




 Leaving Islam




The daughters of Allah.
We read that the moon Allah was a male deity. Did this Allah have a wife or a female partner?

This question will infuriate many diehard believers of Islam. But historical evidences, especially epigraphical proof is too compelling to reject. From the cuneiform writings of the Sumerian (of Babylon ), it stands out that Allah did have a consort (a wife, perhaps) and her name was Lilith. The conjecture is that Allat was the product of union of Allah and Lilith. Allat resembled Lilith, her mother, who is depicted in the Sumerian epigraphs with two huge breasts and a gigantic vulva. Phillip Hitti, in his authoritative book, History of the Arabs shows the image of Allat in a bronze coin of the Nabateans (Hitti, 2002, p. 86). This image of Allat has the striking resemblance of the goddess Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of learning. It is also possible that the other two daughters of Allah; namely; Uzza and Manat were from Lilith, or possibly from other concubines of Allah. These goddesses are referred to in the Qur’an as the daughters (Satanic verses, 53:19‑20) of Allah. When Muhammad was utterly disappointed with the meager success of his mission, he sought reconciliation with the Pagan Quraysh. He extolled these three daughters of Allah and wanted their exalted blessing. However, Muhammad was quick to recognize his folly and claimed that all Prophets, at times, were inspired by the Satan. Then he cancelled those verses from the Qur’an. Those verses were 15:19‑23. Let us read the verses, as they are currently in the Qur’an:

YUSUFALI: And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.
YUSUFALI: And We have provided therein means of subsistence,- for you and for those for whose sustenance ye are not responsible.
YUSUFALI: And there is not a thing but its (sources and) treasures (inexhaustible) are with Us; but We only send down thereof in due and ascertainable measures.
YUSUFALI: And We send the fecundating winds, then cause the rain to descend from the sky, therewith providing you with water (in abundance), though ye are not the guardians of its stores.
YUSUFALI: And verily, it is We Who give life, and Who give death: it is We Who remain inheritors (after all else passes away).

We might wonder: these verses have nothing to do with Allat, Uzza or Manat. How could they be called satanic verses? The answer to this enigma is that these are the latest verses which Muhammad had implanted in the Qur’an after Allah rebuked him for being under the influence of Satan. Muhammad duly complied with Allah’s instruction. He replaced the original verses with these new verses. So what were the original verses?—we might be curious to know.

According to William Montgomery Watt, one of the most distinguished writers of Muhammad’s biography and Islamic history, the original verses of 15:19‑23 ran thus (Watt, 1999, p.21; also see ibn Ishaq, 2001, pp. 165‑166):

Have you considered Allat and al-‘Uzza
And Manat, the third, the other?
Those are the swans exalted;
Their intercession is expected;
Their likes are not neglected.]

Hisham al-Kalbi, the author, of Kitab al-Asnam (The Book of Idols), writes about these three daughters of Allah:

Allat: She stood in al-Taif. She was more recent than Manah. She was a cubic rock. ‘Attab ibn Malik of the Thaqif was her keeper. They built an edifice over her. The Quraysh and all Arabs used to worship her and name their children after her. She stood on the left side of the present mosque at Taif. Verse 53:19 mentions her. Mughirah ibn Shu’bab destroyed her and burnt her temple to the ground.

Ibn‑Hajar, swearing by Allah said, “By Allat and ‘Uzza and those who in them believe, and by Allah verily He is greater than both” (ibn al–Kalbi, 1952, p. 15).

Uzza: Uzza is more recent than Allat or Manah. The Arabs named their children after her.

Zilim ibn As’ad introduced al–Uzza. She was situated in a valley in Nakhlat called Hurad–to the right of the road from Mecca to al-Iraq, above Dhat-Irq. Zilim built a house over her calling it Buss. People received divine messages there. Children were named—Abd-al-Uzza. She was the greatest among the Quraysh. They used to seek her favors through sacrifice. Muhammad had offered a sacrifice, a white sheep to al-Uzza. The Quraysh circumambulated Ka’ba saying:

By Allat and al-Uzza,
And Manah, the third idol besides
Verily they are the most exalted females
Whose intercession is sought.

These verses were abrogated and replaced by verses 53:19–20 and 17:75–76.
Allat, al-Uzza and Manah were called the daughters of Allah.

Al-Uzza had a place of sacrifice called al-Ghabghab. Arabs used to sacrifice cattle there. After sacrifice they used to divide the meat among those present at the ceremony. The Quraysh venerated her above all other idols (ibn al–Kalbi, 1952, p. 17).

Having watched a Television documentary on the ruins of Arabia Petra, situated at north-western Saudi Arabia , it is my conjecture that the Meccan goddess Uzza probably resembled Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction.

Manah (alternative spelling of Manat): It was the most ancient idol. The Arabs named their children after it. She was at Qudayd, between Medina and Mecca . They used to sacrifice before her—particularly Aws and Khazraj as well as the inhabitants of Medina and Mecca . At the end of pilgrimage, when about to return home, people would set out to the place of Manah, shave their heads and stay there for a while. The pilgrimage was not complete until they visited Manah.

Manah is mentioned in 53:20. She was the goddess of the Hudhayl and the Khuza’ah. Ali demolished her, took all her treasures and took them to Muhammad—two swords—presented to Manah by al-Harith ibn Abi-Shamir al-Ghaassan, the king of Ghassan. These swords were called Mikhdam and Rasub. Muhammad gave these two swords to Ali. Dhu-al-Faqr was one of these swords. It was the sword of Ali. However, another version of this destruction story says that Ali found these two swords in the temple of al-Fals, the idol of Tayyi (ibn al-Kalbi, 1952, pp. 13–14).

Here are a few more comments on the three daughters of Allah: Allat, Uzza and Manat.

Allat was the goddess of war, Uzza, the goddess of sacrifice and Manat, the goddess of destiny or fate (Walker, 2004, p. 45).

Allat was connected with the moon, Uzza with the planet Venus and Manat with the star Sirius (Ibid, p. 46).

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