Let Walker Walk Away.
Put America On Trial.
By Ali Sina
"You should be shot with the same gun used to shoot your
The threatening,
angry voice of the anonymous caller told John’s mother, sneering at her
“Great parenting job”. Reported Time magazine 9/29)
This coming Friday, John Walker Lihdh, the American Taliban,
will be sentenced for treason against his own country. But did he act
alone or are there accomplices?
John Walker is singled out as a traitor, the man who shook
hands with Osama bin Laden and conspired to kill his own countrymen. Yet
John Walker is innocent. The culprit is the society that is now condemning
him and prosecuting him. This young man did nothing wrong. He simply
believed in the lies that the American society, the American media and the
American politicians told him. He was looking for peace and everyone told
him that Islam is the religion of peace. The politicians lied to him, the
media lied to him and the society lied to him. He should not stand trial.
It is this sick “politically correct” society that should.
John’s interest in Islam began when he was just 12-years-old.
His mother took him to see Spike Lee's film, Malcolm X. Time
magazine quotes her saying, “He was moved by a scene showing people of
all nations bowing down to God."
But did anyone care to tell that child that the god these
people are bowing down to instructs his followers to kill other people?
Did anyone tell him that this god is a paranoid, petulant, despot that
despises democracy and hates women? Did anyone tell him that this god is
not the same God that Christians and Jews worship?
Of course not—because that would be rude.
That would hurt the “sensibility” of the Muslims and one
should never offend others by making derogatory remarks about their
In fact, that young boy received total approval and blessings
from his parents to pursue his heart’s desire as they too were ignorant
of Islam and did not know that Islam is not a religion but a dangerous
cult, dangerously overgrown. In the September 29th edition of Time
Magazine, it states “John’s parents were pleased to see that
their son had found something that moved him. And at a time when other
parents they knew were coping with their kids' experimentation with drugs,
booze and fast driving, it all seemed fairly innocent. Marilyn (John’s
mother) would drop young John off at the mosque for Friday prayers. At the
end of the evening, a fellow believer would drive John home.”
The American society also did not see anything wrong or
alarming about a young American converting to Islam. He would stroll with
his awkward Islamic outfit up and down the streets, and the good American
folks did not get especially worked up. “It was just another kid
experimenting with his life, with his spiritual side, certainly nothing to
fear or loathe” writes Time.
Instead of investigating the real truth about Islam, John's
father allowed himself to be fooled by what he defined as the “Islamic
custom of hospitality for fellow believers.” (Which in itself should
have been telltale of the cultic nature of Islam) And instead of warning
his son of the dangers of Islam, he tried to “appreciate” his faith.
One day he tells John, "I don't think you've really converted to
Islam as much as you've found it within yourself; you sort of found your
inner Muslim."
But unbeknownst to his parents and the rest of the gullible
Americans, this young impressionable teenager was gradually being
brainwashed to hate his own country. As Time reports, “a language
teacher [in Yemen] says Lindh came from the U.S. already hating
It continues: “Lindh's correspondence from Yemen evinces an
ambivalence toward the U.S. In a letter to his mother dated Sept. 23,
1998, he refers to the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Africa the
previous month, saying the attacks "seem far more likely to have been
carried out by the American government than by any Muslims."
Americans are gradually becoming familiar with the Islamic
tactic of committing the crime and blaming it on the victims. Everyone has
heard the fantastic story of 4000 Jews not showing up for work on the
fateful morning of 9/11 made up by Muslims. Actually, Muslims in Islamic
countries still rehash this same nonsense.
So this innocent boy is led to believe that Islam is a religion
and he tried to learn it and practice it with all sincerity and eagerness.
He begins studying and memorizing the Quran and in his notebook he writes
a passage that reads, "We shall make jihad as long as we live."
By becoming a Muslim, John Walker Lindh alienated himself from
the rest of his countrymen. According to the Quran, Muslims are not
supposed to take as friends and protectors the unbelievers (Q;9:23).Muslims
are asked to fight those who do not believe in Allah (Q;9:29)
and murder them (Q;9:123)
A Muslim is not allowed to accept another religion (Q;3:85).
So, it's no wonder, that when John wrote back to his mother
after the U.S. presidential election in 2000, he referred to George W.
Bush as: "your new President" and added, "I'm glad he's not
mine.” Of course not! A Muslim cannot accept the rule of an unbeliever
He must disobey him, fight with him and endeavor to kill him (Q;25:52).
John Walker is just a victim of “politically-correct
America”. Wasn’t it Ronald Reagan who called the Islamic terrorists in
Afghanistan “freedom fighters”? So
John went on to become a freedom fighter. What is wrong with that?
Didn’t President George W. Bush repeatedly announce, “Islam is a
religion of peace”? Why jail a follower of the religion of peace?
As required summer reading for first-year students, Prof. Sells
of the University of North Carolina has compiled a book called
“Approaching the Qur'an” where only “nice” teachings of the Quran
pertaining to the Early Revelations are handpicked and the violent, bloody
verses that call for killing, looting and raping the unbelievers have been
left out. This is nothing but deception. Young Americans are being lied
to. A false image of Islam is being portrayed to them. And when our young
kids believe in the lies that we feed them, trust our judgment, and then
go on to believe in and practice Islam, we brand them as terrorists, jail
them, and prosecute them. Isn’t this hypocrisy?
How many newspapers, television shows or radio programs have
the courage to call a spade a spade when it comes to Islam?
Which one of our politicians has the mettle to stand in front
of a camera and tell the nation that Islam is not a religion of peace;
watch your kids? On the contrary, Islamic propagandists are given the free
tribune to twist the truth and promote their lies. CAIR (the Council of
American-Islamic Relations) is planning to furnish thousands of libraries
across the country with Islamic books hoping to find new John Walkers.
Mosques are being built in every city and town throughout the country to
instill the hatred of America amongst the American kids. There is not a
single day where someone does not die in the hands of Islamic terrorists
somewhere in the world.
What will it take for America to wake up and realize that Islam
is not a religion but a very dangerous cult?
When are we going to pay attention to the teachings of the
Quran and understand that the terrorists are not aberrations but the real
Muslims following the real teachings of their holy book?
Ali Sina is a founding member of Faith Freedom International, a movement of
ex-Muslims striving for the freedom of faith and freedom from Faith in
Islamic countries.
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