Moderate Muslims will Rot in Hell
Yes, they certainly will! That is not my opinion, but that of Bogeyman Allah who has prescribed severe punishment for the Moderate Muslims.
Yes, they certainly will! That is not my opinion, but that of Bogeyman Allah who has prescribed severe punishment for the Moderate Muslims.
Mohammed inspired his followers to kill non-Muslims and guaranteed them a place in heaven should they fall in the line of duty.
The core values of Islam and the Quranic edicts, as preached and practiced by Mohammed, the founder of Islam, ask Muslims to dominate and subjugate non-Muslims.
For a pious Muslim, it is important to remember all of Allah’s names and use them in their prayers as much as they could.
After all, why do we need a god if we, the humans, can act like a god – the fair, just and loving god, rather than looking for godly commands?
Whenever Muslims are confronted with quotations from the Quran or Ahadith, they immediately counter with excuses.
Sudan is a poverty stricken country and Allah, the Islamic god, is not interested in improving the lives of the people
Moderate Muslims always fear that the true Islam may create a backlash from the people of the country in which they live; hence, they attempt to create a smokescreen.
He had to kill many humans for several reasons, which he did with extreme care and kindness.
What if a society decides to make Lolita their divine book and Humbert the prophet?
Despite having a low rate of success, prophecy always had been a lucrative business.
Unfortunately, European leaders don’t have the courage to stand up against Islam; as a matter of fact, they spend more time appeasing Islamic demands.
No one has the ability to see the morbid future that would inspire them to be united.
Moderate Muslims have a utopian idea of a perfect Islamic country that does not exist and never can be pursued based on Islamic teachings.
Islamic rites are made to teach hatred and keep it alive through various practices.
A pack-mentality that divides Muslims from the rest of the world is unique and no other religion calls for a different world within the world.
I am not good at dancing. However, sometimes I do attempt to amuse myself with this complicated body act. As it happened during the last New Year’s Eve, after drinking...
These Muslim intellectuals with questionable intellect also find scientific miracles in the Quran and smell spirituality in the horrific Quranic verses that sponsor the killing of non-Muslims.
If freedom of speech carries any value to the media, if they feel the responsibility to seek the truth, they should start digging into Islamic books.
Mohammed, the cunning and shrewd warlord of the seventh century, made many treaties when he was weak but conveniently broke them,
Quran and Ahadith have so much material for making a theme park that if Walt Disney was alive today, he would have planned many more rides based on these books.
· by Sher Khan · 14 Dec, 2005
Yes, a darned animal with four legs known as a goat ate a piece of the all-powerful Allah’s Quran.
· by Sher Khan · 24 Nov, 2005
Whenever Islam is criticized or Muhammad is ridiculed, some Muslim brothers vow to kill the critic… some feel menstrual cramps…
· by Sher Khan · 17 Nov, 2005
What’s wrong in killing a few Kafirs here and there when Jihad is in progress?
· by Sher Khan · 28 Oct, 2005
Mohammed not only went after women’s booty, he also shook his own booty to earn booty.
Until Quranic verses were revealed, no one knew that animals walk on four legs, humans walk on two legs and alligators walk on their bellies!
· by Sher Khan · 22 Sep, 2005
Sure enough, we have many lunatics in this world who have received clear guidance from the Quran and they will continue seeking guidance unless the book is chucked into a black hole of an unknown galaxy.
· by Sher Khan · 30 Aug, 2005
The embarrassing book of Islam known as Quran does not talk about family values.
Only a new stream of leadership can change this course and it is the job of Bangladeshi intellectuals to promote it.
In a remote village of the Indian Subcontinent, lived a wise man who was well versed in science, politics and history. Above all he knew English very well. In many...
· by Sher Khan · 6 Jun, 2005
Islamic banks are practicing a twisted concept of current interest based economic system.
· by Sher Khan · 6 May, 2005
If Mohammad did not know how to read, how could he know which words to scratch off?
· by Sher Khan · 1 Apr, 2005
Great minds like Socrates, Plato, Ibn Sina, ar-Razi, Voltaire and Einstein do not belong to any religion.
· by Sher Khan · 18 Dec, 2004
In his last sermon, Mohammed asked Muslim men to treat women like “domestic animals” (Tabari).
Unquestionably, Energy plan, the most crucial factor of America ’s survival should take top priority.
Muhammad, the quack doctor used to sprinkle the holy water of Zam Zam on sick people and make them drink the same.
When leopards are busy with Lolitas or fighting to destroy dar-ul-harb, these intellectual hyenas are watching from a safe distance and waiting for the right time.
· by Sher Khan · 21 Oct, 2004
Islam gives me a sense of pride,
A destructive impulse, deep inside!
· by Sher Khan · 11 Oct, 2004
He was the only prophet who was allowed to accept a portion of booty, including captive women for the sake of self-defense.
· by Sher Khan · 6 Oct, 2004
The word “Jihad” has been mentioned in 31 places of the holy Quran and Allah is advising Muslims to fight against non-believers and evil ones.
· by Sher Khan · 21 Sep, 2004
The so called “Moderate Muslims” don’t recognize that fundamentalists understand the fundamentals of Islam better than they do.
· by Sher Khan · 8 Sep, 2004
If freedom of faith gives the freedom to kill, should we call it freedom?
· by Sher Khan · 29 Aug, 2004
Islam maintains a peaceful image in adverse condition but it abruptly changes to conquering mood as soon as it gains strength.
· by Sher Khan · 10 Aug, 2004
To educate the world we need more books, movies and websites that will expose Islamic vandalism.
· by Sher Khan · 20 Jul, 2004
Moulana does not talk about child labor either, instead he recites verse 52.24 and describes how pearl like boys will serve drinks in the heaven!
Muslim Intellectuals are comfortably sitting on the branches of an Islamic tree, waging their long Islamic tails and imitating each other.
Their synchronized voice is sending a chilling message to the rest of the world.
Once upon a time there was an elephant and four blind men. They were not born blind and they have seen most of the things of this world but an...
After Khadijah passed away, Don faced serious baby sitting problem.
To believe, or not to believe, that’s the question?
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