




 Leaving Islam



 Maulana Ajmal Qadri to  Ali Sina        


Part III


WELL how do you prove GOD with logic? it all starts from fear of one who created us and once fear of him comes in the earth dates where EAMN comes, in your case u don�t have fear of ALLAH, can you prove soul? i challenge and i will give 100,000USD to one who purify himself according to way prophet pbuh prescribed and yet claim this is not true faith. please let all readers of your site to follow true teachings  of MUHAMMAD peace be upon him and purify yourselves from following desieses as defined by muhammad peace be upon him.

SHIRK(associating partner with GOD)
KUFR (to disbeliefe)
NIFAQ (hipocracy)
TAKABBUR (arrogance)
and one hadith is enuf to complete all human rights as prophet pbuh said  ( chose the same thing for your brother what you like for yourself).if you only follow this one hadith its enuf to practice all human rights. and if anyone after practicing this and being purified from above mentioned desieses and still claim that teachings of Muhammad pbuh are wrong i will pay 100,000USD. inshallah..

and those who love to be purified and enjoy life here and hereafter pls. contact at my email. [email protected]


Dear Maulana Qadri:  

To understand God you have to change your entire paradigm. The god of Muhammad cannot be proven, because he is a false god. However, it is easy to prove the real God.  To do that you must see things from a complete different perspective. As long as you think of God as a sovereign ruler, a king or a father, you will not be able to prove his existence and therefore you are forced to believe without any proof. Here is the pitfall. Once you believe in something without proof, you become prone to believe in any fantasy.  Since you can�t prove that the object of your belief is real you can fall prey to charlatans who will mislead you with their lies and convince you to believe in their bogus deities. Truth is only one but falsehood can be many. That is why we have so many faiths and religions. Why people are so divided?  It is because they do not care about the truth. They believe in things that are irrational and illogical and erroneously believe that God cannot be proven. That is a fallacy. God can be proven but you must be prepared to see things from a different perspective.  

For most religions, particularly the Semite ones, God is a being. He is a supreme being, separate from his creation and yes, God is a �he�. This notion of God cannot be proven. In fact it can be shown that it is not true. Generally when people reject God and say they are atheists, it is this god that they reject. However, many great minds believe in God and they are very religious, albeit their God and religiosity is very different from what religious people understand.  I have explained this point in an article and if you are interested here is the link.  

You gave us a laundry list of several "diseases of the soul" such as shirk, kufr, nifaq, takabbur, hasad, etc. and suggested that Islam can cure these diseases. This is not true at all. If we pay attention we can see that Muslims are the ones who suffer from these diseases. Let me go over them one by one.  


Shirk means associating partners to God. Muslims claim God has no partners, but in reality they associate Muhammad as God�s partner. The Quran is full of injunctions telling the believers to love Allah and his messenger, obey Allah and his messenger, loot and bring a fifth of the spoils for Allah and his messenger, etc.  Muhammad even claimed that in the Day of Judgment he will sit next to Allah interceding on behalf of the believers. In other words he would act as a counselor to Allah advising the almighty, how to do his job, whom to punish and whom to reward.  

Can a person believe in God and not in Muhammad? According to Muhammad such person is still a kafir. Therefore it is clear that despite Muhammad�s claim he actually elevated himself to the rank of the partner of God to such an extent that even the belief in God without the belief in his partner is not accepted.  

Muslims can criticize Allah but no one can criticize Muhammad. Doesn't this show that Muhammad is even above Allah? 


Kufr is not just disbelief. It means blaspheming God. It means attributing false characteristics to God. There are many qualities that Muhammad attributed to God that are false and blasphemous. Take a look at the 99 names of Allah.  Among them you find Al-Mutakabbir (The Proud One), Al-Jabbar (The Despot),  Al-Qahhar (The Subduer), Al-Khafid (The Abaser) Al-Mudhell (The Humiliator), Al-Mumit (The Death Giver) Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger), Ad-Darr (the Creator of the Harmful). According to the Quran Allah is khairul Makirin (the Best Deceiver). These are not divine qualities. The Bible says that Satan is the Proud One, the Deceiver, the Giver of Death, the Humiliator and the Abaser.  Muhammad has attributed satanic qualities to Allah. How can God be a deceiver?  Either Muhammad�s god was Satan or he has blasphemed God. As the result, Muslims, by virtue of believing in Muhammad and perpetuating these blasphemies are kafirs. Islam is nothing but kufr.  

One name of Allah according to Muhammad is Al-Warith (the Inheritor). If God is the owner of everything, how can he inherit thing that he owns already?  It is very clear that Muhammad�s god is not God and Islam is a big kufr.    


Nifaq means sedition and discord caused thorough deceit and hypocrisy. That is what Muhammad did and Muslims do. Muhammad deceived young men and women and separated them from their parents. He caused sedition among the people and told his follower to sever their ties with their friends and relatives if they do not believe. In Medina he caused sedition among the Arabs and the Jews who were the original inhabitants of that land and eventually massacred the Jews or banished them. There is nifaq and discord wherever two Muslims reside.  They can�t live with each other and they can�t live with others. The seed of this nifaq was sown by no other than Muhammad himself. He said that his umma will be split in 72 sects and all but one group will go to hell. He never made it clear which sect is the right one. As you yourself stated, Islam does not have any logical explanation and Muhammad never explained anything. Therefore, Muslims interpret Islam in different ways and each group considers others as heretics, fuel for hell and deserving of death.  


Takabbur means pride and vain glory. Yes of course takabbur is a vice and a disease of the character. But lo and behold that according to Muhammad Allah is also mutekabbir (filled with takabbur).  Why Muhammad attributed this vice to the almighty God? It is because his god was a figment of his own imagination and a creation of his own sick psychopathic mind.  Muhammad was a narcissist and Allah is the projection of his sick mind.  As the result the god of Muhammad reflects his personality disorders. He is a deceiver; full of pride, humiliator, abaser and a despot. These are all traits of a narcissist.  Muhammad projected his own attributes on his imaginary god.  

It does not take much to see that Islam is false and Muhammad was an impostor. The reason Muslims are unable to see this is because they have stopped using their brains and as you have confessed, they have abandoned logic.  When you renounce logic, you can fall prey to any lie. If any Muslim decides to think for one minute, he will see that Islam is false. More and more Muslims are learning to use their brains and they are leaving Islam. At this rate, Islam will become history in one generation.  


Hasad is jealousy. Let us be honest dear Maulana. Who are more hasood (jealous) people? Is it the non-Muslims or is it the Muslims? I have been in both sides and I can tell you with certainty that the non-Muslims have no jealousy towards Muslims. As a matter of fact they see nothing worthy in Muslims to be envious of. What possibly Muslims have that could cause jealousy?  Are Muslims more advanced, scientifically, technologically, culturally, socially, politically, economically or even psychologically?  Muslims are the lowest of the low. What do they have that others don�t, so that they could be envied? Muslims are so backward in their thinking that one is tempted to classify them as a less evolved sub species of human race.  The only sentiment they may arouse among non Muslims is pity. It�s time to pull our heads out of the sands of denial and face the reality.  Muslims are the most wretched people on the face of the earth. It is they who are envious of others. It is they who constantly compare themselves with others and brag about their illusory past glories. What glories? As long as Muslims looted the wealth of other nations they lived a dishonorable luxurious life. Once the loot ended, they regressed into poverty from which they never recovered. The wealth generated through oil has nothing to do with Islam and Muslims. Again it is the non-Muslims who have found a use for that black stuff.  Muslims are a lazy lot who produce nothing. Instead of relying on work they rely or providence and waste their time praying to a false deity. While the non-Muslims have come out of the dark ages and every day they are conquering new frontiers in all fields of knowledge, Muslims are stuck in the seventh century barbarity with no hope to ever catch up.    

I am not sure what do you mean by Ajab (being boosful). I know what ajab means but it does not mean boastful and I don�t understand the word boosful. If you mean boastfulness, this is the same as vain glory and we discussed it already. All you have to do to see Muslims are a boastful arrogant people is look how they behave. If a picture is worth a thousand words, these pictures are worth a few thousand words. 

You say that Muhammad said: �choose the same thing for your brother that you like for yourself�. Assuming Muhammad said such thing, he was not the first to say it. This is called the Golden Rule and a variety of that is said by people of all cultures and times. Confucius said �Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself.� Jesus said, "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." Luke 6:31.  

However, what Muhammad said is not the same. According to Muhammad only Muslims are brothers. In that brotherhood, the non-Muslims are not counted. Muhammad said: �O ye who believe! take not for awlia your fathers and your brothers if they love infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong.� (Q. 9:23) In another place he put the following words in the mouth of his imaginary deity and said: �Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are harsh against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other." (Q. 48:29) This is a far cry from the Golden Rule. The brotherhood of Muslims is only among Muslims. As far as the non-Muslims are concerned Muhammad said, �Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers� (Q. 9:14)  Since Muslims regard Muslims of differ-ent sects heretics, they even kill one another. So this brotherhood in Islam is very limited. Shiites are not brothers of Sunnis and vice versa. There are hundreds of sects in Islam and each hate the others.

Even hyenas are compassionate to their own pack. There is no glory is being good to our own people. The glory is in being fair to all mankind. What Muhammad preached is called fascism. Being united with each other and harsh against the outsiders is the philosophy of fascism. Islam is a religion of hate. It divides mankind between �us� and �them,� the believers and the non-believers and incites discord and war. Islam is not a religion of God. It is an instrument of Satan to divide mankind and destroy the human race. Muslims are not worshipping God. They are worshipping Satan.  

Truth is out. Good people who up until now thought that by following Islam they are following the religion of God are seeing the truth. They are waking up and realizing that they have been lied to. They are leaving Islam in droves. This is just the beginning.  Soon you�ll see a mass exodus from Islam all over the world.  Truth is spreading fast. You can no longer hide it. The days of Islam are numbered. �The truth has come and the falsehood has vanished; surely falsehood is a vanishing (thing).�  

you are sick and all those you are misleading are garbage and we dnt need them, and mark my words ALLAH is swift in taking account, and its very soon coming to you , and you will even have no ability to repent... remember my name, me email, and i pray to ALLAH at least to give ability to inform me your reward .

Okay, so I am sick and all those I am misleading are garbage.  But why don�t you explain the beauty of Islam to us so we can be guided?  So far we exchanged three messages and you said nothing to prove that Islam is a true religion. You simply threatened that if we don't believe we'll go to hell and called us garbage.  You even pray that the news of our "reward" reach you so you can rejoice hearing what your Jihadi brothers have done to me. I am afraid these are not convincing arguments. We need proof. Anyone can say stupid things and threaten those who don�t believe in his illogical arguments.  This is called argumentum ad baculum and it is a logical fallacy. Anyone can insult his opponents when he fails to produce logical arguments. Why any sane person should believe in such fallacies? Threats and insults are fallacies. Is the creator of the universe a crazy sadist?  How can a real god send a religion with no proof and then punish people for not believing?  This is sadism. Is Allah insane?  

No my dear Maulana. You are mistaken. God is not as stupid and crazy as Muhammad made him look and you believe.  First of all God is logical. If Muhammad�s god is not logical it is because he is not God.  Secondly God would never want us to believe in absurdities. This is a blasphemy. By claiming that God is illogical and wants us to believe in him blindly, you are saying a kufr.  You portray God as an insane sadist.  Are you sure he will forgive you for that?  I hope he does.  

Please come to your senses.  God is not stupid.  He is not irrational and illogical. How can you even think of such thing?  Muhammad lied.  This man was evil.  He fooled ignorant people, incited them to raid innocent people, loot them and bring their wealth and young women for him.  Everything this man did was satanic. You are worshipping none but Satan.  How can God be stupid and illogical?  How can God be makkar (deceiver), mutakabbir (arrogant and proud), jabbar (despot),  khafid (abaser), mudhell (humiliator), mumit (death giver) muntaqim (avenger) and a (the creator of harms)?  These are satanic attributes. You worship Satan. It�s time to wake up.  Truth is manifest like the sun.  For how long do you want to fool yourself and others?   

I proved that the teachings of Muhammad are evil. I won the $100, 000 dollars that you offered.  As the rightful owner of that money, I appoint you as my trustee to spend it for the wellbeing of the people who donated that money to you.  Teach them the truth.  Please translate my book in Urdu; print it and distribute it at cost or for free. Let people be enlightened and learn the truth because this is the greatest gift you can give them.  Only truth can set them free. I am giving away this truth for free. Please spend my money to spread it among the people in your country. I want them to be free from this web of lies. I want to see them prosper and live as equals with all the nations of the world in harmony and peace. I want the Pakistani youths see the light and not volunteer to blow up themselves and other innocent people for a lie. Please spend my money to spread this truth and set your people free from lies, deceptions and the misery that Islam has brought for them. 

I remain sincerely yours 

Ali Sina 


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