Progressive Liberalism, Fanaticism, Prejudice and Bigotry

Ali Sina

Ali Sina is the author of Understanding Muhammad and Muslims. His forthcoming books are: The Untide Nations: United in Oppression; Holy War, Unholy Peace: Why the Israel-Palestine Conflict Defies Resolution; The Demographic Time Bomb: Immigration, Islam, and the West; The Most Influential Man in History: How Muhammad Changed the World; The Life of Muhammad: A Comprehensive Biography of the Prophet.

7 Responses

  1. Mohan says:

    After watching these videos posted above I can only say that Europeans appears to be cluless as to what they have done to themselves by way of inviting hundreds and thousands of these ‘refugees’ amongst their midst without realising the consequences. Hope they come out in one piece in the end…sigh…

  2. Amg says:

    It is a very well known fact that Islam is the most violent and disgraceful religion. They take pride in killings of men and children. They take immense pleasure in raping of non Muslim women wherever they can. They think it is a service to Allah. It clearly means Muslims see Allah as a killer, fucker and butcher and they are bound to follow him.

  3. Phoenix says:

    @Certainly Doubtful

    Some points which need clarification. Firstly, atheism is not a political ideology (not that I’m accusing you of suggesting it is, but some readers may fall for the confusion). There are atheist nihilists, anarchists, nationalists, conservatives, libertarians, marxists, etc.//

    Yes, Atheism can be what ever an Atheist want it to be. Your examples are proof of that. Notice that I put Atheism and Atheist in capital letters because it’s an ideology with faithful adherents just like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, etc.
    The term is actually quite boring and minimal; it is merely a response to the following question “is there a supernatural being? Yes/No”. In other words, it is of binary value. For some contrast, consider that many anti-leftist intellectuals were also atheist (Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman just to name a few)//

    Also yes, Atheism is binary, as it goes from absolutes (1) to the complete rejection of absolutes (0). It is in this void (0) where the Atheist feels most liberating as he freely gets to conjure up his own ethical principles which changes daily or as the moment arises.
    Evermore, there are many instances in which non-leftist atheist intellectuals are vilified by their leftwing peers particularly on these philosophical grounds.//

    I think you’ve missed the target. The claim is not “all Atheists are Leftists” but rather ” most, if not all Leftists are Atheists”. I can say with conviction the Left is over-populated with Atheists. And you are also correct once again, Atheists have a history of chewing up their own from both within the Left and non-Left.
    Secondly, we should distinguish between classical liberalism and modern (progressive) liberalism. The former is more associated today with what we may call libertarianism. In fact, in Europe identifying as a liberal probably means that you support individual liberty, free markets, social freedom, and other humanist values. For some reason, in America the term has been corroded and hijacked by the political left.//
    Agreed, Liberalism in America means something different outside of it. Regardless, it seems your philosophy is shaped by your Liberal political leanings. Or is your political ideology shaped by your philosophy? This seems like the chicken and egg scenario, which came first? Philosophy (Atheism/Materialism) or politics (Leftism/Liberalism)?
    The great libertarian economists Frederich Hayek and Milton Friedman both defended classical liberalism in their works; the enlightenment philosophers were essentially liberals. Call me a nostalgic, but I believe the term should be reclaimed from its abusers. Progressives dont view society as a composition of individuals, but rather an indivisible collectivity. On the other hand liberalism, in its classical and historical context, is about defending freedom of the individual against the assault of tyranny (be it theocratic or otherwise)//

    From whence the political ideology? And is it congruent with the Atheists’ overall philosophical viewpoint, such as the rejection of absolute morals and truths. Unless the above questions can be answered, I think it hasty to draw any conclusions

  4. Walter Sieruk says:

    As the all those brutal callous sexual assaults the occurred at the start of the news year in the city of Cologne by those Muslim immigrants. Such sex assaults also happened in other German cities as well as in cities such as Austria , Finland and other nations. Getting back the subject of the Germany those Muslims who engaged in such awful and terrible behavior were showing their ungrateful and unthankful attitude to the people of Germany who were so kind yet so foolish of allowing them to enter in the their country to live. Just look at the outcome, or fruits, of such kindness. What’s more those Muslim thugs by ganging together against those German girls and women have proven themselves to be cowards by their heinous actions against those German females In addition to all this three things need to be made known. First,by their lawless and violent criminal behavior those Muslim immigrant are showing the total arrogant contempt for Westerner, Western government , Western laws and Western civilization . Therefore if there is real bigotry, in this case, it’s the bigotry of those Muslims .Not the Germans. Second,by their ruthless and hideous behavior those Muslims are showing the Islamic dis-like and even hate foe people who are non-Muslims. Third,those Muslims who were behaving in such brutally vile and violent actions towards those German girls and women were also exposing the terrible spirit of misogyny that is so much part of the essence of Islam. As explain by Brigitte Gabriel , who is the founder and head of , in her book which in entitled THEY MUST BE STOPPED. Which informs the reader that “Women in Islam are consider unclean, deemed inferior even to dirt.” Indeed, they must be stopped !

  5. Ali Sina says:

    @Certainly Doubtful

    Thank you for your comment. You made a very important point about the difference between classical liberalism and the new usage of this word in USA, which is rather progressive socialism/Marxism and not liberal at all. I changed the title of this article to reflect that.

    I was an atheist for about 17 years and very much liberal while I was conservative in my political views and still am.

    It is very important to point out that progressive Marxists are not liberals in any sense of the world, except perhaps in regards to sexual liberation. Liberals believe in the first and the second amendment. Progressive Marxists don’t believe in either. Liberals believe in freedom of individual. Progressives Marxists believe in collectivism.

    I should have made that clear in the article and thank you for pointing that out. In fact Obama, Namazi and Nasrin’s handicap is not their atheistic belief, but their Marxist ideology.

    The same can be said about Pope Francis. I assume he does believe in God, whatever his definition of God is. His problem is his that he is more a socialist than a Christian or perhaps he believes Jesus was a socialist as many catholic priests I met in South America used to believe.

  6. Fazil K. says:

    The pre-Muhammad meaning of jihad was spiritual “fight against self” but as with the meaning of many other old Arabic words, he changed its meaning to war-call “fight against the others”.

  7. Certainly Doubtful says:

    Some points which need clarification. Firstly, atheism is not a political ideology (not that I’m accusing you of suggesting it is, but some readers may fall for the confusion). There are atheist nihilists, anarchists, nationalists, conservatives, libertarians, marxists, etc. In fact, atheism can be traced back centuries before the term “political left” was even born. The term is actually quite boring and minimal; it is merely a response to the following question “is there a supernatural being? Yes/No”. In other words, it is of binary value. For some contrast, consider that many anti-leftist intellectuals were also atheist (Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman just to name a few). Evermore, there are many instances in which non-leftist atheist intellectuals are vilified by their leftwing peers particularly on these philosophical grounds.

    Secondly, we should distinguish between classical liberalism and modern (progressive) liberalism. The former is more associated today with what we may call libertarianism. In fact, in Europe identifying as a liberal probably means that you support individual liberty, free markets, social freedom, and other humanist values. For some reason, in America the term has been corroded and hijacked by the political left. The great libertarian economists Frederich Hayek and Milton Friedman both defended classical liberalism in their works; the enlightenment philosophers were essentially liberals. Call me a nostalgic, but I believe the term should be reclaimed from its abusers. Progressives dont view society as a composition of individuals, but rather an indivisible collectivity. On the other hand liberalism, in its classical and historical context, is about defending freedom of the individual against the assault of tyranny (be it theocratic or otherwise).

    Perhaps this is all semantics….