Say no to Political Correctness
Aug 11, 2002
Dear Dr. Sina,
I would like to extend my
praise for your site and your work. Unfortunately, growing up in America
instilled in my psyche the sense that Iranians were nothing but
bloodthirsty, illiterate savages hellbent on the destruction of civilized
society. Since I was referred to your site (from a link provided by a
gentlemen commenting on the "Real Islam" in,
I've learned the Iranians are truly the antithesis of fanaticism and a
rich culture far superior to the "Arabic" one taught about in
our schools. It’s fortunate that the U.S. has received so many of these
extremely gifted individuals.
The other comment is about
the work you do. We have been inundated with tales of Islam being a
tolerant faith. However, I have learned some very sobering and horrifying
truths per your site and others like it in version of Muhammed and
atrocities past and present committed by Islam.
Phillip H.
Dear Mr. Phillip H.
First let me thank you for your kind comments about
Iranians and what you said about them is true. With all fairness I have to
say that the Arabs that I met were just as good humans as other nations.
They are hospitable, friendly and kind. Yet the same Arabs invaded Iran
and destroyed it, when they tried to spread the Islam, killing millions of
us, looting and taking our ancestors as slavesFor decades and even
centuries Iranians rebelled but each time they were subdued and massacred.
But once we converted to Islam we too acted with the same barbarity as our
victimizers. We started to kill, rape and torture and continued with this
tradition of terror. Amazingly the same people who wrote the first
Declaration of Human Rights 2500 years ago, took the envoys of the
Americans as hostages for 444 days. During the course of last 1400 years
we Iranians fought with each other and massacred one another in the name
of religion. Millions of people died in senseless wars between the Sunnis
and the Shiites and those who were not Muslims were dealt with even more
harshness. Even up to this day the Islamic government of Iran stones its
own people to death, cuts the hands and fingers of its citizens and plucks
their eyes.
So I am afraid your opinion about the Iranians being
“bloodthirsty, illiterate savages hellbent on the destruction of
civilized society”, is not that far from the reality. Also those evil
beasts who dastardly caused the 9/11 massacre and so senselessly murdered
thousand of innocent people who had nothing to do with politics come from
the same good-natured kind and friendly Arabs.
The point is that the evil is not in our nationality
or ethnicity but in our Faith. Islam is the disease of the mind and
barbarity is the symptom of this disease. The more a person believes and
the more he follows Islam the more savage and brutal he becomes.
It would be a mistake to assume that Americans are
immune to this disease. Once the American kids are infected by this
disease, they would despise their own culture and would turn around and
kill their own people. A good Muslim would massacre millions of his own
people with no pang of conscience and would joyfully give up his own life
while shouting Allah-u-Akbar in his way to his promised paradise full of
fruit trees, wine and celestial virgins. A nice kid born and raised in
America once converted to Islam finds himself defending the Palestinians,
a people half a world away from him and unsympathetically brushes off the
murders of the Israeli Jews, Kashmir Hindus, Pakistani Christians or the
Sudanese enslaved people in the hands of the Muslims.
I have created this site not just to educate my own
brethren and help them recover from this sickness of mind but also warn
others of the dangers of Islam. My friend, do not let political
correctness hinder you from telling the truth. The declaration of Human
Rights allows anyone to believe in anything he chooses to believe. But the
same document allows us to say whatever we want to say. Let’s use our
right of free speech and speak out against Islam before Islam take away
that right from us.
In India, a majority Hindu country, anyone can
criticize Hinduism and no one will stop him. But India was the first
country that banned Salman Rushdie’s books. In India you are not allowed
to criticize Islam. In America and other “Christendom” countries
anyone can write against Christianity, criticize it and even mock Jesus,
but no one dares to speak out against Islam or make a movie showing the
face of Muhammad. Do not let this happen in America or any country you
live. Attack Islam, call the radio and TV shows when Islam is being
discussed and speak against Islamic apologists who present themselves in
the guise of “historians” or experts of Islam. Which Islamic country
allows the freedom of Faith? In which Islamic country Jews, Christians,
Hindus or Baha’is are allowed to promote their religion freely, have
radio programs, build temples and invite others to embrace their religion?
Why should Muslims be given freedoms that they do not give others in their
Islamic countries?
No I am not suggesting banning Islam. I am asking
people to drop the political correctness and speak the truth. If the truth
hurts the “sensibility” of the Muslims, so be it. Let us care about
the innocent victims of Islam. Let us be more concerned of those kids that
are blown up in Israel on a daily basis thanks to suicide bombers first.
Let us worry about the plight of the Hindus being massacred in Bangladesh
first. Let us think about the safety of our own children and our own lives
first. Damn with the "sensibility" of the Muslims. We cannot let
them hijack our freedom, poison the minds of our kids, hate us while they
live in our country and plan to mass murder us through our own resources.
This political correctness must stop. Islam must be unveiled. Enough of
lies! Enough of kowtowing the Arabs for oil!
But the culprit is not just the Media. The European
governments are helping terrorism and are sleeping with the enemy. The
thirst for oil has blinded them and they have put profits above Human
Rights. The American Government has rightly declared the Islamic Republic
of Iran an "Axis of Evil". Why do European countries continue to
make deals with this Evil? Aren’t they thumbing their nose at Americans?
Aren’t they aware that the Islamic Republic of Iran is financing Islamic
terrorism around the world? Didn’t they hear the news that Iran shipped
tons of armaments to Palestinian terrorists to blow up Israeli kids?
Don’t they know that hundreds of thousands of Iranians are being
tortured in their own country by this very brutal government that they
bribe and with whom they sign juicy contracts? Don't they see that those
hands that they shake are stained with blood?
Who is going to change this? Who is going to make any
difference? If you and I do not speak who will? I am an average person.
May be you are too. We have no political power. But we can make a
difference if we speak out. We have to speak against Islam. We have to
tell the word that this is not a religion. Islam is a dangerous cult with
one goal, and that goal is to take over the world and establish the
Caliphate and the repressive rule of the Sharia. The method to achieve
this objective is through Jihad. Islam sees the entire world as Dar al
Harb (the land of war) and will continue to make war until it achieves its
objective and reclaims the entire world as Dar al Islam.
Of course this is nothing but a pipeline dream but
Muslims believe in this dream and they will not stop at anything to
achieve it. This means that they will continue with their terrorist
activities, that they will continue to kill us, that our lives is going to
be in constant danger, that millions of us could perish with Islamic
atomic or biological weapons of mass destruction, and that we shall not
have peace. This is the price we pay for our political correctness.
The European governments, headed by UK, are making
deals with Devil. They are so shortsighted that they do not realize part
of the profit that Islamic Republic of Iran and other Islamic countries
make goes to finance terrorism. The very terrorism that eventually aims to
destroy them. But the sad thing is that Europeans do not deal with these
Islamic terrorist countries such as Iran because they are naïve, they
deal with them because they are greedy. It is up to the people to oppose
these unholy relationships of their governments with the countries that
are known to be the Axis of Evil such as Islamic Republic of Iran.
There is no difference between Iranians, Arabs,
Americans or any other nation. We are all humans. We are all the same. We
all have the same dreams, fears, sorrows, joys, pains, hopes and needs.
What sets us apart are our beliefs—beliefs that make us hate each other.
The worst of all these beliefs are those that tell us to kill each other.
How can we tolerate such beliefs? How is it possible that we allow the
proliferation of such beliefs? Why are our men and women of letter are
silent? Why do some unscrupulous self acclaimed “historians”
shamelessly defend such hatemongering beliefs and call it a
"misunderstood religion"? What is misunderstood in verses such
as this? 66:
9 "O Prophet! Strive
against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern with them. Hell
will be their home, a hapless journey's end." Who are they trying
to fool? Why don’t we all stand up against these lies and let the truth
become victorious? “Only truth will set us free”. Why are we so
fearful to offend a lie?
Write to the media, demand them to be honest. Send
them a link to this site and tell them to report the whole truth. If 70
years ago enough people had spoken against the Nazism, millions of lives
would have not been sacrificed in vain. We have to learn the lessons of
history. Today we are facing a danger more devastating than the Nazism, If
we do not expose this evil cult that is aiming to destroy the humanity
today, tomorrow may be too late.
With my best wishes,
Ali Sina