




 Leaving Islam




Roman Rahim

Mr. Roman Rahim in his article  makes few assertions that need to be addressed. 

He starts accusing the “Colonial West” for trying to smear the image of Islam presenting it as a religion that promotes discrimination against the non-believers. Could he please tell us who is this “West” he is talking about? He talks about the West as if it is a company whose CEO is prejudiced against Islam. This is an absurdity. The West is part of the world that comprises people of different beliefs and ideologies some of them are Muslims and some could not care less about Islam. Can he tell us whom is he pointing the finger to precisely? 

However I would like to correct Mr. Rahim and inform him that it is not the “West” or any organization of this generic term “the West” that is trying to eradicate Islam. The “West” is entangled in its own web of political correctness and is unable and unwilling to confront Islam and expose its fallacies. Furthermore the “West” believes that religion is a personal matter and it does not deem it to be its responsibility to correct other people’s beliefs. The West has enshrined freedom of belief in its charter of rights and people in all Western countries are protected by law to have the freedom of religion. Muslims also benefit from this freedom. Thanks to that freedom they have invaded the West, have built their mosques and have started a relentless campaign of misguiding the youth of their host countries inseminating the hate of their own people in their hearts. 

It is not the West that is trying to eradicate Islam. There is a movement already in place spearheaded by the ex-Muslims that are fed up of Islam and the cruelties inherent in its teachings that have risen with total dedication to stop the spread of lies of this cultic religion. 

Mr. Rahim should now start paying attention to us, the children born and raised within Islam who have seen the light and the ugly face of this cult and have realized the dangers that it represents to the peace and security of the entire human race. We have risen to reclaim our identity, our dignity and our humanity. We have realized that Islam has kept our counties in constant state of war, in poverty, in misery and in moral, intellectual and spiritual deficiency.  

Forget about the West Mr. Rahim. WE are the enemies of Islam. WE are accusing Islam of discrimination against the non-believers, of intolerance against the minorities, of hatemongering, of brainwashing its victims, of abusing the human rights, of assaulting against human intelligence, of subjugating the rights of the women and of crimes against humanity.   

In your article you quoted allegedly a hadith from the “last Prophet” without giving any references: "He who abuses a dhimmi, then I will be his rival and dispute him on the Day of Judgment".  Could you please tell us where did you find this? Then please tell us how do you reconcile it with the following verses: 

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. 9:29,

Imagine if the “West” decided to apply this teaching of the Quran on the Muslim. What would you say if this terrible “West” imposed a penalty tax on you and made you feel "subdued with willing submission"? This Jizya is not something “symbolic” as the Muslim apologists like to claim. The prophet exacted half of the earnings of the Jews of Kheibar after killing all their able men. This tax was imposed on the elderly, unattractive women not worth enslaving and children.    

The above verse in Arabic starts by saying: Qateloo alladina la yo’menuna bellah. The translator uses “fight” but qateloo means kill. “Kill those who do not believe in Allah…” The verse before that exhorts Muslims: 

“O you who believe! Verily, the Mushrikűn (unbeleivers) are Najasun (impure). So let them not come near Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (at Makkah) after this year, …” 9: 28 

Do we have any “Western” and “Capitalistic” law that discriminates against the Muslims is such crude way calling them najis? I remind you that Muslims are allowed to visit even the Vatican and no one would stop them ever questioning about their religion. 

Quran is full of teachings like this. For example let us go through few of them. 

Quran tells Muslims to kill the disbelievers wherever they find them (Q. 2:191), to murder them and treat them harshly (Q. 9:123), slay them  (Q. 9: 5), fight with them, (Q. 8: 65 ) Quran takes away the freedom of belief from all humanity and tell clearly that no other religion except Islam is accepted (Q. 3: 85). It relegates those who disbelieve in Quran to hell  (Q.  5: 11), calls them najis (filthy, untouchable, impure) (Q. 9: 28). It orders its followers to fight the unbelievers until no other religion except Islam is left (Q. 2: 193). It says that the non-believers will go to hell and will drink boiling water (Q. 14: 17). It asks the Muslims to slay or crucify or cut the hands and feet of the unbelievers, that they be expelled from the land with disgrace and that “they shall have a great punishment in world hereafter” (Q.5: 34). “As for the disbelievers”, it says that “for them garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowls and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods” (Q. 22: 9). Quran prohibits a Muslim to befriend a non-believer even if that non-believer is the father or the brother of that Muslim (Q. 9: 23), (Q. 3: 28). Quran asks the Muslims to “strive against the unbelievers with great endeavor (Q. 25: 52), be stern with them because they belong to hell (Q. 66: 9).  The holy Prophet demanded his follower to “strike off the heads of the disbelievers”; then after making a “wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives” (Q. 47: 4). As for women the book of Allah says that they are inferior to men and their husbands have the right to scourge them if they are found disobedient (Q. 4:34). It teaches that women will go to hell if they are disobedient to their husbands (Q.  66:10). It maintains that men have an advantage over the women (Q. 2:228). It not only denies the women's equal right to their inheritance (Q. 4:11-12), it also regards them as imbeciles and decrees that their witness is not admissible in the court (Q. 2:282). This means that a woman who is raped cannot accuse her rapist unless she can produce a male witness. Muhammad allowed the Muslims to marry up to four views and gave them license to sleep with their slave maids and as many “captive” women as they may have (Q. 4:3). He himself did just that. This is why anytime a Muslim army subdues another nation, they call them kafir and allow themselves to rape their women. Pakistani soldiers raped up to 250,000 Bangali women in 1971 after they massacred 3,000,000 unarmed civilians when their religious leader decreed that Bangladeshis are unislamic. This is why the prison guards in Islamic regime of Iran rape the women and then kill them after calling them apostates and the enemies of Allah.   

Mr. Rahim wrote: “Islam does not recognise the concept of discrimination or equal-rights, rather it grants rights to Muslims and non-Muslims recognising there individual needs to worship, but at the same time spreading justice, security, high values and prosperity.” 

Can we ask Mr. Rahim to be clearer? What is he trying to say?  Is he confused or is he trying to confuse his readers? Does Islam discriminate against the non-Muslims or it doesn’t? 

For those who are not familiar with the apologists way of sophistry I would like to explain that Mr. Rahim is trying to twist the words so while acknowledging the obvious that Islam does not grant equal rights to non-Muslims insinuate that it gives them a different kind of right that is given to the Muslims. He is right; the dhimmis are given the right to live provided they do not teach their religion to others, pay half of their earnings as Jizya, consider themselves as second class citizens and never aspire to have an official administrative post, marry a Muslim woman or God forbid govern over a Muslim nation. 

Now compare that to the “very bad” capitalistic Western laws. Do we have any such blatant discrimination in the West against the Muslims?  

See what the prophet said about the non-Muslims of Arabia in his deathbed. 

 Volume 4, Book 52, Number 288: 
The Prophet on his death-bed, gave three orders saying, "Expel the pagans from the Arabian Peninsula, respect and give gifts to the foreign delegates as you have seen me dealing with them." I forgot the third (order)" (Ya'qub bin Muhammad said, "I asked Al-Mughira bin 'Abdur-Rahman about the Arabian Peninsula and he said, 'It comprises Mecca, Medina, Al-Yama-ma and Yemen." Ya'qub added, "And Al-Arj, the beginning of Tihama.") 

And Umar fulfilled the Prophet's last wish. 

Volume 3, Book 39, Number 531:

Narrated Ibn 'Umar:
Umar expelled the Jews and the Christians from Hijaz. When Allah's Apostle had conquered Khaibar, he wanted to expel the Jews from it as its land became the property of Allah, His Apostle, and the Muslims. Allah's Apostle intended to expel the Jews but they requested him to let them stay there on the condition that they would do the labor and get half of the fruits. Allah's Apostle told them, "We will let you stay on thus condition, as long as we wish." So, they (i.e. Jews) kept on living there until 'Umar forced them to go towards Taima' and Ariha'.



Mr. Rahim lashed out at the “West” saying: “It is enough for one to look to the West, to find that equality, justice and accountability are all selective and a fallacy enjoyed and practiced by the few who are from a particular colour, religion, race, or financial status.” 

Many people in the West are still prejudiced, albeit their percentage is far less than in Islamic countries. But what counts is that the laws in the western countries stipulate equality and there are mechanisms to eliminate the prejudices. For example The Equal Work Opportunity is a clause in the Canadian Labor Law that obligates the companies to employ a minimum number of visible minorities. Often the whites with better qualifications cannot be hired and the job goes to the less qualified members of the visible minorities. The native Indians in Canada have so many advantages compared to whites that many of them fight hard to keep their status as the First Nation even when only one of their parents is a native Indian. This has caused some anger among the whites who interpret this as discrimination against them. For example the whites cannot catch the fish in certain months of the years for conservation reasons while the native Indians can. They often cannot get to universities for which they have to pay expensive tuitions because the position is taken by a native Indian who with less qualification is entitled to guaranteed admission without paying a dime for tuition.  The native Indians moreover are exempt from paying taxes. But if they aspire to become the Prime Minister of the country there is no discrimination against them. It is true that the Jesuits and then the missionaries did a lot of wrong to the native Indians but our laws are now completely in their favor. Some attitudes need to be changed, though most people have no prejudice whatsoever.  The important thing is that the the laws favor the minorities and that is what matters most. 

In Islam it is the Sharia that is discriminatory. Many Muslims moved by their conscience tend to be just and fair towards the oppressed minorities of their countries but Islamic laws stops them on their track.  In Islam the non-believers have very few rights. The life of non-Muslims along with that of women is worth half of that of a male Muslim. Islam is indeed the religion of discrimination and disqualify. It takes a blind not to see that. In Islam only Muslim men are equal; women and non-believers are not included. 

Mr. Rahim goes on to say; “In Western societies we will find this selective policy in place when we can see there is no room for any political group other than a group that participates in democracy and supports the intellectual basis of the Capitalist system.” 

Dear Sir. Democracy means participation of everyone. Democracy is not discriminatory.  Of course democracies do not allow dictatorial and undemocratic movements that are discriminatory. Are you trying to say democracy is bad because it does not allow fascistic groups to take root and flourish? As an apologist of Islam you have been a great help to me for unveiling the real Islam. Please do write more often.      

Mr. Rahim continues: “Furthermore the rise of neo-nazis in Germany, the popularity of far-right extremist Mr Haider in Austria, the recent riots in northern England, the prevention of Muslim women from wearing the veil to schools in France all highlight the injustice, inequality and dissatisfaction in the West.” 

He is actually right. There is an anti Islamic sentiment brewing in the West. There is a lot of resentment among the Westerners who originally opened their doors to the Muslims and gave them equal opportunities to live, work and prosper in their countries. However the Muslims did not integrate in the society. They kept to themselves, kept invading the Western countries by immigration and grew in number by rapid procreation. Now that their number has grown they are demanding special status. In Ontario, Canada, the Muslims have angered many Christians for demanding the province-funded school facilities to be used as a mosque for Friday prayers for the students and their relatives. In Italy they enraged the Italians for asking them to remove a seven hundred year old painting from a church that they declared "insulting their sensitivity". In UK they have started riots and are clashing with their hosts. It is quite natural to expect the rise in hostility by the Westerners against the Muslims. We have invaded their homes, took advantage of all their humanistic laws, benefited from their social welfare, have reproduced like rabbits, kept ourselves aloof, insulted their culture, disregarded their values and converted their kids into hate mongering zombies that have turned against their own culture, society and parents. While the number of Muslims in the West is on the rise, the number of non-Muslims in all Islamic countries has been steadily declining. We have created such an atmosphere of repression that no non-Muslim can afford to stay where Islam is the rule of the land.   

Mr. Rahim complains that France's does not allow Muslim women to wear veil. I would like to remind him that Islamic countries oblige non-Muslim women to observer Islamic hijab. This is sheer arrogance to demand non-Islamic countries rights for Muslims that the Muslims do not give to the non-Muslims where they are the majority.  What rights the non-Muslims have in Islamic countries? The non-Muslims are striped of all their human rights in Islamic countries and you are complaining about Muslim women not being able to introduce a primitive dress code in a country where they are guests?  If they do not like it they can go back where they came from. The non-Muslims trapped in Islamic countries however cannot go anywhere. They belong to those countries and prior to the invasion of Islam they owned those countries.   

Mr. Rahim goes on to say; “And it does not stop there – the disease has spread to the Muslim world too – In Saudia Arabia the people from Asia are poorly treated, just as the Turks poorly treat the Kurds, and so on.” 

What an intellectual duplicity! Now this character wants to blame the West for the flaws of the Muslims that are directly inspired by Quran. The bigotry of the Saudis has nothing to do with the West and it has everything to do with Islam. When these barbarians attacked my country Iran they killed hundreds of thousands of us and took millions of us as slaves. They destroyed our libraries and placed an Arab in the house of each Iranian. The job of this Arab was to watch over the Iranian families to make sure that they do not deviate from the Islamic rules and would punish them if they wanted to revert to their national costumes. If an Iranian was riding and met an Arab walking, he had to dismount and let the Arab ride while he to walked holding the rein of his horse or donkey and accompany the Arab to his destination. No Iranian was allowed to occupy any post of prominence in his own country. This made us rebel and it was under the leadership of Abu Muslim Khorasani that we rouse with anger, killed all the Arab parasites residing in Iran, restored our language and reestablished our nationality, customs and festivities. Many other countries like Syria, Egypt Palestine and Iraq lost their language and national identity and were arabanized completely. It is thanks to Iran that other Islamic counties like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia were able to preserve their language while they were forced into Islam.  Calling the Arab's arrogance and natural haughtiness  and discriminatory characteristic an influence of the West is an insult to intelligence and is a mockery of justice.  Only a Muslim is capable of such an intellectual dishonesty.  

Mr. Rahim concluds:
“we must understand that the Kuffar will continue to have an agenda to distort the image of Islam, using accusations of discrimination and inequality to carry their way of life to the Muslims.” 

My answer to him is that Islam has an image that is quite distorted and it is obvious to any observer who reads the Quran. The discrimination and inequality are intrinsic in Islam. Islam has no place in the civilized world. The westerners cannot and will not oppose Islam because they believe that religion is private. The real enemies of Islam are its own victims. We are the enemies of this hatemongering cult. For 1400 years we did not have the voice to dissent. You imprisoned us killed us and terrorized us to keep us silent. You burned our books and our bodies. But now we have come back with a vengeance. We are the voices of Ar Razi, Ibn Sina, Khayyam, Al Muari, Ibn Rushd and Ali Dashti. We are the apostates of this barbaric cult. We are the children of those who were martyred by this savage cult. Now we have risen to slay this monster and free our people from its dungeons. 

The days of knowledge is dawned and the night of ignorance is over. Where are you going to hide when the sun of truth is at its zenith?


Ali Sina

Non-Muslims citizens of the Islamic state


[forwarded by] Roman Rahim

Email: [email protected]

The Colonialist West wants us to believe that Islam and consequently an Islamic state would be discriminatory and oppressive towards the Ahl al-Dhimmah (People of Covenant) i.e. non-Muslims citizens of the state, and that it is only possible for Muslims to live under the Islamic ruling system, whilst for non-Muslims this would lead to harm and bloodshed. 

The root of this dangerous concept has slowly seeped into our Muslim lands - in Nigeria, Ethiopia and Sudan where Muslims yearn to abide by the Shariah, but in turn have been forced to divide their land with the Christians under the pretext of preventing riots and killings. Previously Mahathir of Malaysia has also used the existence of non-Muslim citizens as an excuse not to implement Islam. Such notions are contradictory to Islam and its view of non-Muslim citizens, as reflected in the saying of the final Prophet (saw) "He who abuses a dhimmi, then I will be his rival and dispute him on the Day of Judgment". 

Islam detached from its executive body through the destruction of the Khilafah in 1924, the West now wants to eradicate Islam once and for all, having concluded that the power of Islam (and so that of the Muslims) lies with its ideology i.e. in the Islamic aqeedah and the thoughts that emanate from it. In their attempt to finish off Islam, the Kuffar began promoting certain concepts to distort our minds and lead Muslims into the idea of separating religion from life.

The allegation of discrimination is used by the Kuffar West to subjugate the Muslims, undermine the return of the Khilafah and retain their hegemony over Muslim lands. Under a veil of accusations of discrimination, views from the western culture are being propagated. For example according to the Capitalist, man should have the right to change religions, but for the Muslims this is unacceptable (the Prophet pbuh said: "whoever changes his deen, kill him").

Islam does not recognise the concept of discrimination or equal-rights, rather it grants rights to Muslims and non-Muslims recognising there individual needs to worship, but at the same time spreading justice, security, high values and prosperity. 

It is enough for one to look to the West, to find that equality, justice and accountability are all selective and a fallacy enjoyed and practiced by the few who are from a particular colour, religion, race, or financial status. The suffering faced by the blacks, Indians, those of African and Asian origins, and those who are not from Western European descent, is evidence enough against the Western Capitalist System – despite some exceptional cases. For example If we just look to the Capitalistic Western societies we will find this selective policy in place when we can see there is no room for any political group other than a group that participates in democracy and supports the intellectual basis of the Capitalist system – where is the justice or equality in this? Furthermore the rise of neo-nazis in Germany, the popularity of far-right extremist Mr Haider in Austria, the recent riots in northern England, the prevention of Muslim women from wearing the veil to schools in France all highlight the injustice, inequality and dissatisfaction in the West. And it does not stop there – the disease has spread to the Muslim world too – In Saudia Arabia the people from Asia are poorly treated, just as the Turks poorly treat the Kurds, and so on.

As for Islam it has assigned rights for the individual and community. These rights are neither incompatible nor contradictory, but complimentary. However the leaving of the Ahl al-Dhimmah to what they believe in does not mean acknowledgment of their beliefs and religions, rather it is in response to the order of Allah (SWT). 

For fourteen centuries from the time Prophet (saw) established the State in Madinah to its destruction in 1924, Islam remained in authority over the Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The Non-Muslims were given their rights to function according to their belief, way of worship, laws related to food and family. They were not forced to do things against their deen. These aspects were related to their personal life. However the public order which includes the penal system and societal relations, Islam alone is implemented upon them. That's because all citizens of the Islamic state regardless of their sect, religion, race, and nationality are to follow the Islamic system as a legal system and not as a religious obligation as long as they carry the Islamic state's citizenship or live in the state. 

In conclusion we must understand that the Kuffar will continue to have an agenda to distort the image of Islam, using accusations of discrimination and inequality to carry their way of life to the Muslims. 

Rise against this onslaught, purify your thoughts on Islam and work to resume the Islamic way of life by re-establishing the Khilafah to raise high the word of Allah once again over all else.

"If you wish to comment on this article please email to: [email protected]" 

Cross posting / This is a part of joint syndicated posting arrangement between Aalaap & NFB : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Aalaap

This article was forwarded by Roman Rahim, his Email: [email protected]

Source: Kcom Journal


I have posted Mr. Rahims article in my site and requested him to put a link to this page from his site. If Mr. Rahim is happy with what he wrote he would certainly place a link to this page from this site.  He is further invited to comment on my writings and that would be published too. 






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