The Game of Deception
I am pleased to announce that Robert Spencer of
is added to the list of the pundits of FFI and from now on, his articles
will be featured regularly in this site.
Actually we have to thank the Islamists for this
serendipity. Recently Robert and I teamed up in a Symposium organized by
Frontpage Magazine and responded to two Islamists about Gender
Apartheid and Islam. This alliance was not to the liking of the
Islamists and they, inspired by their prophet’s cunningness, tried to
drive schism between the two of us. We discovered the plot and decided to
increase our cooperation.
The following is the email one of these Muslims wrote
to Robert Spencer:
From: "Sharukh Iqbal" [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Mr. Spencer
I regret to inform you that one of your
proteges is a two faced hypocrite and is actually using your trust
for his own gain. This man's name is Ali Sina. I was a regular on
his forum and he is exploiting your endeavors. Since you are
exposing Jihad and he is trying to destroy all religions, Islam
being is 1st target, he supports you. Not only is he an Anti Muslim,
he is an Anti christian and semite. After facing him in a debate on
his forum he equivically stated that your actions and work is
pointless and that you are deceived by your faith. Somehow that
entire thread disappeared and he has threatened me with legal action
if I ever try to contact him or his affiliates again. Therefore
please Mr. Spencer let the world know about this devious man, who is
willing to sacrifice honor and trust just for his dollars and cents.
Just to let you know that he has made a pretty
penny due to his work and you are adding to his forune.
Both Robert and I had a good laugh over it and
remembered how Muhammad had used the exact same ploy to cause suspicion
among his opponents and after driving a rift between them, he annihilated them
one by one.
One such incident took place during the war known as
Khandaq and the following is the story taken from my upcoming book From
to 9/11
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