Comment from an old apostate
Dear Ali Sina,
I'm writing to you to show my deep respect for
your work. I'm now almost 65 years old. If you can, please dedicate
some time to an old man.
I'm myself an apostate (though I don't like
this word as it's too pompous). I left Islam 40 years ago after I
had left my mother country which is
(nowadays I'm leaving in the
). So, coming back to my point, I left Islam long ago and at that
time there was nothing dangerous or interesting in it. My American
friends didn't understand my deed since nobody was interested in
Islam or Muslims. And Muslim communities in the
were small and I didn't fear to be killed by fanatics. Nowadays I'm
retired and as I have some free time, I decided to make a little
research into the present state of Islam and Muslims.
I looked through different sites but I couldn't
find any critical sites about Islam. I found only sites of devout
Muslims who can't imagine that some people dare to question Islam or
even leave it. And a few months ago I found your site. I'm very
happy that there are ex-Muslims like you and some of them are great
scholars like you. My daughter is working in Amnesty International
and I informed her about your site. Let us hope that human rights
organizations will not just help Muslims but will also fight their
rotten ideology.
And could you please answer some questions?
1) As I've mentioned, I'm from
. That is a very interesting country with interesting culture.
is a mixture of Arab, African and Indian traditions. I left Islam
but I didn't forget my culture. I'm still interested in
. I like Islamic arts and calligraphy. I think Arabic is a beautiful
language. So, I want to ask you: are you interested in your culture?
has such an interesting history. Islam is dangerous but Islamic
culture as well as history of Muslim countries are fascinating.
2) I'm very disturbed by the growing Muslim
population in Europe and here in
. Is it dangerous in your opinion? They are breeding like rabbits
and sooner or later they will become the majority. They will impose
Sharia.They will kill non-believers. They will veil our women. Do
you think it will happen? There are many apostates but 1.3 billion
Muslims still believe in Allah.
Thank you for your time
Best regards,
My dear friend Ali;
Kudus to you for your insight and wisdom and for
realizing that Islam is dangerous before most people.
Yes of course I am very much interested in my
culture. I also love Persian language, Parsi, its architecture, its poetry
and its art. I also love Persian calligraphy. Yes I think Arabic is also a
beautiful language and I love the Middle Eastern art and cousin. However,
these are not Islamic. Is there any instruction or even mention of
architecture, calligraphy, music, poetry or any form of art that
constitute the basis of any culture in the Quran? Calling our culture
Islamic is misnomer. Our culture is ours. It existed before Islam. Take
for example the

It was destroyed by the marauding army of Islam
during the Khilafat of Omar. Doesn’t it look like a mosque? So as you
see, what has erroneously come to be known as Islamic architecture is
Persian architecture. The word cupola comes from the Persian word coppeh.
Quran does not teach architecture, music, poetry or
any form of art. In fact Muhammad berated poets and discouraged or banned
art. Painting, sculpture, music and dancing are prohibited in Islam. The
Quran does not teach mathematics, chemistry, medicine or any other
science. Quran teaches war and incites its followers to hate. It goads the
Muslims to become Jihadis and terrorists. So,
culture is an oxymoron, while Islamic terrorism is redundancy.
We must hold to our culture, cherish it and protect
it. It is not Islamic culture; it is the culture of our people. Actually
we have to slay Islam to salvage our culture and revive it.
Yes I think the unchecked immigration of this many
Muslims to the West and their government subsidized polyfiloprogenration
is eventually going to cause big problems in the West. If this growth is
not stopped, civil wars are sure to happen. The problem is that Muslims
are unwilling to integrate and are determined to take over the countries
where they reside. I see only three alternatives. One is expulsing Muslims
from the western countries. The other is de-Islamizing them. And the third
is civil war. Since the first two are not happening, the third is almost
certain to happen.
I prefer deIslamization. That is why I created this
site. People like you and me contribute to our country. We are part of it. We
are integrated and love our compatriots. We want to uphold our
constitution and promote our liberties. We are not undermining our
government nor are we trying to sabotage it and replace it with a 7th
century barbarity. We are patriotic citizens of the country were we
reside. The followers of
Muhammad however are loyal to Muhammad and his cult. They are constantly
devising ways to advance their cause and fight the system. They are the
fifth column.
Muslims often say the ratio of women to men
converting to Islam is 4 to 1. This they say to claim that Islam is
not anti woman. But the truth is something else. The truth is that Muslim
men target non-Muslim women and seduce them and coerce them to convert to
Islam systematically while Muslim females can’t do such thing. Muslims
have launched a relentless campaign to conquer the west through seduction conversion
and marriage.
I believe it is very much up to the ex-Muslims to not
let this happen. We have seen the destructive power of Islam. We saw how
it destroyed our cultures and civilization and took away our freedom. We
must not let this happen in the West. This time we know the enemy and we
are aware of its lies and modus operandi. The truth about Islam is
spreading fast and people are awakening. The enlightened people are
leaving Islam is huge numbers and each one of us is fighting back to stop
Islam in its track. Islam thrives on ignorance. This war can only be won
with knowledge. Truth will set us free.