Advertising American Values
By: Ali Sina
The United States is going to spend $15 million
dollars in ad campaign in Islamic countries to show the Muslims that
America is a tolerant country where Muslims are not discriminated. The
idea is to teach the Muslims some American values; hopefully they will see
that tolerance is a good thing and they too will become more tolerant of
America and the Americans.
What a noble thought! But unfortunately it underlies
the sad reality that the American government does not have a clue about
Islam and because of that makes assumptions that are not correct.
The fact is that the Muslims know about American
values but they reject them. They prefer Islamic values. The proof of that
are the homegrown Muslims. Do you think that John Walker Lindh, Jose
Padilla and John Allah Mohammad do not know the American values? They were
born and grown up in America. But when they converted to Islam, they
adopted Islamic values. Islam and democracy, for example, are not
compatible at all. You cannot preach to a Muslim about the virtues of
democracy because you are undermining his religion that opposes democracy.
Tolerance is good as long as the Muslims are at the receiving end, but
Islam and tolerance are not compatible. The book of Quran contains
hundreds of disparaging and violent teachings when it comes to the
treatment of the non-Muslims. So what is it that the American government
hopes to achieve with those ad campaigns? To encourage the Muslims to be
tolerant? That would mean to overrule the explicit teachings of the Quran!
That would mean to disregard the sunnah (tradition, examples) of the
Prophet who massacred and banished the Jews and the Christians from Arabia and
in his deathbed ordered that Arabia be cleansed from these infidels, a
will that his successor Omar carried out a few years later.
Muslims are aware of the American
values. Many of the mosque-going Muslims have been living in America for
decades. They have grown up here, studied here, work here and live here.
They are very much familiar with American values. But they are first
Muslims and then American or anything else. Their first allegiance is to
Islam and their main objective is, as Ibrahim Hooper, the chairman of CAIR
(The Council of American Islamic Relations) has said, to convert America
into an Islamic country. Muslims want to get rid of the American values
and implement Islamic values. Therefore wielding the American values in
their face, hoping that they would be attracted to it, would only work if
they leave Islam. To become tolerant, Muslims must denounce Islam; to
practice democracy, they must relinquish Islam, which is a theocratic
religion par excellence. But how can that be done when the American
President keeps telling, “This is not about Islam” and “America is
not fighting against Islam”? The very fact that you prefer democracy,
tolerance and equality of rights between men and women are enough evidence
that you are against Islam and Islamic values.
Some people wonder why Muslims become so irritated
when you criticize their religion. To understand this phenomenon you have
to understand Muhammad. Muhammad was a narcissist. He craved for attention.
He demanded his followers to love him more than their own parents and
more than their own selves. Personality cult is part of the despotic rule.
Muhammad could make such demands by putting his wishes in the mouth of his
imaginary Allah. Also because he was a narcissist he could not tolerate
dissent and because of that he had no regards for human lives. Killing
those who differed with him was as easy for him as killing bugs. Nothing
mattered to him except his own self and his reveries of grandiosity.
Muslims echo that mindset. They have lost their own identity as
independent human beings. They see themselves as part of Muhammad’s
extended ego. They see their own existence as a function to appease this
man's ghost. They have accepted to become supplies to Muhammad's narcissistic cravings.
Muhammad convinced his followers that those who serve him more, love him
more, and sacrifice themselves for him are the best. He assured them that
he is the only one that can intercede for them in front of Allah. Obedience to
Allah actually meant obedience to him and fear of Allah was also fear of
him. Allah was his own alter ego. So Muslims of his time competed with each other to meet his approval.
The great historian Al Tabari, writes that Muslim tribes and individuals
vied with each other to serve him and gain his approval. He would promise them heaven and they were elated
with those promises. Tabari writes: if someone assassinated an
opponent of the messenger of Allah he would praise the assassin for getting him rid
of that opponent. This would encourage other Muslims to come to him and tell him that so and
so is also badmouthing him asking his permission to kill
that person. Al Tabari says such was the devotion of the believers that
they felt envious of each other if one of them did a service to the
Prophet and was favored by him. This sycophantic spirit, that is based on
personality cult, typical in dictatorial milieus and encouraged by
individuals suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, lingered
among the followers of Muhammad and is accentuated by the
passage of time. Muhammad is dead but the sycophantism of his early
followers has
survived. Muhammad is dead but his intolerance has survived. Muhammad is
dead but the community that he forged continues to live by the standards
that he left.
There are several stories about Omar, the second caliph, who
would pull out his sword asking permission to slay the man who would
question Muhammad’s claim in front of him. Why would Omar behave in such
manner? Obviously he was encouraged by Muhammad's approval. In this way he
would show his total devotion to him and would demonstrate that he is a
loyal believer. If you say a word against Muhammad and Muslims today
behave as if they want to slit your throat is because that legacy of sycophantic zealotry condoned and encouraged by Muhammad has
survived. Therefore the source of all Islamic bigotry and intolerance must
be traced to Muhammad himself. This is a colossal catastrophe that a
billion people follow the whims of an emotionally insane narcissist.
Muhammad is such a huge lie that is almost believable. But we can only
understand him if we study the lives of other great narcissists such as
Hitler, Stalin or Saddam Hussein. Bearing in mind that Muhammad was the
greatest of all.
So what is the solution? But before that let me tell you what IS NOT the
solution. Fighting Muslims is not the solution. Discriminating against
them is not the solution. Hating them is not the solution. Remember that
Islam thrives on hate. Islam needs an enemy to survive. If there is no
enemy it invents one. Doctrines of hate cannot survive without enemy. It
is the hatred of the enemy that makes them strong. The
communists had the bourgeoisie to hate, the Nazis had the Jews to hate and
the Muslims have the non-believers to hate. So by becoming their enemy you
are fueling their fire. They grow stronger when they have enemies. Hating
the Muslims will only harden them. Muslims love to consider themselves as victims
in order to hate their "oppressors" and summon force to combat
them and "take revenge". So what
is the solution?
Understanding them is the solution. You have to understand why they behave
in this way. When you understand that Islam is not a religion but the hallucination
of a very evil man, you realize that Muslims are truly victims. you cannot
hate victims. You have to help them. But how? The
answer is by exposing the fallacies of their belief. The true nature of
Muhammad must be exposed. You must undermine the
foundation of their beliefs. That is the solution. We should not attack
the Muslims but Islam. This is diametrically opposed to what the
politically correct world is doing now. The world, just as during the
Chamberlain's days, is adopting the policy of appeasement. Everyone is
trying to leave Islam and its author unblemished and blame "a few of
its misguided" followers. This is hypocrisy. The followers are doing
what their holy book is demanding them to do. You cannot revere the bloody
scriptures of the Quran and condemn those who follow them. This approach
is doomed to fail because it is based on lie. It has not worked and it is
not going to work. The problem is with the Quran not with those gullible
souls who believe in that book. If we want to eliminate Islamic terrorism,
we have to change our strategy. We have to find the source of the problem
and eliminate it from the source. The source is the Quran; the problem is
Muhammad; not the believers.
Consider Islam as the disease and the Muslims as
patients. The patient is not well because he is diseased. We cannot keep
criticizing the patient. We have to eliminate the disease.
Mr. Bush
is wasting the taxpayer’s money by trying to teach Muslims, American
values. That is not going to work. Many Muslims live in America; many of
them are American converts. They know perfectly what are the American
values. There is no need to show them what they already know. They know it
and they still cling to Islam. They are against democracy. They are
against equality of genders. They are against freedom of dress code for
women. They know what are the American values and they are against them.
So why waste money telling Muslims in Indonesia, Malaysia and other parts
of the world things that they already know and reject?
The solution is to cure them from their disease; to eliminate what makes
them blind to humanistic values. We have to speak against Islam. And that is what
is doing. We are demonstrating that Muhammad was a narcissist, like
Hitler, Stalin and other despots. We are showing he was a plunderer, a
liar, a murderer, an assassin, a rapist, a pedophile and we are proving our claims
with the very Islamic sources. We have challenged the Muslims, their
scholars and their western apologists like Karen Armstrong, John Esposito,
Michael Sells and others to disprove us. They did not have the guts
to show up. Faithfreedom.org is nuking the foundation of the Islamic beliefs. We are
sowing the seeds of doubts among the Muslim intellectuals. We are making them think. We are
revolutionizing their accepted wisdom. And we are being heard. We are in
war against ignorance. The
beauty of this war is that at the end our enemies become our allies
and our best friends and we grow exponentially. We are not apart from them. We are from them. We know how
they feel; we have been there; we can help.
This is a new dawn for the followers of Muhammad.
This is the beginning of the renaissance of Islamic world. And this
renaissance is going to take place now and in our own lifetime.
But there is no free lunch, as they say. We cannot expose Islam if the
Media and Press are sycophantic towards the Muslims. I acknowledge that
the President Bush and Tony Blair have no other alternative than to sing
the same old tune “This-is-not-about-Islam” and “Islam-is-a-religion-of-peace”. But the rest of us do not have to
sing along. We can
speak out. We do not have to lie in order to appease the Muslims.
All of us who care for Humanity, who want our children to live in peace and
care about Muslims must defend the truth even if that truth hurts someone.
It is much better that we hurt the “sensibility” of the Muslims than
the devout believers among them inspired by the teachings of the Quran
murder us just because we are disbelievers. If Islam is their drug
don't give it to them. Put up with their obnoxious behavior but withhold
that drug. You hurt them more by giving them the drug than by taking it
away from them. Truth must be said and in this war against terror, noting
but truth can make us victorious.