France Attacked By Jihadists
As the Islamic world celebrates the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, jihadists such as Turkish President Recep Erdoğan said: “We, as believers… [need to] make more efforts to introduce the world to the principles of Islam’s mercy, justice, fairness and good morality.”
This morning France woke up to those “the principles of Islam” as Muslims carried out a premeditated jihad.
In Nice, France, a Muslim shouting “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest), stormed in the Basilica of Notre Dame and killed three people; two of the victims were reportedly decapitated.
The Islamist’s words as he carried out the killings were: “Enough is enough. It‘s time now for France to exonerate itself from the laws of peace in order to definitively wipe out Islamo-fascism from our territory.”
Also today, in Avignon, French police shot a man dead as he shouted “Allahu Akhbar” during the stand-off with police, and a Muslim was arrested in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,after attacking a guard with a “sharp tool” in the city’s French consulate.
In the Parisian suburb in Sartrouville police foiled another attack by stopping a man near a church after he told his father he wanted to “do as in Nice,” referring to the killing of three people earlier in the day.
As reported by Le Parisien, the suspect was arrested near the Saint-Martin’s Church in Sartrouville, were he was believed to be in possession of a knife.
European Union leaders reacted by expressing solidarity with France and pledged to confront “those that seek to incite and spread hatred.”
“My thoughts are with the victims of this hateful act. All of Europe is in solidarity with France. We will remain united and determined in the face of barbarity and fanaticism,” European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said.
Today’s jihadist attacks came two days after French Ambassador to Sweden Étienne de Gonneville stated on Swedish television: “France is a Muslim country” — de Gonneville’s statement was in response if he thought there was a risk of conflict between France and the Muslim world following the beheading of Professor Samuel Paty in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine on October 16 by a Muslim migrant.
Western leaders and numerous Christian church refuse to admit, in their politically correct position, that a peaceful co-existence with those who uphold the principles of a sharia-based Islam is a reality.
The late-Cardinal Archbishop of Bologna (Italy) Giacomo Biffi, who had been outspoken against open borders to Muslims said:
“It is obvious that the case of Muslims must be treated separately. And it is to be hoped that the people in charge will not be afraid to confront it with eyes wide open and no delusions. Muslims — the vast majority of them, with few exceptions — come here [to Europe] determined to remain foreign to our ‘humanity,’ whether individual or in groups, in what is most essential to it, most precious and most ‘secularly’ indispensable: more or less openly they come to us determined to remain substantially ‘different,’ in the expectation of substantially remaking us into something similar to them.”
While one cannot categorically classify every Muslim as a terrorist, the problem is how certain Quranic texts and hadith verses (the sayings and acts of Muhammad) are used to instigate violence and hatred. As the British social and radical political activist Imam Anjem Choudary said:
“You can’t say that Islam is a religion of peace because Islam does not mean peace. Islam … is submission. So the Muslim is the one who submits. There’s a place for violence in Islam. There is a place for jihad in Islam … jihad is the most talked about duty in the Quran after the tawhid [unity of God] – belief. Nothing else is mentioned more than the topic of fighting … this particular belief is more than just a religion. It’s not just a spiritual belief.”
These words are not just an opinion of a so-called fundamentalist, but a reflection of what is recorded in Sira Rasul Allah(the firstwritten biography of Muhammad) by Ibn Ishaq, which says:
Allah said, “It is not for any prophet to take prisoners until he has made slaughter on earth,” that is to say, “slaughtered his enemies until he drives them from the land. You [Muhammad], desire the lure of this world, its goods and the ransom captives. But Allah desires the next world,” i.e., killing them to manifest the religion which Allah wishes to manifest and by which the next world may be attained.
This is why the want-to-be caliph Erdoğan, in response to the present-day conflict between Christian Armenia and the predominantly Muslim Azerbaijan called for a universal jihad against Armenia:
“While I call on the Armenian people to take hold of their future against their leadership that is dragging them to catastrophe and those using it like puppets, we also call on the entire world to stand with Azerbaijan in their battle against invasion and cruelty.”
Let us pray for the victims of today’s tragedies and that the West finally wakes up to the slow-motion genocide that began 1,400 years ago.
Mario Alexis Portella is a priest of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Florence, Italy. He has a doctorate in canon law and civil law from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome; he also holds a M. A. in Medieval History from Fordham University, as well as a B.A. in Government & Politics from St. John’s University. He is also author of Islam: Religion of Peace? – The Violation of Natural Rights and Western Cover-Up.
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