Tagged: Eric Allen Bell

DOCUMENTARY: Through the Lens of Muhammad’s Life

For the vast majority of Muslims, the example and teachings of Muhammad are the final authority for Islamic beliefs, practices, and interpretation of the Quran. This documentary traces the origin of modern Islamic doctrines and practices from the life of Muhammad himself. It also explains some of the apparent contradictions we find in Islam (e.g., between peace and the use of violence), and will enable viewers to better judge the legitimacy of assertions made by Muslims and Islamic groups who claim to represent “true Islam.”

Islamabad Trying to Silence Me?

The Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has recently spearheaded an international campaign to silence all criticism of Islam worldwide. This bold move is no departure from Islamic law (Sharia) or the teachings of their prophet, a seventh century pedophile, slave trader, warlord and village idiot, named Muhammad.

So it comes as no surprise that sooner or later I would find myself in the cross hairs of such a campaign. WordPress, whom I pay to host my blog, recently emailed to inform me that Pakistan demands that this American citizen obey Islamic blasphemy laws. Failure to do has a penalty of life in prison or death.