The Day of Judgment

Ali Sina

Ali Sina is the author of Understanding Muhammad and Muslims.

2 Responses

  1. Sabeena says:

    Faith is the substance or assurance of things we want but haven’t gotten yet. With over 11 million copies sold globally, “Believe” is one of the best-selling singles.

    Belief in God’s Oneness: Muslims believe that God is the creator of all things, as well as being all-powerful and all-knowing.

  2. Face_The_Truth says:

    World’s Muslims commit crimes, because world’s Muslims believe that they will go to Islamic paradise on the Islamic Day of Judgment.

    Here is a true story of an Iranian Muslim criminal in Germany who “In jealous rage, …cuts off woman’s nose, breasts, and genital area…”

    Because, world’s Muslim men believe that, slicing woman’s nose, breasts, and genital area is a pious deed, which will allow them to Islamic paradise on the Islamic Day of Judgment.
