Is Islam a religion of peace?
Source This question — Is Islam a religion of peace? — has recently been hotly debated [1], and it’s an interesting question because the controversy that has surfaced around it...
· by Rami Rustom · 5 Apr, 2014
Source This question — Is Islam a religion of peace? — has recently been hotly debated [1], and it’s an interesting question because the controversy that has surfaced around it...
· by Rami Rustom · 11 Mar, 2014
Introduction There is a lot of debate between Muslims and non-Muslims about wife-beating. Something I’ve noticed a lot is that people are often talking passed each other on the issues,...
· by Rami Rustom · 5 Mar, 2014
SOURCE Introduction Honor violence is a sort of violence committed where the perpetrator’s goal is to regain his honor. Mostly it’s committed by fathers to their daughters after going against...
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