A Letter from an Ex-Muslim
Greetings Mr Ali Sina, I’m Youcef, a 31 year old ex-Muslim (originally from Algeria and living in France since I was 16 years old), I’m very grateful to you because...
Greetings Mr Ali Sina, I’m Youcef, a 31 year old ex-Muslim (originally from Algeria and living in France since I was 16 years old), I’m very grateful to you because...
Dear Ali Sina, I have first encountered your blog in 2008 i suppose and i was pursuing my bachelors at that time. As a muslim i was naive to the...
Dear Mr. Sina, I enjoy reading your site, I am myself a ex-Muslim. I just couldn’t keep excusing for these brutal things in the Quran and in Hadith. But I...
Dear Ali Ever since I’ve come across your website my eyes have been opened to the truth of Islam and why since I’ve been following it i have been so...
Why Diss Islam* In the name of Allah (subhana wa taala), the Most Gracious and Most Merciful… Dear Ali Sina, I’ve watched your website and it was seemed informative, and...
Women who suffer and endure abusive relationship often suffer from low self-esteem.
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