




 Leaving Islam



Edip Yuksel vs. Ali Sina

Round VIII -33

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Sina wrote:

Finally I would like to speak to your heart. If you can’t defend Islam, why you cling to this sinking ship? …

Dou you have heart Ali Sina? Then why are you playing as a pawn of crusaders for their new colonialism plans? Why you distort facts, you introduce hearsays of hearsays as facts, and dehumanize the entire Muslim world? Don't you know that your hatred might justify genocide against Muslims in the minds of some of your followers? I wish you could be brave enough to stand against the terror, destruction and massacres inflicted by evangelical crusaders and their Zionist allies as you demonstrate bravery to stand against the terror, destruction and massacres inflicted by Taliban and mullah hislamics. I invited you to condemn ANY ACT OF AGGRESSION, TERRORISM, ATROCITIES, VIOLENCE, and HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION regardless of the religion or nationality of the perpetrator. You should join me in using one standard if you have dignity and sense of justice.

Despite this bitter-tasting debate with you, I still pray for your guidance and I hope that one day you will see the truth that well set you free. 

Dear Edip.  

I do condemn any act of aggression, terrorism, atrocities and violence. However I am not blinded by religious hatred and not completely bereft of decrement. I am not an "evangelical crusader" or a Zionist. I am a humanist and I am religion blind. I see no differences between people and do not hate a particular group because of what they believe. I condemn the acts of aggression, terrorism and violence and I condemn those who perpetrate them. The Zionists or evangelical Christians are NOT terrorizing people like your Muslim brothers do. If their beliefs are based on fairytales, that is up to them. I am not here to right everybody’s faith. I am not a religious crusader and I want to live in a world where everyone is free to believe in the Faith of his choice. My fight is only against aggression, terrorism, violence and doctrines of hate that promote these evils. With all fairness I see only Muslims as the aggressors, the terrorists, who are violent and who commit atrocities all motivated by an ideology of hate.  Of course no one is saint and everyone is guilty of something. Others also commit terrible things. But only Muslims do it because of their ideology. Only Muslims think bombing innocent people, massacring children, ramming planes into buildings and killing some clerks, or beheading innocent people, truck drivers or health care givers are divine acts.  Everyone else commits atrocities, but only Muslims praise Allah while doing it, consider it an ultimate act of worship and believe they will be rewarded for it.  

If the American soldiers mistreat and humiliate a bunch of terrorists in Abu Graib, the entire population of America is disdained; protests and the culprits are prosecuted. Today the very military court found one of the guards guilty and he may face 14.5 years of jail. If some Israeli soldiers abuse their power, the entire Jewish nation condemns them. If some fanatical Hindus retaliate against the Muslims for having killed their fellow co-religionists, the entire India is enraged. But when your terrorist brothers commit murder and kill thousands of people, the majority of Muslims celebrates, cheers and rejoices.  

There is something fundamentally wrong with Islam. That thing is the belief in the hatemongering book of Quran and the monster called Muhammad.  

I am not distorting any facts. I am presenting them truthfully. I am convinced that only truth can set us free. The person who is distorting facts and tries to masquerade them with denials is you. What fantasy is more comical than claiming that Muhammad is utterly irrelevant to his message and even if he was a mass murderer, assassin, pedophile, thug it has no bearing on his message? Forget about Muhammad. What is the message of the Quran? Isn’t it anything but hate, terror and violence?  

You say “Don't you know that your hatred might justify genocide against Muslims in the minds of some of your followers?” First, I have no followers. People who read this site are rational and freethinking people with independent minds. Following is for the sheep. Second, I do not promote hatred. I try to awaken the Muslims so they leave the cult of hate and join the fold of humanity. There is nothing in it for me except the peace of mankind and a better future for our children. This is my contribution to humanity. It was Muhammad who promoted hate. It was he who divided mankind into Kafirs, vs. believers; “us” vs. them. I want to end this dichotomy. I want to bring the misguided followers of this mad man of the seventh Century back to the fold of humanity. I am a foot-soldier of love and unity of mankind and not a warmonger and hate monger. Thirdly, it is not me who is justifying genocide. It is Islam that justifies genocide. The Quran is filled with violence and terror. What do you think is the effect of verse that say:

9:5 Slay the idolaters wherever you find them

8:12 I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.

9:14  Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame,

9:29  Fight those who do not believe in God and the last day... and fight People of the Book, who do not accept the religion of truth (Islam) until they pay tribute by hand, being inferior"

3:85  Whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him; in the next world he shall be among the losers."

9:28  O you who believe! Verily, the Mushrikûn (unbeleivers) are Najasun (impure). So let them not come near Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (at Makkah) after this year, …”

And hundreds of other fiery verses like these?  

But look at you! You are pouring your unbounded vituperation on the Zionists and the Christian “crusaders”, with sheer lies and slanders and instilling hate in the hearts and minds of the impressionable and benighted young Muslims. It is you who encourage them to join the terrorist camps and become human bombs. You and your anti west, anti American, anti Semite and anti human rhetoric are the culprit, the hate monger and the corrupter of the minds not me.  Talk about self-projection.

 I challenge you to use scientific evidence and reason for your criticism of the Quran. I will NOT continue debate with you if you ONE MORE TIME refer to or quote from hadith, Sira or tafseer books that I have rejected vehemently since 1986. If you cannot criticize the Quran without referring to hearsays of hearsays, then you will be proving to the entire world that you lost this debate against someone who followed the Quran alone.

Scientific evidence and reason is exactly what I am using to reject that hodgepodge of absurdities of the book you call miracle? What is scientific about this book of idiocy? Quran is an insult to human intelligence. Let us discuss the “scientific evidence” of the Quran. It is time to dismantle all the lies and remove all the veils so haply some of the Muslims wake up and see how much they have been mislead and become part of the human family of mankind. Islam sustains itself through brainwashing. There is noting logical or scientific in this book of terror.  

I am not asking you to defend the hasith and Sira. I am asking you to skip all the hadith and Sira that I quote. Disregards them completely. Those are for the benefit of the readers to show the fallacy of your position. You are not required to even acknowledge them. Keep your head in the sand and defend Islam in that position. Just respond to my accusations of the Quran. Can you tell us what did Muhammad mean when he said unbelievers are najis (filthy, impure, untouchable)? 9:28  or explain all the hundreds of other verses that do nothing but foment hate and violence? Can people become najis by virtue of what they believe. Is that scientific? Let us talk about science. 


 Finally, I would prefer that you post my responses all together, rather chopping them and using them in your complete articles. You had eliminated some of the quotation in my responses and thus making it difficult for the reader to follow my response to each point. If you visit the forum of 19.org you will see what I mean.


I am interpolating your words and mine. Everything you have written is posted. This is the easiest way for the readers to follow this debate. This eliminates the need of me quoting you and you quoting me, as it is done in the forum, which only creates useless duplications and repetitions and waste of people’s time reading the same things twice. I delete my words when you quote me but your text is clear. I leave them when your text is not independently clear. Unlike you I am fully aware of the importance of the “context” as we already discussed in this debate. Furthermore your entire articles with my quotes are in the forum of this site as posted by yourself.

Now please bring forth the "scientific evidence" of the Quran. I am sure our readers can't wait to see how can such a book of terror be scientific and logical.

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