




 Leaving Islam




M.F. Rahman vs. Ali Sina 

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From: M.F. Rahman [mailto:[email protected]]
Subject: 'A' Blinded by hate and prejudice.

In response to the vitriolic pens of warped evangelisers...:-

The sins of Muhammad are perceived by his detractors to be many. But detractors can only see evil. The worth of Muhammad is lost on his enemies. But enemies cannot admit to the value of their quarry.

Muhammad waged war at the Command of God.
His enemies will not tolerate this.
They prefer to wage war for their selves.

Muhammad married a child bride in accordance with his cultural practice then fully the norm. Those who cannot avail of this now spew their venom against him in impotent jealousy out of frustrated desire. But he received the sanction of God for his actions, and  forgiveness for all his sins. His enemies cannot accept this.

He married the divorced wife of his formerly adopted son with the assent of God. "Foul!" cry his detractors.

He slew men, took prisoners, established religion by force. His detractors cannot forgive him.

Now his religion is established as The Religion of Peace, sobriety, rectitude, truth, paradise, polygamy, faith, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. The fruits of his faith are hateful to his enemies.

They choke on their rage and are hypocrites to their faith of forgiveness and   tolerance.
They point fingers at him inchoate in their rage.
They exaggerate his faults, hide his virtues, deny his successes, denigrate his mission.

Let them rant and rave. God is the Judge of all. They lie of their love and deny their hatred. But they fool none but themselves. They have no courage of their faith. They cannot imprecate against themselves. They fear the wrath of God. They are cowards. They hide behind improvised rules to save their skins from  the wrath their imprecations will bring of a surety.

These are hollow men of false faith following man-made doctrines and jumping up like monkeys on non-issues, baying like jackals and braying all at the same time.

Jesus Loves Muhammad. David Loved Muhammad. Solomon Loved Muhammad. Moses Loved Muhammad. And most of all, God Loves Muhammad. But many of their followers hate Muhammad with a passion for they prefer to worship a man in derogation of God Himself.







To Ali Sina.


Your admitted atheism stands devoid of historical truth.

The bar of History extols Muhammad in a way to render your own diatribes unworthy of response. 

So many who held their own faith wrote glowingly of him whom you condemn.

Anyone who swallows your disinformation begins with his own willingness.

The internet is brimful of information on Muhammad which anyone can access, for a balanced view. The Quran is also available in English and other languages. Your task to destroy Islam by slander against the Prophet will prove an impossible one since the evidence is available to those wishing to learn the truth.

Your peers in atheism have written equally vilely against the Prophet Jesus. "Freethinkers" have preceded you in infamy and into judgment. You are not a new phenomenon.

My duty has been discharged. Your work bears the evidence of your destiny. You will reject that until you are confronted with reality that you cannot now contemplate.

The Quran will not guide you. Indeed as it promises, you seem to be among the many that it will misguide.

You may now indulge your virulent hatred of Truth to your heart's content. Those who are created for Paradise will not be deflected.



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