




 Leaving Islam




Javed Ahmad Ghamidi and Khalid Zaheer vs. Ali Sina


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March 13, 2007

Dear Mr Ali Sina

I am sorry for the slight delay in my response.

I have to carefully sift the unnecessarily sensitizing stuff from the real gist in each of your messages. In the last message, the following were the real points: i) My claim that there could be realities which are subjective-cum-objective was rubbish. ii) Those who already want to believe are gullible idiots and the bright achievers are the ones who doubt. iii) There was no difference between the case of the prophet of Islam and the other bogus religious personalities whose fakeness is already established. iv) If God had to destroy His enemies, He should have done it Himself. v) The prophecies of the Bible do not fit into the description of the prophet of Islam.

i) Unfortunately, in the jungle of your rhetoric there was no response to my example of the new moon. I gave you a very simple example of a case to help you understand how realities could be subjective-cum-objective. I will eagerly wait for your comment on it.

ii) If you are thrilled by the idea that you belong to the class of intelligent people and we to the unintelligent, let it be that way. I would just want to remind you that I have been an admirer of Bertrand Russel. I hope you would agree that he was slightly more intelligent than you are and yet his critical essays on religion didn’t affect my faith; in fact, they strengthened it. I grew in strength through those writings because I knew that I was reading someone who could be as ruthless as anyone in criticizing my beliefs while I am carefully considering each point he is raising and yet he hasn’t been able to remove me from my conviction. The same thing is happening in my exchanges with you. The desperate use of foul language that emerges from your messages, believe me, makes me even more confident. When one is confident one doesn’t need to be desperate in one’s expression. You then go on to claim that we are gullible idiots who have been brainwashed!

iii) I was expecting that in response to my last message you would mention, to prove me wrong, names of many other religious people who, like the prophet of Islam, made clear claims in the early part of their missions that they had brought the message of God and that if they were rejected their enemies would be destroyed. You didn’t mention a single individual. Let me give you a clearer view of what the prophet’s miracle was. In surah al-Qamar (moon) which was revealed in the fourth year of the prophetic mission when the prophet was accompanied by a handful of followers, the Qur’an says thus: “The folk of Lot rejected warnings. Lo! We sent a storm of stones upon them (all) save the family of Lot , whom We rescued in the last watch of the night, as grace from Us. Thus We reward him who gives thanks. And he indeed had warned them of Our blow, but they did doubt the warnings. They even asked of him his guests for an ill purpose. Then We blinded their eyes (and said): Taste now My punishment after My warnings! And in truth the punishment decreed befell them early in the morning. Now taste My punishment after My warnings! And in truth We have made the Qur'an apt as reminder; but is there any that gets reminded? And warnings came in truth unto the house of Pharaoh, who denied Our revelations, every one. Therefore We grasped them with the grasp of the Mighty, the Powerful. Are your disbelievers (O Muhammad) better than those, or have you some immunity in the scriptures? Or do they say: We are a host victorious? The hosts will all be routed and will turn and flee. Nay, but the Hour (of doom) is their appointed trial, and the Hour will be more wretched and more bitter (than their earthly failure). (Qur’an; 54:33-46) Look at the connection the Qur’an is making between the fate of the earlier nations and the destiny of the rejecters of the prophet; look at the confidence and certainty with which the worldly doom of the enemies is being predicted. Are you still insisting that some other miracle be shown to you? Behind the smokescreen of your rhetorical criticism there is a clear acknowledgement that the miracle did take place but since it falls short of your expectations you don’t want to accept it. iv) God destroyed the nation of Lot Himself. Are you comfortable with that decision? Who can stop you from criticizing that decision as well? The important difference between your approach and mine is that while you are insisting that unless the reality appears the way you expect it to be, you won’t accept it, while I believe that the reality has to be seen and acknowledged in its real form. If I tell you that if you were to ascend to a high altitude without taking oxygen along, you could die and you respond by saying that you didn’t accept that such a thing could happen because you didn’t like the idea, what can be done of you? The sun shines brightly, whether you like it or not. Muhammad, Allah’s mercy be on him, was able to overcome his enemies exactly the way God’s book predicted. The fact that you don’t like the way it happened doesn’t change the reality an inch. v) You claim the prophecy in the Book of Deuteronomy was for a Jew prophet. Let’s look at the prophecy: “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And whoever will not give heed to my words which he shall speak in my name, I myself will require it of him.” (18:18-19) There are five features identified in the prophecy: a) He would be a prophet like Moses. Only Muhammad, Allah’s mercy be on both, was a prophet like Moses: Both had natural births and deaths; both had families; both had large followings; both brought books which had laws from God; both migrated with their followers. b) He would be from amongst their (Jews’) brethren. The brothers of Children of Israel were the Children of Ishmael and Muhammad was from that branch of Abraham’s family tree. c) God would put His words in His mouth. There is no text that fits into this description except the Qur’an which is the very word of God, fully preserved. d)  He shall speak to them all that God would command him. The Quran tells the prophet: “Messenger, convey to them whatever has been revealed to you from your Lord; for if you don’t do so, it will be as if you have not communicated the message (at all)”. (5:67) e) He shall speak those words in God’s name. Each chapter of the Qur’an begins with this verse: “In the name of God, the most Merciful, the One Whose mercy is lasting.”

Khalid Zaheer

(Words: 1197)



Dear Mr Ali Sina

I am sorry for the slight delay in my response.

I am delighted that you write and please do not worry about the delay.


I have to carefully sift the unnecessarily sensitizing stuff from the real gist in each of your messages. In the last message, the following were the real points: i) My claim that there could be realities which are subjective-cum-objective was rubbish. ii) Those who already want to believe are gullible idiots and the bright achievers are the ones who doubt. iii) There was no difference between the case of the prophet of Islam and the other bogus religious personalities whose fakeness is already established.
iv) If God had to destroy His enemies, He should have done it Himself. v) The prophecies of the Bible do not fit into the description of the prophet 
of Islam.

 As for points i) and ii), I would not use that language. As for the rest, you got my message right.


i) Unfortunately, in the jungle of your rhetoric there was no response to my example of the new moon. I gave you a very simple example of a case to  help you understand how realities could be subjective-cum-objective. I will
eagerly wait for your comment on it.

I believe I already gave my response. You said that moon is there but only those who have clear eyesight can see it. This is the same kind of reasoning that Muhammad used to make. Anytime people asked him for proof he would say you are deaf, dumb and blind and can’t understand the clear proof I am giving you. Well, 1400 year later, we are asking the same questions and you are giving the same answers. I am afraid this is not a very convincing argument. Any person can accuse those who disagree with him of being deaf dumb and blind. This is called ad hominem and it is not a logical argument.  

You are telling us that the proof of Islam is as clear as the moon in the sky. We ask you to show that proof to us. You have not done it. The only proof you have given so far is the claim that Muhammad was mentioned in the Bible, which we will discuss bellow.  

The other proof you gave was that Muhammad foretold that he would subdue his opponents and he did it. This as I explained, is not a valid proof either. What is so miraculous in threatening someone and then making good on that threat? Had those threats being fulfilled by God, without Muhammad’s intervention, you could have a point.  

I do not recall you give us any other proof as to why we should accept Muhammad as a prophet of God. So it is not fair that you call us blind for not accepting the proofs that you have not given yet and for those that we can reject logically.  

Let me give you an example of blindness. Let us say I claim that my friend Joe is a prophet; however I have no convincing proof to support that claim. You on the other hand make hundreds of very convincing arguments that Joe cannot be a prophet. For example you say that Joe is a convicted criminal, has been involved in armed robberies and has killed a few people. He has also kidnapped an airplane full of passengers and after killing the men, has raped the women at gun point. So based on all these evidences and others such as his asinine statements about things that are clear to everyone, you say Joe cannot be a prophet. But I am a believer and say that I have seem Joe performing miracles such as multiplying food, making appear an apple out of thin air, reading my mind, etc. You tell me that this Joe is a magician and that all his so called miracles are visual illusions and tricks. However, I am reluctant to listen to you and continue believing in him despite all the evidence that he is a liar. Then you can say I am blind and you would be right. However, it would be ludicrous if I call you blind for not believing in Joe. Replace Joe for Mo and you will see who is blind.


ii) If you are thrilled by the idea that you belong to the class of intelligent people and we to the unintelligent, let it be that way. I would just want to remind you that I have been an admirer of Bertrand Russel. I hope you would agree that he was slightly more intelligent than you are and yet his critical essays on religion didn’t affect my faith; in fact, they strengthened it. I grew in strength through those writings because I knew that I was reading someone who could be as ruthless as anyone in criticizing my beliefs while I am carefully considering each point he is raising and yet he hasn’t been able to remove me from my conviction. The same thing is happening in my exchanges with you. The desperate use of foul language that emerges from your messages, believe me, makes me even more confident. When one is confident one doesn’t need to be desperate in one’s expression. You then go on to claim that we are gullible idiots who have been brainwashed!

First of all I did not use foul language. Would you please give one example? I only call Muhammad for the crimes that he committed. If he killed, then he is a killer. If he raped, then he is a rapist. If he robbed then he is a robber. These are not insults but facts. If you disagree with me, all you have to do is prove me wrong and I will withdraw that the charge.  

You say that you read Bertrand Russell and your faith in Islam grew. Is that a logical argument? If your inability to see the superiority of the wisdom of Russell over Islam constituted proof of his lack of logic then many people read the Qur’an and are not impressed by it. Is that enough to prove that the Qur’an is nonsense? Or perhaps you are the paragon of all wisdom and only you can determine who is wise and who is not? I hope this is not what you claim. So as you see your argument is flawed to begin with.  You must tell us exactly which arguments of B.R. you reject any why you think they are illogical. I read the Qur’an and found that book full of nonsense. Why should anyone care what I think? If I had not given examples of the errors of the Qur’an no one would have paid much attention to what I say. The same is true with you and your opinion of Bertrand Russell. Now, I am not a Russell follower and I disagree with him on a few instances. However, on the whole I consider him a brilliant man. I would not be swayed by your dismissal of him unless you tell me which parts of his views are wrong. Anyway, let us not get distracted. Russell is not the subject of our discussion. Let us focus on Muhammad and his claim.   


iii) I was expecting that in response to my last message you would mention, to prove me wrong, names of many other religious people who, like the prophet of Islam, made clear claims in the early part of their missions that they had brought the message of God and that if they were rejected their enemies would be destroyed. You didn’t mention a single individual. Let me give you a clearer view of what the prophet’s miracle was. In surah al-Qamar (moon) which was revealed in the fourth year of the prophetic mission when the prophet was accompanied by a handful of followers, the Qur’an says thus: “The folk of Lot rejected warnings. Lo! We sent a storm of stones upon them (all) save the family of Lot , whom We rescued in the last watch of the night, as grace from Us. Thus We reward him who gives thanks. And he indeed had warned them of Our blow, but they did doubt the warnings. They even asked of him his guests for an ill purpose. Then We blinded their eyes (and said): Taste now My punishment after My warnings!
And in truth the punishment decreed befell them early in the morning. Now taste My punishment after My warnings! And in truth We have made the Qur'an apt as reminder; but is there any that gets reminded? And warnings came in truth unto the house of Pharaoh, who denied Our revelations, every one. Therefore We grasped them with the grasp of the Mighty, the Powerful. Are your disbelievers (O Muhammad) better than those, or have you some immunity in the scriptures? Or do they say: We are a host victorious? The hosts will all be routed and will turn and flee. Nay, but the Hour (of doom) is their appointed trial, and the Hour will be more wretched and more bitter (than their earthly failure). (Qur’an; 54:33-46) Look at the connection the Qur’an is making between the fate of the earlier nations and the destiny of the rejecters of the prophet; look at the confidence and certainty with which the worldly doom of the enemies is being predicted. Are you still insisting that some other miracle be shown to you? Behind the smokescreen of your rhetorical criticism there is a clear acknowledgement that the miracle did take place but since it falls short of your expectations you don’t want to accept it.

Is this your proof? Do you really expect people believe in these fairytales of the Qur’an? These fables constitute proof for you because you are a believer. To the rest of us who think the Qur’an is the delirium of a mentally deranged man they mean nothing.  Can you show the authenticity of these stories from any book of history? These are fairytales. Some of them are taken from the Bible, which is also a book of fables, and the rest is either made up by Muhammad or existed in the lore of the Arabs. Apart from the fact that the story of Lot narrated by Muhammad is different from the one mentioned in the Bible, in no other book we find any reference to Lot , Abraham or Moses. Archeologists have found a lot about Pharaohs, yet they have found no evidence of the claims made in the Bible about what Jehovah did to the Egyptians and yet these events were of great portent. No mention of Moses exists in any archeological find.  The Old Testament, particularly the books of Pentateuch is fairytales. Do you expect us to believe in the Qur’an that plagiarizes this book of fables as evidence? So in your opinion just because Muhammad said Allah punished those people who rejected his prophets, we should believe? What if Muhammad lied? We have no evidence that any of the claims made in the Qur’an are true. We have plenty of evidence that Muhammad lied on many occasions. Why should we assume that these stories are true?  

Furthermore, in these stories it is allegedly God that punishes those who disbelieve. In the case of Islam Allah is unable to harm his enemies and relies entirely on his henchmen followers who like zombies kill his enemies with no thought of their own. There is a big difference between the killings perpetrated by Muhammad and what happened to the people of Sodom allegedly for their disbelief.   

If I tell people I have magical powers and can hurt those who do not believe in me and then something happen to all those who disbelieve in me, then you will not be blamed to believe that maybe I do have magical powers. However if I send a bunch of hoodlums to beat and kill those who disbelieve in me, you will not conclude that I have magical powers but rather you will conclude that I am a gangster, a mafia godfather.   Muhammad claimed that if anyone disbelieves in him he will be humiliated. But nothing happened to those who disbelieved in him until he raided them and killed them. Does this constitute proof of the prophethood of Muhammad? Any gangster can do what Muhammad did. Do you see how baseless are the proofs you are giving us to prove Muhammad was a prophet of God?


iv) God destroyed the nation of Lot Himself. Are you comfortable with that decision? Who can stop you from criticizing that decision as well? The important difference between your approach and mine is that while you are insisting that unless the reality appears the way you expect it to be, you won’t accept it, while I believe that the reality has to be seen and acknowledged in its real form. If I tell you that if you were to ascend to a high altitude without taking oxygen along, you could die and you respond by saying that you didn’t accept that such a thing could happen because you didn’t like the idea, what can be done of you? The sun shines brightly, whether you like it or not. Muhammad, Allah’s mercy be on him, was able  to overcome his enemies exactly the way God’s book predicted. The fact that you don’t like the way it happened doesn’t change the reality an inch.

You did not answer my question. My question was if God wanted to kill people why he would not do it himself? Why he asks Muslims to act as his assassins and hatchet men? Why he wants to convert Muslims into murderers?

Whether I am comfortable believing in a terrorist god or not is beside the point. The point is that the story of the destruction of Sodom by God because of the disbelief and impiety of these people is not a fact but a fairytale. We can’t rely on the fables of the Qur’an to prove the Qur’an. This is what is called circular reasoning. This is like I tell you I can walk on water and the proof is that I did it when no one was watching. This does not constitute proof to you. You want evidence independent from me. As the claimant my own testimony does not count. Did any reliable person see also this miracle happening? If no one saw this miracle happening then you should not believe me, particularly if you have seen me lie on many other occasions and if you know I am a very evil man who has committed many crimes. Since we have no evidence that a person known as Lot existed and there is no other book beside the Bible talking about him (The Qur’an only rehashes what the Bible says and even then Muhammad makes mistakes) we can’t accept this story as fact. In those days people did not have televisions and this much entertainments that we have today. When sun went down, they gathered around the fire and narrated stories. These are stories. As rational intelligent people of the 21st century we must not believe in these unproven stories.

If you tell me in high altitudes there is little oxygen I can verify the truth or falsehood of your claim personally. Is there anyway to verify the claims made by Muhammad about God destroying people for disbelief? Absolutely not! So it would be foolish to believe in something that can’t be proven and it sounds irrational. Why should we believe in the claims of Muhammad and not in equally irrational and unproven claims of other false prophets and pretenders?

Last year there was an earthquake in Pakistan that killed thousands of people. A year before that there was a tsunami that killed nearly one hundred thousand people mostly Muslims. The year before that there was an earthquake in Bam , Iran that killed over 50,000 Muslims. Is there a message in this? Do you think God is punishing Muslims for believing in false prophet? I know that some Mullahs were going around telling the gullible Pakistanis that Allah is punishing them for not being good Muslims and not sending their children for Jihad. Now, how can we determine what God really wants to say? Is he sending these calamities to kill Muslims because they follow a false prophet or is he killing them because they do not follow him enough? Do you see the absurdity of your logic? Any person can interpret these natural calamities according to his own penchant. It is foolish to think that these natural events have anything to do with us.

Let us say your backyard is flooded and as the result a colony of ants living there is drowned. Now imagine one ant tells the other ants that this happened because you did not believe in me when I told you I am the prophet of God. Wouldn’t that be ludicrous?

As far as this universe is concerned, you and I and our entire species are more insignificant than ants. In the great scale of things we don’t even count. This Earth is living its own life doing what it is supposed to do as a living planet. Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, rains, droughts are all functions of the life of the Earth. Earthquakes must happen because tectonic plates are constantly in motion. They have been happening for billions of years before we humans existed and will continue to happen billions of years after we are gone. The same can be said about other functions of the Earth. Nature is not aware of our existence. It does its own things. If we have the bad luck to be in its way when it is most active, we can get crushed.

Now, we have ways to predict these acts of nature. We can get out of the way and stay safe. Also we can build better houses to withstand many of these natural disasters such as flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. We can overcome the effects of drought. Does this mean that we have tied the hands of God from behind and he can no longer kill us in his traditional way? To think that these natural phenomena have anything to do with God is childish. It is depressing that intelligent people should think like that. And you are leaders of the community. If leaders think like this, what can we expect of the average Muslims? This is the cause of our backwardness. The enlightened people see the problem and try to solve it, come with ways to overcome the difficulties while Muslims say this was the test of God and continue in their ignorance. As long as Muslims hold to these childish beliefs, there is no hope for them. Why is it that the possibility of a Jew winning the Noble Price is 2800 times more than a Muslim winning that price? It is because of this kind of mentality.  While the enlightened people of the world rely on their own powers and face every problem as a challenge, for Muslims, everything is Inshallah. How can we progress with this kind of mentality?     

When humanity was passing through the stage of its childhood, people felt helpless. They depended on the forces of the nature. They thought that drought, rain, fertility, health, disease, and natural phenomena were controlled by gods. They prayed to these gods for everything, sacrificed for them, slaughtered animals or even humans to appease their gods. They had shamans and medicine-men with power to intercede on behalf of people. These men wielded absolute power. Islam is also a primitive fear-based religion and Muhammad is its shaman. He claimed to be the intermediary between a vengeful and unforgiving deity that controlled everything and people. According to Muhammad Allah has created everything good everything and evil. Yes, even evil is created by Allah. Islam is extremely primitive. It is no different than Voodoo, Shamanism or any other animistic religion. While the animists believe in many gods, Muhammad preached one god. This is the only difference. The philosophy of Islam and animism is the same. Muhammad’s mind was very primitive. It is foolish to believe in him. I am giving proof after proof that he was a liar. Where is the proof that he was a prophet?


v) You claim the prophecy in the Book of Deuteronomy was for a Jew prophet. Let’s look at the prophecy: “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And whoever will not give heed to my words which he shall speak in my name, I myself will require it of him.” (18:18-19) 

First of all I do not believe in prophecies. I don’t believe that the authors of the Bible could foresee the future. They miserably failed to decipher the mysteries of the world around them and made countless statements that are scientific heresies. Such men could certainly not see the future. Therefore, those words are neither for Jesus nor for Muhammad. The truth is that the Pentateuch was written many centuries after Moses.  Like the decedents of Ali and the descendants of Abbas who fabricated hadiths to elevate the rank of their ancestor and thus to justify their own claim as Muhammad’s heirs, these biblical “prophesies” are also of later day fabrications (around 700 BC). They are most likely the works of Jeremiah and Ezra (and possibly two more). These priests claimed to be prophets and they are recognized as such by the Jews. It is not unlikely that either one of these two men fabricated this prophecy to justify his own claim. Note that the verse 18:15 emphasizes that this prophet will be someone from among the Jews (your own brethren). In the verse 18 it shifts from second person to third person and says   “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers.” How can we explain the difference? This is because allegedly Moses is speaking of a future generation – a generation that is not yet born and therefore is not present to be addressed.  This is the only way to explain the discrepancy between verse 15 and 18. “Your brothers” and “their brothers” is the same only if you think of the same people and their descendants. If I address you and tell you that the Pakistanis did such and such thing 50 years ago, I could use both third person plural or second person plural. I could say “you people” or say “your ancestors”. Both forms of speeches are correct.

Moreover, in what ways this verse refers to Muhammad? I could claim that it refers to me. I have as much evidence to back up my bogus claim as you have to back up yours.


There are five features identified in the prophecy: a) He would be a prophet like Moses. Only Muhammad, Allah’s mercy be on both, was a prophet like Moses: Both had natural births and deaths; both had families; both had large followings; both brought books which had laws from God; both migrated with their followers. b) He would be from amongst their (Jews’) brethren. The brothers of Children of Israel were the Children of Ishmael and Muhammad was from that branch of Abraham’s family tree. c) God would  put His words in His mouth. There is no text that fits into this description except the Qur’an which is the very word of God, fully preserved. d)  He shall speak to them all that God would command him. The Quran tells the prophet: “Messenger, convey to them whatever has been revealed to you from your Lord; for if you don’t do so, it will be as if you have not communicated the message (at all)”. (5:67) e) He shall speak those words in God’s name. Each chapter of the Qur’an begins with this verse: “In the name of God, the most Merciful, the One Whose mercy is lasting.”
Khalid Zaheer

(Words: 1197)

a)       In what ways Muhammad was like Moses? If having natural birth and death is one evidence of similarity between the two can you show me one person who did not have natural birth and death? In that case all humans qualify. Even Jesus qualifies because the claim that he was born of a virgin is a fairytale and as stated above we can’t take the claims made in the Qur’an or the Bible as proof that would be circular reasoning. The proof must come from a source outside these books. The testimony of Muhammad to his prophethood made in his own book is no proof that he was a prophet. If I claim to be a prophet you want proof. I can’t say, because I say so. That won’t constitute proof. By the same token you can’t say Muhammad was a prophet because he said so. 

b)       From amongst your brethren, means from among YOU, not from among the Arabs. I already mentioned what the Bible says about Ishmael and that this man was referred to as a “donkey of a man” that would have his hand against every boy’s, who would be hostile and fight with everyone. I also quoted the Biblical verse where God, talking to Abraham speaks of Isaac as the “only son” of him even though we know Abraham’s first son was Ishmael. This verse makes it clear that Ishmael had not place or rank in front of the Jewish God. He does not even count.

c)       To make such claim you first must prove that the Qur’an is the word of God. You have not done that yet. Anyone can make such claim. In fact all the Biblical prophets claimed that it is God that speaks through them. Even today, the charlatan cultists such as Warren Jeffs, John de Ruiter, David Koresh and many others have made this very claim. As long as you can’t prove that the Qur’an is the word of God, this claim is no more valid than those made by other charlatans prophet pretenders.

d)       In this point you make the same unsubstantiated claim as in the previous one and the answer is the same. So far you have not given a single proof that the Qur’an is the world of God. If the Qur’an is a book of satanic verses, the claim these claims are also false. So not too fast please. You have first to prove that the Qur’an is the word of God and then claim that among all other words of God, it best fits the requisites of the verse Deuteronomy 18:18.

e)       And you think just because Muhammad initiated his suras with the mantra “in the name of Allah,” it is proof that he really spoke in the name of God? My erudite friends: Speaking in the name of God means speaking truthfully and promoting divine wisdom and love. None of the words and actions of Muhammad was godly. If my actions are unjust, I do not become a just person by saying "in the name of justice." What kind of god is this Allah that is so petty, so ruthless, so unforgiving and vengeful? Forget the letter heads – pay attention to the content of the suras. The Qur’an is a demonic book. It is written in the name of Satan. Assuming that there was a Satan who wanted to fool people, would he start his letters to mankind with “in the name of Satan”? Of course not. He would claim to be God, or an angel of God and once he had the confidence of the gullible, he would convert them into murderous beasts, instilling in their evil hearts the hatred of mankind and inciting them to rise and kill their fellow beings, in the name of God..       

In my previous message I asked you about predestination. You did not answer that. Instead you chose to present your proofs that Muhammad was a prophet of God. That is fine. The reason I asked you that question was because I kept asking you for proof and you were not giving them. Now you finally are presenting your proofs. I have answered these claims. So please present more proofs if you have. I think we are now moving forward. It is important to get to the bottom of it and understand the things that attract Muslims to Islam. The point is not that you and I agree. The point is that you prove the prophethood of Muhammad to the world. Several readers have asked me to print this debate or make it available in pdf format for easy download.  I would be glad to do that. So please present everything you consider to be undeniable proof. I will add my two cents and let our readers decide.

 I remain cordially yours and again reiterate my deepest respect for you and Dr. Ghamidi. Our disagreements are on ideological level. On the human level I have utmost respect for you.  



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