




 Leaving Islam





Time To Go Home?
by Yashiko Sagamori

In the aftermath of the recent devastating earthquake in Iran, news media reported “a miracle”: a man, extracted from the rubble and thought to be dead, stirred on the way to the mass grave. At least two other similar cases were reported. When I read it, my first thought was: In the rush to bury the victims in order to avoid an epidemic, how many people failed to stir in time and were buried alive — for the second time within hours or, at most, days? How many of those would have been alive today had Iran not rejected Israel's offer of help? If proof was still needed that hatred of Jews prevails over any other interest of the Islamic Republic, its government has presented it, loud and clear. Since no one in Iran uttered a word of objection to that policy, the population must support it wholeheartedly. Iranians would rather be buried alive than rescued by Jews. That's anti-Semitism.
    Not a single country, not a single international organization, not a single defender of human rights protested against it. Not even the United States of America. That constitutes universal acceptance of anti-Semitism, which is just another form of anti-Semitism itself.
    In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Madrid, Spain followed in the footsteps of the ayatollahs and rejected Israel's help. It is safer not to be associated with the Jews. That's anti-Semitism.
    The United States has been afflicted with political correctness to a degree far beyond the loss of touch with reality. American Indians, who, in all the millennia preceding the arrival of evil white people, literally failed to invent the wheel , are being portrayed in American movies as carriers of elusive ancient wisdom. The police are not allowed to rely on statistics of violent crimes lest it offends African American sensitivities. Security personnel at airports are warned against “profiling” Muslims, despite the commonly known fact that Islam is the main source of terrorism against this country. And yet a movie whose message is most accurately described in three simple words, Jews killed Jesus, has raised no objections from the politically correct crowd: Jews are not subject to the same considerations. That's anti-Semitism. Many good Christians who enjoyed Mad Mel's production would tell you that some of their best friends are Jewish. Never mind their best friends; it is still anti-Semitism.
    I used to think that World War II had cured Christians of anti-Semitism, leaving it to the most backward people on the face of the planet, Muslim Arabs. I was wrong. Worse than that, I was ridiculously wrong. Evil that has flourished for 2,000 years does not go away because of a war — not as long as there are both Jews and gentiles among survivors.
    I used to think that the endorsement of the Jewish State by the UN was an implicit admission by the civilized nations of this planet that they were unable to guarantee the same safety for their Jewish citizens as was afforded to everyone else; therefore, the restoration of Israel was necessary for the survival of the Jewish people. Now I believe I was wrong. Now I believe that it was an attempt to gather all Jews in one place and leave it to the Arabs to render this planet judenrein. We were dreaming of coming home; they were dreaming of the biggest ever death camp for us. That's anti-Semitism.
    The best of us came home and built a country. The price has been enormous. Every square inch of Eretz Yisroel is fertilized with Jewish blood. Since 1948, Israel has not seen a single day of peace. When, instead of a super death camp, a prosperous country emerged, our enemies invented the myth of a “Palestinian people”. No such people has ever existed. The myth itself is as much an anti-Semitic libel as the story of goyische blood in the matzo dough. But can you name at least one government that doesn't support that myth today? I don't think so. That's anti-Semitism.
    The name Palestine was a Roman invention, a part of their attempt to erase Israel from the map. That was anti-Semitism, plain and simple. I don't know who invented the term West Bank. What I do know, it is as much a lie as Palestine. The purpose of that lie is the same: to alter both history and geography, to erase evidence of Jewish presence in the Jewish land, to steal our land from us again. That's anti-Semitism.
    How many news agencies, how many governments ever refer to Judea and Samaria by their proper names? None. That's anti-Semitism.
    Not a single legal document entitles Arabs to an inch of Gaza, Judea, or Samaria. But a unanimous consensus of the international community declares it “Palestinian territory”. Well, let me tell you something about consensus. When everyone present, except for the victim, gives his consent to a rape, it makes the rape neither legal, nor acceptable, nor does it turn it into an exercise in democracy. It turns it into a gang rape. Democracy or not, the only one whose opinion counts is the intended victim. And when the UN gang-rapes Israel, that's anti-Semitism.
    Every year, the EU, US, UN, and every other government and international organization that happens to have a few extra million of dollars or euros in their coffers, provides what they call “humanitarian assistance” to what they call “Palestinians”. Everyone with an IQ above that of an average stone-thrower in Ramallah understands that it means directly financing mass murder of Jews. That's anti-Semitism.
    At every appropriate occasion, the United States calls itself an ally and supporter of Israel. The price Israel has to pay for the US support borders on the loss of sovereignty and leads to its gradual surrender to Arab enemies. As a result, today, Israel's survival is more questionable than ever before since the Yom Kippur War. Arabs alone, without US pressure on Israel, would have never been able to achieve such a victory. That's anti-Semitism.
    When the United States declared its War on Terrorism, everyone was invited to participate, even countries like Iran and Syria that have been sponsoring terrorism for decades, even countries like Pakistan, whose people hate the United States openly and with passion. Israel has been the main victim of Islamic terrorism. It would make a natural, resourceful ally in that war. The United States excluded Israel from participation in its war as firmly as Spain rejected Israel's help in the aftermath of the recent terrorist attack in Madrid, and, basically, for the same reason. That's anti-Semitism.
    When the terrorist organization that specializes in murdering Israelis, was, by means of the “road map”, not only declared immune to prosecution, but was practically granted statehood, it was anti-Semitism, pure and simple.
    When, after the fall of Saddam Hussein, the US government was awarding contracts in Iraq, even the staunchest opponents of the war got a chance to participate. Israel was unceremoniously pushed aside. That's anti-Semitism.
    On February 28, the New York Times reported that the Iraqi Governing Council had been pondering a dramatic question: whether to allow Iraqi Jews to return. Jewish communities (should we say, settlements?) had existed in Iraq since at least the 16th century B.C.E. The state of Iraq was mandated by the League of Nations in 1921 C.E., 25 centuries later. Most Iraqi Jews left the country in modern times escaping persecution. The Council decided the Jews should stay out for now. That's anti-Semitism. Moreover, it's an example of the United States government accepting and sponsoring Arab anti-Semitism. That's anti-Semitism as well.
    Javier Marías, a Spanish novelist, assuming that the attack in Madrid was perpetrated by Basque extremists, complained in his op-ed article in the New York Times on March 12:

  [T]here's been no oppression in the Basque region for more than 25 years (beyond, of course, what the ETA itself exercises). There is an autonomous government and a parliament with a broad jurisdiction, and even a Basque police force, which, from time to time, the ETA attacks. The group is no different than the Mafia. Its members and sympathizers know that if they stop killing, they'll be nobodies in their towns and cities, they'll no longer be “respectable” — that is, fearsome and opportunistic.
    Sounds familiar? Unfortunately, to find any commonality between the two situations, one almost inevitably has to be a Jew. One absolutely has to be a Jew to remember that while the Basque people are not the ETA, the “Palestinians people” are really nothing but Arafat's terrorist organization. That's anti-Semitism.
    Christian anti-Semitism has been with us since ancient times, through the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, the two World Wars. It is with us today. Today, Christianity enjoys unprecedented enlightment. Most Christians would be offended by an accusation of anti-Semitism. They will draw a line between anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel. But what exactly is it about Israel that causes your criticism? If you criticize Israeli leaders for failing to claim what's rightfully Israel's and allowing what used to be a minor problem to grow into a real threat to Israel's existence, I am with you; however, when you criticize Israel for not surrendering to those who do not even consider it necessary to hide their intentions to wipe the country, along with its entire Jewish population, off the face of the earth, that's anti-Semitism.
    The inordinate number of Holocaust museums all over the world where people pay tribute to six million dead Jews appears to be evidence against my assertions. But dead Jews don't bother anyone. They no longer rule the world, even by proxy. Live Jews are a different matter.
    The International Court of Justice has been desperately seeking a legal basis for condemning Israel's attempt to defend itself against Arab terror. At the same time, not a single international organization seriously condemns terrorists as long as they choose their victims within Israel's borders. You call that justice? That's anti-Semitism.
    Israel has never attacked or occupied another country. Nevertheless, according to the now famous poll, 59% of the Europeans sincerely believe that Israel is the main threat to world peace today. Most Europeans sincerely believe that Israel was built in place of a country called Palestine and scattered its people. That's ignorance, which breeds anti-Semitism.
    Let's not forget attacks against Jews, Jewish institutions and property that have grown to a degree that makes it no longer possible for the European governments to sweep it under the rug. That's also anti-Semitism.
    Anti-Semitism is nothing new. We've been living with it for 2,000 years. When it grew unbearable in one place, we went elsewhere and stayed there as long as there were no pogroms. Our entire history since the destruction of our Second Temple consists mostly of going from one place to another. This time however it's different. The current wave of anti-Semitism coincided with globalization. This time, when the life of a Jew in England, France, or Spain becomes unbearable, he won't take his family to France, Spain, or England, because such a migration would make as much sense as moving from Munich to Nuremberg in the 1930's.
    The United States lags behind Europe when it comes to anti-Semitism. So far, this country has been good to us. History tells us however that no country in the world has been good to us forever. Are you willing to bet your life on the USA being the first one? A quiet Muslim invasion of the United States is going on steadily. Within a few years, Muslim votes will be more important to American politicians that Jewish ones. The economy, no matter what the propaganda says, is going through a deep crisis also caused, to a large degree, by globalization. How much longer are we going to feel at home in this country? How long before our neighbors begin blaming us for everything that goes wrong? Nobody knows. We do know however that until Hitler came to power, Jews felt safer in Germany than probably anywhere else in the world. Which reminds me: if John Kerry loses this year, Hillary Clinton moves into the White House on January 21, 2009.
    Next year in Jerusalem? Yes, if the Diaspora survives that long.

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February 15, 2004






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