November 16th, 2005
The flames consuming
thousands of automobiles, and the occasional bus, nursery, warehouse, and school
across France are the result of tragic – in the original sense of the word –
set of decisions made by the leaders of Europe, motivated by greed, jealousy,
and hubris. The dream of a Europe restored to preeminence, isolating and
vanquishing the upstart Americans, via a rock-solid alliance with the Arab
world, has become a nightmare. The French cannot acknowledge their problem
precisely because they cannot admit the folly of the policies pursued for the
last three decades as the bedrock of their highest diplomatic, political, and
economic ambitions.
The intifada raging in
France for almost three weeks, has been characterized by overwhelmingly Muslim
rioters engaged in acts of wanton destruction, punctuated by claims of
“territorial control” over sections of various French cities. In the context
of this ongoing havoc, one sees repeated references to the term “Eurabia” by
journalists and other media and academic elites, who, almost without exception,
have no idea about the concrete origins, or significance of this term.
The use of the term “Eurabia”,
as noted by the scholar Bat Ye’or (in her seminal analysis,
Eurabia-The Euro-Arab Axis, released earlier this year) was first
introduced, triumphally, in the mid-1970s, as the title of a journal edited by
the President of the Association for Franco-Arab Solidarity, Lucien Bitterlein,
and published collaboratively by the Groupe d’Etudes sur le Moyen-Orient
(Geneva), France-Pays Arabes (Paris), and the Middle East International
The articles and
editorials in this publication called for common Euro-Arab positions, at every
level – social, economic, and commercial – and were contingent
upon the fundamental political condition of European support for the Arab (and
non-Arab) Muslim umma’s jihad against Israel. These concrete proposals were
not the musings of isolated theorists – they in fact represented policy
decisions conceived in conjunction with, and actualized by, European state
leaders, their ministers of foreign affairs, and European Parliamentarians.
Eurabia, as Bat Ye’or
has demonstrated, now represents a geo-political reality, envisioned in 1973
through a system of informal alliances between the countries of the Arab League
and the nine countries of the European Community (EC), which became the European
Union (EU) in 1992. Various alliances and agreements were elaborated at the top
political level of each European Community country with the representative of
the European Commission, and their Arab counterparts within the Arab League.
This system was synchronized under the rubric of an association called the
Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD), created in July, 1974 in Paris. A working body
composed of committees always presided over jointly by a European and an Arab
delegate, planned the agendas, and organized and monitored the application of
The comprehensive
Euro-Arab collaboration included both domestic and foreign policy issues,
ranging from economic matters to immigration. The joint Euro-Arab foreign
policy, advanced at international forums and NGO meetings was characterized by
anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism, along with simultaneous efforts towards
delegitimation of Israel, and promotion of Arafat’s PLO. The EAD also
established close cooperation domestically between the Arab and the European
print, television, and radio media, publishing houses, academic and cultural
centers, student and youth associations, and the tourism industry. Church
interfaith “dialogues” were a major influence on the development of this
policy. Eurabia thus represents a strong Euro-Arab network of symbiotic
associations which cooperate on political, economic, and cultural issues.
Eurabia involves not only
an intricate web of agreements covering a remarkably broad range; it is
essentially a political project for the total demographic and cultural symbiosis
between Europe and the Arab Muslim world. Israel will eventually dissolve,
according to the design of this project. America would be isolated and
challenged by an emerging Euro-Arab continent, linked to the entire Muslim
world, and invested with tremendous political and economic power in
international affairs. The policies of “multilateralism” and of “soft
diplomacy” express this deepening symbiosis. The Euro-Arab agreements are
merely the tools for the creation of a new extended Mediterranean
“continent.” Eurabia is also based on a vision of Christian-Muslim
reconciliation, built on anti-Zionism, strongly advocated by major Christian
religious bodies, and often espousing a new hybrid Islamo-Christian replacement
Respective European and
Arab goals for the Eurabian project, are summarized by Bat Ye’or. First, the
European ambitions: to play a defining political role in international relations
in competition with the United States, and independent of its influence;
maintain important spheres of influence in the former European Arab colonies;
open huge markets for the European Economic Community’s products in the Arab
world, especially in oil-producing countries; secure supplies of petroleum and
natural gas to Europe; make the Mediterranean a Euro-Arab inland sea by
encouraging massive Arab immigration into Europe, and favoring Muslim
immigrants; create Euro-Arab populations by promoting multiculturalism with a
strong Islamic presence in Europe; develop a powerful Islamo-Christian symbiosis
against Israel, orienting Europe toward Islam, and liberating Christianity from
Judaism, which is viewed by some anti-Semitic factions as the embodiment of
evil. The Arab partners, in turn, demanded from Europe: alignment with
their anti-Israeli policy; modernization of their countries; access to Western
science and technology; European political independence from the United States,
and separation of the trans-Atlantic allies; measures favorable to Arab
immigration and dissemination of Arab and Islamic culture in Europe.
Bat Ye’or traces the
development, evolution, and major characteristics of these policies and
practices over the past thirty years, while examining their consequences for the
European continent, and Europe’s relationships to America and Israel.
During a November 27,
1967 press conference, Charles de Gaulle stated openly that French cooperation
with the Arab world had become, “the fundamental basis of our foreign
policy”. By January 1969, the Second International Conference in Support
of the Arab Peoples, held in Cairo, in its resolution 15, decided
“…to form special
parliamentary groups, where they did not exist, and to use the parliamentary
platform support of the Arab people and the Palestinian resistance.”
Five years later in
Paris, July 1974, the Parliamentary
Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation was created, under the Euro-Arab
Dialogue rubric. [At present it has burgeoned to over six hundred members—from
all major European political parties –each active in their own national
parliaments, as well as in the European parliament.] The Parliamentary
Association’s explicit policies mimicked the 23 resolutions of the 1969
aforementioned Cairo Conference. This has become a permanent feature of how the
Parliamentary Association operates- adopting identical positions, even verbatim
language, derived from prior joint Arab League-Western European policy meetings,
or even exclusive international Arab and non-Arab Muslim conferences.
The Parliamentary
Association has endeavored to promote Arab interests and demands within each
European party and Parliament, and in the European Council. The
Association functions as a powerful extension of Arab lobbying efforts against
Israel, pressuring European governments, for example, to adopt economic and
academic boycotts directed at the Jewish State. The other principal organs
of the Dialogue are the MEDEA Institute, the European Institute of Research on
Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation created in 1995 with the backing of the
European Commission, and the MEDA program that manages substantial European
funds allocated to Arab countries.
These associations,
through their committees and subcommittees, maintain complete coordination
between the Western European and Arab parties in the political, economic, and
cultural realms. As a result, the European Community stands apart from the
United States by consistently backing Arab claims, and Palestinian policies, and
stubbornly insisted (right up until his recent death) on Arafat as the unique
and exclusive representative of the Palestinians. European emissaries of
the Dialogue also work incessantly attempting to bring the American government
into line with Arab anti-Israeli positions. Bat Ye’or has highlighted this
shared Euro-Arab political agenda:
• recognition of
the Palestinians as a distinct people; up to 1973 they had been known as Arab
refugees; • recognition of the PLO and its leader Arafat as unique
representative of the Palestinians; • obligation for Israel to
negotiate exclusively with Arafat; • a global and not a separate peace;
• retreat of Israel to the1949 armistice lines; • Arab-Islamic
sovereignty in Jerusalem; • European pressure on the United States to
align with their Arab policy; • demonization of Israel, as a threat to
world peace; • moralization of the Palestinian jihad as a just war
against the injustice of Israel’s existence; • placing the
Palestinian problem at the epicenter of international politics. • delegitimization
of Israel with all the attendant negative consequences that follow.
Parroting Arab
League declarations, the phrase “legitimate inalienable rights of the
Palestinian people” is repeated mantra-like in European political
pronouncements, but as Bat Ye’or notes,
We would seek
in vain the definition of the rights of Kurds, Berbers, Copts or any other
pre-Islamic indigenous inhabitants of the Middle East, including Jews—these
peoples are never mentioned.
This political agenda has
been reinforced by (and now mirrors) the deliberate cultural transformation of
Europe. Euro-Arab Dialogue Symposia conducted 20 to 25 years ago, i.e., in
Venice (1977) and Hamburg (1983), included recommendations, below, that have
been successfully implemented, accompanied by a deliberate, privileged
influx of Arab and other Muslim immigrants, in enormous numbers:
• Coordination
of the efforts made by the Arab countries to spread the Arabic language and
culture in Europe and to find the appropriate form of cooperation among the
Arab institutions that operate in this field. • Creation of joint
Euro-Arab Cultural Centers in European capitals which will undertake the
diffusion of the Arabic language and culture. • Encouragement of
European institutions either at University level or other levels that are
concerned with the teaching of the Arabic language and the diffusion of Arabic
and Islamic culture. • Support of joint projects for cooperation
between European and Arab institutions in the field of linguistic research and
the teaching of the Arabic language to Europeans. • Necessity of
supplying European institutions and universities with Arab teachers
specialized in teaching Arabic to Europeans. • Necessity, when teaching
Arabic, of emphasizing Arab-Islamic culture and contemporary Arab issues. • Necessity
of cooperation between European and Arab specialists in order to present an
objective picture of Arab-Islamic civilization and contemporary Arab issues to
students and to the educated public in Europe which could attract Europeans to
Arabic studies.
Eighteen months ago, Bat
Ye’or summarized
the bitter harvest Western Europe was reaping from the sociopolitical and
cultural changes it had sown:
Arab and Islamic
anti-Israeli propaganda, barely disguised in academic and cultural
packaging…disseminated by organs of the Euro-Arab Dialogue operating under
the highest state authorities and imposed in universities, the press, and
cultural centers. Dissidents, whether in religious, political, or cultural
circles…marginalized or reduced to silence…Within this Europe transformed
into a Euro-Arab continent hostile to the United States and Israel,
transnational, transcontinental Judeophobia is structured in the fusion of two
hatreds-European Antisemitism, and Arab-Muslim Judeophobia. This incendiary
mixture formed the pillars of the Euro-Arab alliance against both Israel and
the United States. The dialogue committees condition European mentalities to
the new cult of Palestinianism. This ideology of hate melds Christian and
Islamic Judeophobia, including the principles of replacement theology,
expressed as both Christian, and finally Islamic supersessionism against
Israel, which is condemned to disappear…Israel[‘s] usurped history and
identity are projected onto the Palestinians. Traditional European
Antisemitism and Islamic jihad are fused within the structures and geopolitics
of Euro-Arabism; in this process, European anti-Americanism and Judeophobia
come together within the Euro-Arab ideology.
Europe’s hidden war
against Israel is wrapped in the Palestinian flag, and is part of a global
movement that is transforming Europe into a new continent of dhimmitude within
a worldwide strategy of jihad and da’wa, the latter being the
pacific method of Islamization…this policy of dhimmitude for the
Euro-Arabian continent…entitled “Dialogue between Peoples and Cultures in
the Euro-Mediterranean Region” (Note the orientation of the map on the cover
page, which, “corresponds to the world view of the Arab cartographers of
the Middle Ages”, and no doubt their contemporary descendants, i.e., the
Southern Mediterranean littoral on top of the Northern!) was accepted by the
European Union in December 2003. Unfortunately, the policy of “Dialogue”
with the Arab League nations, willfully pursued by Europe for the past three
decades, has promoted European dhimmitude and rabid Judeophobia.
In the wake of the
continuing French intifada, Bat Ye’or’s analyses have profound implications
for Western Europe - which may be incapable of altering its Eurabian
trajectory; her research
may be even more important for the United States if it wishes to avoid
Europe’s fate:
Th[e] Eurabian ethos
operates at all levels of European society. Its countless functionaries, like
the Christian [devshirme]-janissary slave soldiers of past Islamic
regimes, advance a jihadist world strategy. Eurabia cannot change direction;
it can only use deception to mask its emergence, its bias and its inevitable
trajectory. Eurabia’s destiny was sealed when it decided, willingly, to
become a covert partner with the Arab global jihad against America and
Israel. Americans must discuss the tragic development of Eurabia, and its
profound implications for the United States, particularly in terms of its
resultant foreign policy realities. Americans should consider the despair and
confusion of many Europeans, prisoners of a Eurabian totalitarianism that
foments a culture of deadly lies about Western civilization. Americans should
know that this self-destructive calamity did not just happen, rather it was
the result of deliberate policies, executed and monitored by ostensibly
responsible people. Finally, Americans should understand that Eurabia’s
contemporary anti-Zionism and anti-Americanism are the spiritual heirs of
1930s Nazism and anti-Semitism, triumphally resurgent.
Dr. Bostom is an
Associate Professor of Medicine, and author of the recently released, The
Legacy of Jihad, on
Prometheus Books.