The Sun and Allah’s Knowledge of It
According to the Quran, night occurs when the sun sets into murky water and day when it rises from it, with people dwelling at the earth’s edge where the sun resides.
“And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: “I shall recite to you something of his story.” Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything. So he followed a way. Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people.” (Quran 18:83-86)
Based on the Quran:
1. The sun sets in one place – ‘setting place of the sun’
2. The sun sets in murky water – ‘setting in a spring of muddy black water’
3. There are people living where the sun sets – ‘he found near it people’
4. Murky water where the sun sets is a destination and was reached – ‘he reached the setting place of the sun’
The Prophet of Islam also confirms what the Quran states.
“Abu Dharr (one of Muhammad’s close companions) said: I was sitting behind the Apostle of Allah who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water.” (Sunan Abi Dawud 4002)
Scientifics Facts on the Sun
The sun, is more than a million times larger than Earth and intensely hot with a central temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius and 93 million miles away, does not set but the Earth’s rotation around it causes day and night. Human life near the sun is impossible.
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