. The irreligious people can be, if not more, at least just as fanatical in their beliefs as many religious people.
Yesterday, Muslim gunmen massacred 127 innocent Parisians without any provocation. They did it because that is what their prophet ordered them to do. Muslims are promised paradise if they kill unbelievers. Since 9/11/2001 more than 27000 cases of terrorism has been compiled by website. That is five terrorist attacks every day for 14 consecutive years. But Islamic terrorism did not start in 9/11. It started in the year 624 soon after Muhammad migrated to Medina. According to one source, in the last 14 centuries, 280,000,000 people have been killed by Muslims. This does not count the number of Muslims killed by each other.
Killing is part of Islam. The Quran (2:216) says, “Fighting is prescribed for you, and you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you.” There are hundreds of verses that exhort Muslims to kill. Those who believe in Islam have no choice but to kill. If they don’t they are called hypocrites.
As Muslims kept killing anyone who was not Muslim, Arabs feared them and many converted nominally to stay safe. The population of al-Zarrar, a village to the north of Medina, built a mosque and claimed to be Muslim in the hope that their lives and their families would be spared. Muhammad’s companions told him that these people were hypocrites and that they did not really believe in him. He ordered them to burn their mosque with the worshipers inside.
Although the historians don’t say why the Muslims of al Zarrar were accused of opposing Muhammad and deserving of being burned alive, we can assume that they were reluctant to take part in jihad and might have murmured how can God order the believers to ambush and massacre unarmed men, steal their belongings and rape their women. Even though Arabs have never been distinguished for their high morality, it is natural, at least for those whose conscience is not completely destroyed, to know killing, raping and stealing are not godly.
Right after the death of Muhammad, while his cadaver was not yet buried, Muslims started fighting each other over who should rule after him. During the caliphate of Ali hundreds of thousands of Muslims massacred each other, each group claiming that the faith of the other group was wrong. The fight among Muslims never ended and it will never end. Muslims must kill in order to prove their devotion to their god.
The westerners are committing a deadly mistake in letting Muslims to enter and to settle in their countries. Muslims believe in a murderous faith, emulate a murderous prophet and worship a murderous god. They see nothing wrong in killing the unbelievers.
Now clearly not all Muslims are true believers. Many of them have doubts and sometimes they dare to verbalize them. For example earlier this year Al Sisi, addressing the top clerics of his country in Al Azhar University said, “It is not possible that 1.5 billion Muslims kill the rest of humanity so only they live.” The very fact that he said such thing is evidence that this is a belief Muslims hold. They hold this belief because their prophet said so. It is written in their holy book, in over a hundred verses.
When we let Muslims to come and live in our midst we are inviting our own killers. This is evidenced by facts. Muslims are killing the non-Muslims and vow to kill more. They will not stop until they cast terror in the hearts of unbelievers, kill them and rape their women.
The westerners however, are infected by the same deadly devotion that killed Kim Anderson. Their devotion is not to the Bible, but to an ideology far more fallacious. This ideology claims all cultures are equal; morality is situational; good and bad are relative and all people want the same things.
These are deadly lies. A culture that reduces women into an animal, prescribes stoning, wife beating, child marriage, slavery and rape of unbelievers is not al par with a culture that practices equality, democracy and freedom of thought. Islam is not a culture at all. It is barbarity. Islamic culture is an oxymoron while Islamic terrorism is a redundancy.
But many people in the west refuse to see that. They have blind devotion to their fallacious ideology. They rather blame America for creating al Qaida, Israel for creating Hamas and the west for arming ISIS than accepting the blatant fact that these people are doing what their prophet did. How can one lie so openly, so brazenly and so shamelessly? These people believe that day is night and black is white and are convinced of that. Can you find anything as egregious in any religious book than these lies?
Karl Marx, whose interpretation of history has been accepted blindly by the unenlightened western intelligentsia and the liberal main stream media was an ideologue. Being a materialist he was unable to grasp the complexity of the human mind and thought money is the motivation behind all human emotions and activities.
Nothing can be further from truth. People are motivated by a variety of things and money is only one of them. According to Marx all human wars are result of economical conflicts. The reality is that people fight over many things. The Germans started the WWII to regain their pride. The Europeans fought the Crusades to avenge their Muslim invaders. The Americans fought in over 40 wars, most of them resulting in net economical loss allegedly to remove dictators, free the oppressed and make the world safe. Muslims fight Israel purely out of religious hate. They would make a lot more money trading with Israel than fighting her.
Muslims fight, motivated by their religious belief. The jihadis are not poor. Osama Bin Laden was the son of a billionaire. Nidal Malik Hassan was a well-paid psychiatrist working for the US Army. Virtually all Muslim terrorists come from well to do families. They are not motivated by money, but by the promise of heaven made to them by their prophet.
Another false belief is that Muslims are victimized and aggrieved, and terrorism is their reaction to oppression. This is a patent lie. Millions of Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Yezidis and Bahais are systematically persecuted and killed by Muslims, even with the blessings of the governments in Islamic countries. What these innocent people have done to Muslims to deserve savage killing?
Another deadly belief is that Muslims want the same things others want, a good life, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness. Muslims, if they are true believers, love death more than you love life. The problem is that they must kill you to go to heaven.
These beliefs considered sacrosanct by the westerners are all false. Truth is not politically correct so they cling to lies. Truth is that Islam is not compatible with the western world and Muslims are not suited to live in harmony with non-Muslims.
Kim Anderson paid with her life and the lives of her children for her deadly devotion to a false belief. The westerners will pay with their lives and the lives of millions of their children for their deadly devotion to a false belief.
The ISIS has vowed that the attack in France will continue. They are already in France. They are Muslims hiding among fellow Muslims. Sanity dictates to sack all the Muslims and kick them out of France. What is their contribution to the country? They bring poverty, violence, rape and backwardness and they hate their hosts, wanting to rape them, to subdue and to dominate them. But we live in an age that sanity should be sacrificed at the altar of political correctness. The deadly devotion to the false belief that all cultures are equal will eventually bring the west to its knees.
Kim Anderson finally saw the light, but alas it was too late for her and her children. Will the westerners wake up before it is too late for them and their children? The only way to wake up is to send all Muslims back home. At this stage nothing else will work. If you think this is too drastic, imagine what would Muslims do if a few members of a minority group such as Christians or Hindus in a Muslim majority country killed a few Muslims. Within 48 hours, millions of the members of that faith will be massacred. Forty eight hours. No more. Muslims kill the minorities among them even when they walk on eggshell. They have no problem killing. Killing is part of their faith. Meanwhile, we are boggled what to do with the Muslim minority among us who is bent to kill us and rape our daughters.
Yes, not all Muslims are terrorist. So what? They are the breeding ground for the terrorists. They shield the terrorists. They lie about their belief and protect their terrorists. They all share the same ideology. They all follow the same terrorist as their prophet. If I give you 1000 good wine and tell you one of them is laced with cyanide will you drink any of them? One in every five Muslim living in France, UK and other European countries believes killing their non-Muslim hosts is justifiable. A poll conducted by Arabic Aljazeera website revealed 81% of the 60,000 Arab Muslims who voted agreed with ISIS. Every Muslim is a threat to your life.
Muslims are like a tank of gasoline. They look innocuous until they meet fire. Then they explode. The so called moderate Muslims will turn into murderous terrorists once they are kindled by the spark of their faith. You want to test that? Tell a very liberal Muslim that you think Muhammad was a rapist and show him the evidence from the hadith and the Quran. Then watch how this benign moderate Muslims will start shouting at you, become abusive and may even hit you. Do not fool yourself. There are no moderate Muslims. They are either Muslims or apostates.
When we let masses of Muslims into our countries, we let potential killers among us. Muslims believe killing is ordained by God and that they will be rewarded if they rape your women and murder you. When they tell their children the Quran is the word of God and they should follow it, they are teaching them that killing you is sanctioned by God. Westerners allow this while all they are left with is to pray that Muslims don’t take their religion too seriously and don’t follow it literally. That hopefully they will become non-practicing Muslims and will not behead them. Define the meaning of insanity!
If we don’t wake up now, if we don’t send all Muslims back to where they came from, we are doomed. They have to go back and take their children with them. These children are bought up indoctrinated as Muslims. They are already bullying and beating our children and a great number of them will start killing our children as soon as they come to age.
If the westerners don’t tackle the problem of Islam now, they will have the blood of their children on their hands. Remember one thing. Evil will triumph when good people do nothing.
Hi Ali, I admire your passion in exposing Islam and particularly its ultimate impact on Western civilization’s future. Keep up the good work!
I respectfully disagree with you in regards to jehovah witness’s they are good people and they truly follow the bible. i have attended meetings with them and if it is learned that a man is beating his wife that would not be allowed. please do not slander other religions unless you educate yourself first. you have slandered a very peaceful group of people who for the most part does not get involved with politics are other controversies
Iffo, the meaning of واقتلوهم which murderer mohamed used in surah all baqara,ayah 191 is exactly kill,slay,put to death. Quran is full of evil,it simply mirrors sick ideas of it’s author.
@ Phoenix
“fight” implies to “war”. That’s what exactly what Muhammad and his companions did. They attacked and had wars with neighboring tribes and later neighboring countries. But after invading the countries what they did, did they kill the unbelivers civilian population because Quran 9:5 says kill them where ever you find them? No they did not, they said accept Islam or pay “jazia”. So saying Surah 9:5 says go and kill unbelivers any where is not correct,. Islam or Quran does not say just go and kill others for being non muslims.
\\@Lyu/Phonex It does not work like this, you can not take one statement and say it applies to everybody with out knowing what is the full story. That statement was directed towards un-belivers of Mecca that if they don;t leave after 4 months kill them//
First, you made a universal statement that nowhere does the Quran command muslims to kill unbelievers. I merely countered your statement with an understanding of the term “fight” in context of the Quran’s verses, which mostly amounts to bloodshed.
Second,if you are going to restrict the pagan incident in surah 9 to a past event, then you must do so with the entire chapter since it was revealed at the battle of tabuk, and any verse used as inspiration is being used out of context because that context is strictly war in the 7th century.
Third, by limiting the entire chapter to a past specific period renders the surah redundant.
Last, if there is a redundant surah in the Quran then Allah lied about the quran being a guidance for all mankind and the Quran is not universal. No muslim will concede such a thing, therefore they must take recourse to every ayat and surah.
An American general saying in 1940 “kill the german soldiers where ever you see them” does not mean an American soldier today see a german soldier should take his gun out and shoot him.What you are saying is quite immature and laughable//
Your analogy does not seem to fit. There are Germans living in America without fear for their lives. There are no pagans in Arabia,so muslims have quite eagerly embraced the verses that calls for the annihilation of pagans,as a universal decree.
@Lyu/Phonex It does not work like this, you can not take one statement and say it applies to everybody with out knowing what is the full story. That statement was directed towards un-belivers of Mecca that if they don;t leave after 4 months kill them. An American general saying in 1940 “kill the german soldiers where ever you see them” does not mean an American soldier today see a german soldier should take his gun out and shoot him.What you are saying is quite immature and laughable. Islam is plenty bad / evil already you don’t need to mis-represent like this to make it look bad. This way you loose credibility once others see that you are not truthful and purposely twisting things.
It seems the primary objective of the Quran and Muhammad’s morality has eluded you, which is: “savagery in pursuit of the goal”. The goal is of course Islamic domination and any tactic no matter how brutal, inhumane and irrational it may be to achieve the objective is welcomed. This is the doctrine of Consequentialism, also shared by Leftists.
You are also engaging in a semantic dispute. The Quran does indeed call for the killing of non-believers although it preferably uses the euphemism “fight”. What is the purpose of fighting per Quran, if not to kill? And can you provide a context from the hadith showing otherwise?
Iffo,I dare to be disagree with you that the time is matter in case when one order to kill in his book. Again,quran says kill those who disbelieve. This is a crime. The time is not excuse here.
Indeed time matters, you need to have some knowledge of Islamic history to understand the context of quran.
I am an ex-muslim. I at the same time a fair person . I dont like people wrongingly accusing with out having enough knowledge. Indeed quran is a bad evil book prompting hate towards non muslims. But like I said still it does not say kill non muslims. By you saying it does means nothing , you need to show me and prove where it does.
If you can not prove then you accusations is not valid .
Iffo, yeah the time is not a matter. That evil book,known as quran,was recorded after this mad guy mohamed passed away,based on his sick hallucinations,sick fantasies and it is rulebook,inspiration for blind,brainless,unconscious followers and it simply and directly says kill everyone who does not agree with mohamed’s sick ideas,wherever you meet him! Great effort,iffo! Keep looking for excuses to apologise evil coming from this bloodthirsty book. To be objective and admit that black is black- quran is just a piece of shit,one must be conscious,but you seems just a blind follower.
@Lyu Muhammad 4 months warning was wrong but that’s a different debate. Point is his 4 months warning does not implies that muslims can kill non muslims whenever they want . Muhammad neither his 4 main companions, Abu , Omar, Osman or Ali did not set any such example .
Iffo,ah such a “mercy” from pedofile mohamed to give people who don’t share his craziness and hallucinations to leave the city!! Who was he to order?! Holy ( read fucking) quran is the rulebook for murder .
@Lyu what ayah in 19 and 39 ? As far as 9.5 is concerned it is not a license to kill non muslims. It is talking only about the time when Muhammad gave 4 months to unbelievers of Mecca to be safe in Meeca , after 4 months either they leave the place or will be killed.
The photo is of the cargo ship Vlora, which carried 20,000 Albanians to Italy in 1991 after it was hijacked by crowds of migrants fleeing the poor post-Soviet economy. The letters “LO” in VLORA on the ship’s bow have been photoshopped out probably to make it harder to identify the source of the photo.
That picture in the article is from an italian movie – please use truthful pics that are of the article story – Thanks
Lyu, your comments above about Muhammed and quran are correct except that no where in quran it says go kill non muslims just for being non muslims. Neither there is any saying from Muhammad that says that.
Iffo,quran- which is word of pedophile,assassin,psychopath,murderer exactly says go and kill who doesn’t share his ( pedophile) ideas about idol allah. For five years I was cheating myself trying to find an excuse of each massacre mentioned in this bloody book and hadeth,but enough means enough! Why to call things white while it’s obviously black and you know it well,iffo. Ex-christan,ex-muslim,now finally human being. Have a great day!
Lyu, Quran does not say go and kill non muslims, just because they are non muslims.
Sorry,iffo,but quran says exactly go and kill! Sure not all muslims are killers,those only who follow quran and sunnah,righteous only.
I will have to disagree with Ali here, not all muslims are killers and want to kill unbelievers despite what is in quran. In fact even quran does not say go kill innocent people. Yes there are some bad muslims so I agree Muslim immigration should be stopped or reduced because few bad are enough to cause problem.
In every country where there is no freedoms allowed, their own citizens fight for it- look at all the African countries that once were colonized- so why aren’t the Syrians fighting for their own independence? why should other countries sacrifice billions of dollars, and their own blood for this country? No there is another sinister force at work here- all these rebels could have been armed before they reached Europe (whilst on the Greek islands) and then returned as a fighting unit back to their homeland. The Pope and the EU leaders made a deal with the devil, which included that these jihadists do not come to Rome!!! There is a war coming folks.
I suggest a group of vigilantes- we must start to threaten those in power, in the media, in all high government positions that the truth of islam must be shown on TV and all media outlets, newspapers, magazines, then ask the non muslim citizens to decide/vote if this religion of death be permitted in their country. At present there is a few politicians making decisions for the whole country- these guys must be removed by force. If there has to be a war, so be it.
Jizya tax would be appropriate. Since we need to monitor the young men, they should pay for it. If they don’t want to work, they should return and do jihad elsewhere.
Wow, really good article. Thank you so much for writing it.
Muslim men migration to Europe will continue full speed because European women welcome them with open legs.
Europa,instead “Eurodance”
Ethnic Arabs in Eurodance it is a fifth column. They are potential enemies. If they do not have the mind or the courage to objectively assess the origins of their religion, then experience of I.V. Stalin, resettlement of peoples, there would be an effective solution.
Absolutely superb article Ali.
Merkel has blood on her hands for opening the gates of Vienna. If she had any conscious she should have already resigned. Sadly, the CDU/ CSU have no politicians willing to replace her. I believe very soon the Bundestag will lose control of parts of Germany as Germans take matters into their own hands to defend their homes and communities.
Tony Abbott proved that Australia could stop boat people and Victor Orban demonstrated that you could build a fence around your country and stop the flow of hundreds of thousands of people – people who have entered without their being any background security checks.
Sad reality is that Australia had another coup (though the Operation Sovereign Borders still remains) and the EU is ignoring the success of Hungary’s fence.
Europe has a history of very bloody wars and I think we are seeing the beginning another war.
‘While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free’ – God Bless America.
Hi Ali. It really is not possible or practical to send all muslims back to their home. First you do not know who is a real muslim and who is muslim in name only. Second what if their origin of country won’t accept them? They maybe are french citizens, where do you send them then? The best thing is ťo forbid islam and a start a big information campaign against islam, as costly as it can be. West must stop being PC. The muslims need to hear that their religion is demonic and originated from a gangster and child molester, that we owe them. We sure can save many of them from their delusions, those who can’t be saved and continue to spread their shitty religion should be ousted them from country if possible or jailed and sterilized so they can’t propagate. It’s harsh, but we need to be that against these people because they won’t be mild to us the day they take over.