Shaheed says “if the almighty had made us to see and
understand everything before we believe in it, then believing wouldn't be
such a challenge.”
He never pauses for a moment to wonder why recognizing God
should be a challenge? If the consequence of disbelief is eternal burning, which
in infinitely sadistic, why should God make this so difficult? Is God insane? Is
He a
What Shaheed is saying is that God will prize stupid people. Those who accept
the gobbledygook of Muhammad without questioning him, will be rewarded and those
who use their brain will be punished severely and for eternity.
Just think about it! This Allah sends a man with no proof
at all. Despite his claim that he has come with "clear proof", there is not a
single proof about his claim. I have been asking Muslims to show me one of those
proofs. I promised them that if they come with just one proof, I would remove
this site and give them $50,000 dollars in rewards. Not a single person has
been able to do that. So there is
no proof. Muhammad lied when he said he has come with clear proof. He asked
people to believe in him simply because he said so and if they didn't, he ordered
them to be killed. The only proof given was the sword. In other words, "I am right
because I can kill you".
Now that is not all. This Allah makes things even harder.
Not only his words in the Quran are sheer stupidities that anyone with a little
bit of commonsense can see, his prophet lives a life of a mafia godfather,
engages in assassinations, murder, genocide, rape, pedophilia, theft, deception
and all sorts of ungodly deeds. Are these things good? Our inner being says no!
Our intelligence says these are evil deeds. Our conscience is repulsed by these satanic actions. But that is not all. This so
called prophet, ALSO says these things are bad. If these things are bad and he also knew it, then why he did such things? Why he perpetrated so many
crimes? A group of Bedouins stole Muhammad's camels and killed one of his men. He
sent people to fetch them; ordered their extremities be chopped and left them in the
desert sun to die a slow and a painful death. If stealing was so bad that the thieves deserved such
a sadistic punishment, how come he got all his wealth through raiding, killing and
stealing? Those eight Bedouins killed one man and stole a few camels (which
he had stolen from others). Muhammad killed thousands of people and stole all
their wealth and even raped and sold their wives and children. What punishment
does he deserve according to his own standard? Shouldn't he be the one burning
in hell for ever?
I have had Muslims telling me in my face that we should not
look at what Muhammad did because after all he was just a man, but rather we
must read the Quran alone and from there get our guidance. In other words, we
should listen to his words but not follow his examples. Do you see to what length
some people are willing to go just to fool themselves? If he was a liar, why
couldn’t he have concocted the Quran? If he was a prophet, shouldn't he be the
one to set the example? Confucius said the
greatness of a man is in how much his words and his deeds match. A person who does
not walk his own talk is not worthy of trust. Muslims know Muhammad had sex with
a 9-year-old child, had sex with his own daughter in law, raped the young women
that he captured in his raids, tortured people so they tell him where they had
hidden their treasures, assassinated his critics, etc.
etc. Yet they want to be fooled. They have decided that foolishness is good. It
is comfortable to believe in those stupidities. It is not that they can’t
think rationally; they simply don’t want to do it.
Muhammad did all sorts of evil things and said follow my
examples. Would really God choose a despicable man like Muhammad to
be the guidance to Mankind? Does it make sense at all? Can the maker of this universe
be so stupid, so cruel, so sadistic, to send an evil man like Muhammad who
commits all sorts of crimes, fill his book of revelation will hodgepodge and
ridiculous tales and demand us to forgo our intelligence and accept this evil
man nonetheless or else we would face eternal burning. ETERNAL burning???
Isn’t this nuts? How can the allegedly merciful God be so sadistic?
Do you see my friend? People are not genetically or
clinically stupid. But they allow themselves to be fooled.
Muslims say these are all tests of faith. What is it that
God wants to tests us for? How can we win this test? By being stupid? Is the
person who is most gullible and accepts every nonsense without questioning the
winner, the one who passes this "test"? In that case Paradise must be
full of stupid people. Why should anyone with any degree of intelligence want to
go and live among fools? Living among stupid people is like living in
Have you received these emails known
as "Nigerian Scam"? I
receive at least two every day. Obviously the scam must work otherwise they
would have stopped sending them. Someone writes to you and says "she" is the
of such and such African dictator and has 40 million dollars in securities
that she wants to transfer to your account for safekeeping until she comes
to your country. As recognition for your cooperation she will gives you 25% of
that loot. Or
that he is dying and wants to give all his inheritance, in the tune of 20
million dollars to a "God fearing Christian" like you to expend in charities on his behalf after his death. The
scam is that this con artist will ask you to send to him a small amount of money
for "building trust" or some other silly excuse. Just a few thousands of dollars,
nothing more. Hey what is a few thousands of dollars when you are going to be a millionaire
overnight? This person is going to trust you with millions of dollars after all.
You send that money, he asks you for more, you have to send
because you can not back off now that you have "invested" some
thousands of your hard earned money. Then he asks for more.... You become
frustrated but feel pressured to comply. I read that even smart
people have fallen for this scam and have lost up to hundreds of thousands of
dollars and even their lives. Sometimes these suckers are CEOs. They are smart
people and yet allow themselves to be fooled. Why? It is because millions of
dollars sound so attractive that they WANT to believe, even though it has
"scam" written all over it. The temptation is so big that they
intentionally silence their own better judgement and let themselves to be
I read an article about John
de Ruiter. This charlatan claims to be God or Messiah. He has gathered a few
hundred followers and they are middle class intelligent people. He was a shoemaker and totally uneducated, but some of his followers are
professors. They have
allowed themselves to be fooled. His technique is silence. When you pay and go
to his seminars he sits there, stares forwards and says nothing. Absolutely
nothing! Then after 20 minuets, his devotees, overwhelmed by his presence, burst
in tears and create a pathetic atmosphere inside the conference room. Some sob
and others remain silent as if they are in the presence of their maker. Someone stands up and
undresses his or her soul, confessing how de Ruiter has changed his/her life and every one sobs. Someone says you are
the master of my life and I don’t have any more wills left in me except your will. He
stares calmly and utters a few words of cliché like “truth speaks to you.
Surrender and listen to the truth” or something stupid like that.
His followers have left their homes, their careers and
their families to move to Alberta and bask in his vicinity. He has orgies with
two sisters who are his followers and were introduced to him by their parents.
These stupid parents are delighted that God makes love to their daughters and
feel privileged. Probably this is how the great fool Abu Bakr felt. His wife wizened
up and left him after she discovered his disloyalty. His foolhardy
followers are not bothered at all. They have rationalized everything and
redefined the meaning of sex to convince themselves what this degenerate
charlatan is doing is divine and not lust.
How can you explain that? Isn’t that insane? Yet you
can’t say these people are clinically stupid. They have allowed themselves to be fooled.
Because they WANT to believe, they miss, and deliberately overlook all the
telltale clues
that tell them this guy is a nutcase and a narcissist. They
want to be fooled because it feels good. It feels good to surrender your
intelligence to someone else that gives you great promises of salvation,
enlightenment, paradise, or in the case of the savage Arabs of 7th Century, abundant food and
unlimited sex. Also
they can not go back because they have given up everything they possessed and
have broken all the bridges behind them. So because awakening is too
painful, they will do everything not to awaken.
Muslims want to be fooled.
They have the choice. They can find the truth with the same ease that you and I
found it. Of course we are not more intelligent than all other Muslims. But you
and I decided to see the truth, Muslims don't WANT to do that. The believers
WANT to be fooled because it feels good. They cheerfully abandon reason because
in this abandonment they find serenity and peace. When you stop thinking and
forego your greatest human faculty, you enter in a state of blissful stupidity.
This is a state of "wakeful somnolence", in this state you are physically
awake, but oblivious of the reality that is going around you. You enter in the
paradise of ignorance. You live in a make-believe world of fantasies. You walk on this earth but your
head is in the cloud
seven. It is like being drugged. This is the state of blissful ignorance in which you rejoice in your
stupidity and take pride in your foolishness.
Luther said:
"Reason is the greatest
enemy that faith has: it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but--more
frequently than not --struggles against the Divine Word...."
"Reason must be
deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason,
sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and
... know nothing but the word of God."
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