The World’s Canary?
By Amber
Recently, the French government banned
Islamic headscarves, Jewish skullcaps and Christian crosses from their
classrooms. As most know,
the main purpose of this was to remove the Islamic symbols – banning
Jewish and Christian symbols was just done to be fair.
Now a minister in the French government has called for something
equally as ridiculous: banning
“religious” beards and bandannas in the classroom.
This is clearly a method to target Muslim
religious dress. Muslim
women often wear the bandannas now in replace of the Islamic headscarf.
The French, revealing that they are thought police, are in debate over
if all beards and bandannas should be banned or just ones that are
“religious signs.” “How
will teachers identify religious facial hair? Would they reprimand a
‘religious’ bandanna but allow it as a fashion statement?”
I want you to breathe in the marvel of this.
It isn’t the United States, who was attacked by Muslim
terrorists two years ago, that is banning Muslim religious symbols.
It’s France: the most vocal country opposed to the war.
The question is really begged:
why has the French government become so hostile to the Muslim
An article entitled,
Ripe for a Muslim Coup d'Etat?" describes the situation in
Jacques Chirac says the law's [banning Islamic headscarves] goal
is to protect France's secular underpinnings. However, it also is seen
as a way to hold back Islamic fundamentalism in the nation's Muslim
community, at an estimated 5 million the largest in Western Europe.”
The French aren’t banning Muslim religious
signs because they believe “all Muslims are responsible for 9-11.”
France is the least likely place to do this.
They are doing it to restrain violence and harassment committed
by Muslims, which is an ever-growing problem in France.
In the article
linked above, it describes some of the things Muslims have been
responsible for in France: Muslim
radicals insulting and harassing non-Muslim teachers in classrooms;
Muslims vandalizing supermarkets that carry products not approved by the
Koran; Muslim males harassing and threatening their fellow Muslim
females into wearing the hijab – just to name a few of the things
happening there.
So much for those
who say that radical Islam only exists in the Middle East.
“Islamists have
the clear goal of transforming France into the first Islamist regime of
the West.”
Because they are
opposed to war, racial profiling, and other effective tools to stop
violence and crime, the French have been gutted of any ability to
protect their own streets. Their
only option has been to ban headscarves and now beards – all in the
name of “secularism.”
Indeed, one can
easily see those in the United States doing such a thing, except in the
United States they are only trying to remove Christian religious signs
from the classroom – not Islamic.
At least the French are consistent, although at this point they
have to be.
Of course, radical
Muslims knew what Western country to hit first in their effort to
Islamicize the rest of the world. France,
being France, was the most vulnerable country to go after.
Is France the world’s canary?
Are the rest of us watching, like coal miners as the canary falls
over and dies, knowing what will happen to us next?
got itself into this mess by being such a “progressive” and
“tolerant” country. Now
the rest of us watch while they, like a hippopotamus trying to do
ballet, try to get themselves out.
And what do you know. The United State's
"unilateral" mission in Iraq and the Middle East may very well
end up saving them.