The Information Age will be the Death of Islam
by Eric Allen Bell
We do not vandalize. We do not engage in hate speech. We have respect for the law. We do not harm our fellow citizens. We are slow to anger and when we finally get angry, we express that anger in a civilized way. UNDER THAT BANNER, I WILL STATE THE FOLLOWING:
Promoter of Islam, I do not tolerate you. Your feigned or willful ignorance, about Islam, is no longer an excuse. I hold you personally accountable.
I am offended by you. I cannot and will not tolerate a person, who advances an ideology, which teaches the inferiority of women, the killing and hatred of Jews, the execution of homosexuals, the silencing of free speech, forced amputations, the stoning of rape victims, genital mutilation, and the violent overthrow of all non-Islamic governments and civilizations.
Islam is Nazism with a god. And I cannot and will not “coexist” with Nazis. I will not patronize your places of business. I will not hire you. I will not buy your products. I will not support politicians who support you. I will not be your friend. And if I am your neighbor, I will always be suspicious of you and cautious. I want you to feel so uncomfortable in my free country, in my civilized country, that you renounce your allegiance to this savage and fascist ideology or leave.
ISLAM IS THE ENEMY of free speech, of human rights and of Liberty. If you follow Islam, you are my enemy. I encourage you now to leave Islam and take your place among the civilized people of this world. But if you insist on remaining loyal to the brutal savagery of Islam, your enemies will grow faster than can be contained, by an Islamic lobbyist group or the media or any government agency. This is a zero sum game and the Civilized World will win.
ISLAM HAS BEEN AT WAR FOR 1,400 YEARS with freedom and all that is good. But my head is no longer hidden in the sand. I am at war with you. All people who value human rights, freedom and Liberty should be at war with you. And they will be soon enough, because the enemy of Islam is information and we are spreading information faster than you can keep up with. There is no way to put this genie back in the bottle now. The information age will be the death of Islam.
Your 1,400 year reign of terror is coming to an end. And you, promoter of Islam, are on the wrong side of history.
It is time for all civilized people to find the moral clarity and the courage to GET ANGRY and to BECOME INTOLERANT. You have the ability to do this in a civilized way. We must not become like the savages whom we oppose – otherwise they win. Islam is Nazism with a god. Islam must be stopped. When you support those who advance Islam, you support an ideology that promotes genocide against the unbeliever – as clearly outlined in the Quran.
Tolerance is overrated. If you promote the Quran, you are the enemy of freedom and you are my enemy.
— Eric Allen Bell
Religion is a form of madness, it breaks my heart that it has come to this. The lunatics are everywhere. Xtians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews… I really don’t want to see a war, but if it comes about, rest assured, a god will be on both sides, presiding over the slaughter.
THANKYOU this is how many of us feel.
Charles Darwin I understand this writer to be speaking to informing of the free world what Islam truly is.about. the impoverished Muslim is not the real danger to freedom it is the uniformed free man who believes the disinformation the Islamic center is spreading around the globe through the UN and now our White House. It is gor us to stop it and the writer is letting them know that we will no longer PC their savage behavior and gave tolerance towards it. The writer was writing to you Charles D and me!
Very well said, you have spoke my mind, especially the inferiority of women thank you
We must not become like them? Where did you get that from Hollywood? Every time evil is about to be destroyed Hollywood says in their movies, don’t do it, or you will become like them. This is an enemy who is bent on victory or death and the latter is what these radicals need to be shown. They’re a hell of a lot more resolved in conviction, and hardened unlike the softie that the Westerner has become in his good living standard.
precisely correct. Islam = Nazism. Only the ignorant and blind don’t get it. Sure there might have been moderate Germans under the Nazi cult. But the cult itself was NOT moderate. Period.
Are we finally waking up? Are we at last prepared to speak out, organize, and fight the evil in our midst? Decades of destructively naïve immigration from Muslim countries – coupled with the cult of multiculturalism and political correctness – have ‘seeded’ Western democracies with hostile, ‘Borg-like’ people bent on our destruction. There’s no backing down now. War is inevitable.
I’m sure all free thinking people wish this would happen sooner than later but we have enormous obstacles to overcome; information is not freely available in many Islamic societies, particularly those that are mired in poverty and primitive ignorance of basic science [Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan et al].
Islam rules by fear imbued in innocent children and reinforced by parents and their rituals. Praying 5 times a day and having to follow the fatuous nonsense in the Koran, Hadith, Reliance of the Traveller produces the corrupted Islamic mindset best explained in the work of Nicolai Sennels [basically that muslims exhibit narcissism, supremacism, victimhood and the so-called ‘external locus of control’, all opposite to the western values of tolerance and acceptance].
Islam is life-long brainwashing on a global scale and defeating this ‘great evil’ is a monumental undertaking…
That pretty much sums up my own conclusions about islam. I agree with Franklin Graham. If you must have a god, come to Christianity, God will forgive you and love you. I’m not pushing Christianity, you the Muslim can become an atheist, a theist, whatever, but you cannot believe Mo was a good prophet of some true god. That is why it is so important to give Muslims an opportunity to leave islam freeing themselves of the shackles of sharia and Mo’s hate.