




 Leaving Islam




Muslims' comments 8

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 "yusuf adeola" <[email protected]>

31 Aug 2002














You remind me of my friend that I met online who also believes what you believe. I am a muslim female. What I don't undertsand is why you feel the need to write such things about a particular religion? I mean, I personally respect all people, all religions and would never comment on their beliefs.

For it is something between *GOD* (whoever that may be to you) and that person. Not all muslims are good, not all Hindu's are good, etc. I agree, no one is superior to anyone and that is something I've learned and picked up from the Quran. In surah al kafiroon. On to you your religion and onto me mine....:) I'm not mad, upset, angry or disappointed at work but rather interested in why you SPEICALLY chose Islam. I'd like to know what you think of other religions also. I have a lot more to write but I'm limited to the time right now.


Thnx much,



 Dear Amina,

Today more and more Muslims are seeing the light and are leaving Islam. This phenomenon is happening hanks to the Internet and the ease of communication. Before this Muslims did not have the chance to read the truth because Islamic countries practice sever censorship. Actually my site is banned in Islamic countries so many Muslims are unable to access it.

Censorship is necessary to protect falsehood. Truth does not need protection because truth can defend itself easily and come victorious every time.

You wrote , “What I don't undertsand is why you feel the need to write such things about a particular religion?” 

Why not? Truth must be said. Don’t you agree? If Islam is true it should not fear any criticism. 

Also Islam is not a personal religion. Islam plans to take over the world and impose the Sharia everywhere. That is why it gives me the right to question it. In India here are thousands of religions, some worship snake, some rats, some monkeys, some cows and some phallus.  That is none of my business. None of these religions threaten me. They are not trying to impose their beliefs by killing the infidels and convert  everyone to their way of thinking. Islam on the other hand is expansionist and unlike Christianity that is also expansionist Islam wants to conquer the world by force. In reality Islam has declared war on all the non-Muslims. I am defending myself against Islam. Today I am defending my self with my pen because tomorrow I may have to defend myself with guns. 

As a matter of fact the war has already started. When Muslims call for Jihad and start killing the non-believers that is war. Now we see that the West has mobilized its military and are combating the Islamic terrorism. Islamic terrorism is a erm the Westerners give to Muslim Jihadis. The Jihadis do not see hemselves as terrorists. They think of themselves as soldiers of Islam obeying the commandment of Allah.

You Muslims have declared a war on us non-Muslims and we are fighting back. If Islam was “something between God and man” I had no difficulty with it. But Islam is not that. Islam wants to become the dominant religion and calls for Jihad. It is our duty to defend our selves. This is my battle. 

What you read in Surah Kaferoon was later abrogated. Muhammad said those nice things when he was weak. When he came to power his teachings changed and he started to kill people and became a tyrant.

Read his article to see the proof.



Ali Sina  



 Deniz Sayin" <[email protected]>

21 Aug 2002

 Hey there,  i was just web browsing and just saw your web site and read it.

What a load of fundimental shit, If you had the slightest bit of "RATIONAL THINKING" you might have been understandible.
    I came from two religious backgrounds and now studying a third and what i recognise in you lot is the difference of distance not minds!!.
     The arab gene pool is not only full of historical fanatisism but unlateral thinking. In through the ages of mans endevouring history you will find not a moments peace in their worlds.Judge those who commit their crimes, not all the innocent!!!
How can you a "LATERAL THINKER" clame that the Quran is book of satanism when the bible tells the Quran and the Quran tells he bible. The muslem womans first patron saint is Mary and the whole muslem world sits in waiting like the Christians for Jesus Christ.
Look into the past of the peoples involved and contemplate their hinking, try it.
    I think your a fanatic Satanist and very poor soul at hat, If I where you id crawl back into the hole that gave birth to you and leave the god worshiping good people alone.
The Real Lateral Thinker!!!!!



Begona Hernandez" <[email protected]>

21 Aug 2002


Everyday I log on to your website for the simple
enjoyment of reading the insane ramblings of an
overgrown, disturbed, psychotic who thinks he is
hreatening my existence and “weening” me away from my
faith. Just so that you know; distasteful scum like
you are a source of inspiration for an ever increasing
number of racist ignorant Americans being spawned by a
nonsensical mentally retarded Christian culture
although you claim to be not biased in that respect.

Yes, I chose Islam over the so-called “teachings of
love” Christianity offers, over the “inner peace”
Buddhism offers. Yes I chose Islam because it teaches
hate, intolerance, blind faith and superstition. Yes I
lived my life as a selfish, drunken, sluttish Western
art who out of culpability needed an ideology like
Islam to neutralise me. Yes I am brainwashed by a few
apologists into thinking Islam is peaceful.
Yes I fell
in love with a Muslim and converted and am now
“stuck”. Yes yes, we’ve all heard it before…..Muslims
each this and do that, they step on their women,
rape, murder and loot whenever they can. All the above
is mentioned by you again and again. Your views
neither worsen nor improve. The same old diabolical
comments you regurgitate backwards and forwards and
have been doing so for years (just read your replies
o others). As a white anglo-saxon Muslim female who
is extremely detached from the traditional cultural
Muslim I laugh at your writings and those idiots that
support you. Had you an ounce of intelligence you
would realise what an idiot you are making out of
yourself. Your new recruits (blatantly invented
aliases) have produced an array of dim-witted articles
o support your dim-witted ideals. Articles such as:
And http://main.faithfreedom.org/darn_things.htm make
me feel so proud to be a Muslim and I only thank God
further for not making me as pathetic, and down right
childish as the producers of the above.

Yet out of all the things you mention you choose to
remain blind to the one aspect of Islam which brings
hundreds upon hundreds into it by the month (in the
US). The simple logic that there can only be ONE
creator and the begetting of children does not befit
his majestic attributes. Plain, simple, logical. The
Quran in no uncertain terms states that Adam, Noah,
Abraham, Moses and Christ were also Muslims because of
he 2 simple facts that they DID NOT associate any
other deities with the one true Creator and they
believed in all His signs. How does your retarded mind
ackle such a statement? Don’t you immediately want to
ask yourself what a Muslim is? No of course you don’t
because it would expose you as a mess, a cyber-warrior
with no real goal other than to invent a new kind of
Islam for the masses to expand their falsehood upon.

Feast on your fame for a time.

I Highlighted a part of your email so I can give you the good news that this site is not for you at all. This site is created for people who believe in  love, in peace, in justice, equality and unity of humanity but are mislead to believe that Islam is all of that. You lady have found the right religion. People like you, like Muhammad Atta, Bin Laden or Khomeini are Muslims and should be known as such. 

The concept of "ONE creator" is not a simple concept but a simplistic concept made for people with simple minds. The reality is much more profound that this childish deity of Muhammad. Even if that be true (which is not) that is no proof that this God would choose a pedophile, a mass murderer, a rapist, an assassin, a highway robber and a liar to be his messenger.

All he charges we have made against Islam are backed by solid evidence taken from Islamic sources. If you disagree with them prove us wrong and we will remove this site. Ranting is no substitute to reason.

Also let me tell you that I have no "supporters". I have laid no claim to prophethood, hence I have no "followers".. I am not a rock star, so I have no "fans". I am not a football players, so I have no "cheerleaders". These are the derogatory remarks you Muslims make of the scholars writing in this site. Many of the people who post in his forum and contribute with their articles to this site are far more knowledgeable than myself. It is ludicrous to say they are supporting me. We are freethinkers. We have come to the conclusion that Islam is evil and it is the main obstacle to the peace and prosperity of this world. All of us support this idea. We have grown out of being followers. Following is for weak minded people. But perhaps this is a concept you Muslims have difficulty to understand.


Ali Sina   




Mon, 19 Aug


Do you think you are very smart? But unfortunately you are not. If you have the courage then discuss your thoughts in public. Don't do it like a coward. You are doing it because you know what you are saying is not ruth. If you believed what you are saying then you would not have done it in disguise. Anyway you still have time to come to the right path the path of light and truth which is Islam. You better do it before you ake the last breath of your life. Or let us meet on the day of last judgement and we will see who among us is right and who is wrong.

May Allah show you the right path.


Reply to : [email protected]



 "Mahmood Hussain" <[email protected]>

04 Aug 2002

your a mutt......

hello there, your nothing but a mutt, you try do disgrase islam, what are you trying to accomplish do you hink that muslims all over the world are you going to listen to your disgusting arguments about Islam. I know that you are recruted by Shaytan, you sold your soul and will be dealt with accordingly by Allah. 

Your no better then a swine, you dirty bastered, all your education will not save you. I would defintly like for you to come out in public and speak your mind about Islam, do not fear your devil will protect you hahahha... come on be a brave man and convert muslims around the world to fellow your methodalogy........our Prophet(peace be upon him) defied the odds against the pagin majority and converted all of Arabia to islam and how was this done you ask, by the will of Allah. So lets see how strong your god is to help pass your message around, you coward hiding behing your computer screen...............



 [email protected]

3 Aug 2002

Your site inaccurate about Islam



Your traditional "garbage" about Islam is inaccurate.
Islam, presented according to the Quran completely dismantles your website's claims.

You and your hate mongering colleagues would do well to visit the site listed under

M.A. Asadi

Would you care to come to our forum and present your accurate version of the Quran? 


Perhaps you may like to come and give a hand to your brother Mr. Wissam Nasr the Executive Director of the Institute for Islamic Human Rights. 

If you manage to show everyone that your version is correct and mine is “garbage” I’ll remove my site. If you are unable to do that then perhaps what I say is true. 

I am challenging you publicly to debate with us and prove us wrong. If you win we remove the site but if we win you don’t have to do anything. Can you get a better deal than this?



Ali Sina 



Hello Mr Ali

That was no response. Why would I want to have your site removed? I am not interested in seeing it go- It should remain there for people who have studied the QUran to see how baseless your claims are.

Also, please know that people do not have all the time in the world to nit-pick everything in your website. Why dont you do your fellows and Muslims and all a BIG favor and present your claims as three or four major (question) hypothesis as to why Islam is so BAD.

M.A. Asadi


Dear Mr. Asadi,

Not everyone can see that our message is garbage. Many people including some very sincere Muslims are asking why no one has been able to refute our claims about Islam. There have been many debates but it does not seem that anyone has managed to debunk us yet. So I thought since you are a knowledgeable Muslim with a website showing the science in Quran you would be a good candidate to meet his challenge.

Also you claim that our version of Islam is “inaccurate” and “garbage”. Therefore you must know what is the “accurate” version of Islam and who better than you can show it to us. If you don’t care about us you should care about those Muslims who are wondering where are the Islamic scholars to put us in our place. We all know Islam is great when the sword and violence is the measure of truth. But now Muslims, and in fact the word, want to know how Islam does when logic is the balance. Can Islam stand to this assay?  

If you don’t have the time to read all the site (I do not expect anyone to read all of it. It is already wice the size of the Quran) you can read a couple of the articles and refute them. Just read the Prologue to see what is our claim and then read these two articles. Maryah and Safiyah 

Please read the comment page. You'll find many people do not know that this site is garbage. They hink it is great. So it is up to you to show them that it is actually garbage. If you fail do do so, it shows that this site is not garbage or inaccurate and your judgment was based on prejudice and not facts. 

You can post your refutation directly in our forum for every one to see and be guided. 

Kind regards


Ali Sina 


I will look into your arguments against the Quran. You have to read the ayats of the Quran in their context and in the context of the standard "mohkam" verses. Cutting and plucking parts of verses might fulfil your perverted agenda but does nothing for the cause of truth, justice, peace or rationality.

Hadith date from over 200 years after Muhammed. They cannot be presented as describing Islam. Also, your Ad Hominem arguments against Muhammed are logically invalid- all Ad Hominem arguments are- regardless of what is discussed

The Quran truly liberated women over 1400 years ago, the facts are comparatively documented at http://women.rationalreality.com

Jihad, and war concepts in the Quran are presented in a completely just and humane way for the sake of defense, peace and removing oppression ONLY. The facts are once again documented at http://jihad.rationalreality.com

M.A. Asadi

Dear Mr. Asadi 

What are you taking about Mr. Asadi? Muhammad is the subject of the debate. How can I prove him to be an impostor when I am not allowed to say anything against him? I do not believe you really understand the meaning of Ad hominem. Ad hominem is when you call my agenda a “perverted” agenda. Because I am not the subject of debate nor you know me. Instead of refuting my claim and proving me wrong you attack my character and try to discredit me. This is Ad hominem. When I accuse Muhammad of being a thief, a pervert, a pedophile, an assassin or a mass murderer, this is not Ad hominem. This is he subject matter. Let me make this clear. 

I accuse Muhammad of all the above crimes. I am representing the prosecution and you are on the defense eam trying to acquit him of all the charges. You have to ask me for evidence to back my claim. But if you turn around and try to indict me, he prosecutor, of having ulterior motives, being a pervert or lying this is not considered to be a defense and will not be accepted in any court of law. Your job is to prove your client innocent and that cannot be achieved by attacking me. My job is to prove that he is guilty and for that I have o present the exhibits. Throughout my site, I have proven my case against Muhammad. It is now up to you to deflate all my charges and prove me wrong. This cannot be done by attacking me. My agenda is irrelevant. I ell you what is my agenda. My agenda is to educate Muslims about the real Islam and wean them from this evil cult. It is up to you to prove that my claim against Muhammad and Islam is unfounded. If you do that I withdraw my case. It is over a year that I have issued this challenge and I am waiting patiently for someone to come forth and show my errors. I have had debates with several Muslims yet no one has been able to prove me wrong. The fact that Muslim scholars are incapable to disprove these charges should be the cause of concern for all the Muslims. This proves that all hese charges are true. We are following a false prophet, an evil man who is taking us to hell, a hell in which all of us leave today. We are poor, miserable, constantly fighting with each other, incapable of becoming responsible citizens of this global village and instead of progressing we are regressing. Many of us have turned into terrorist activities and believe this to be or ticket to heaven. This is because we are foolishly following a mentally insane narcissist who is unworthy to be called a human let alone a messenger of God.

You reject the authenticity of Hadith. I do not say that all the hadithes are correct. But the hadithes are the only source of history of Islam. Without them we don’t know anything about Islam. We don’t know who was Muhammad, who were his parents, what did he do and how his religion advanced. Without hadith we do not know how to perform the Salat, the Siam or the Haj—and these are he fundamentals of our religion. Without hadith Islam cannot be. Rejecting the hadith in its entirety at this moment after the early scholars painstakingly classified them as Sahih, Hassan, Daif, etc. it is intellectual dishonesty. 

Nevertheless there is no need o bring the Hadithes into equation to prove Muhammad is guilty of all the above charges. If you do not want to admit any of my evidences in the court I object but I do not depend on them to prove my case. Quran contains enough evidence to incriminate Muhammad.

You touched two points in your email. One is about the women and their liberation and the other is about Jihad as a “completely just and humane way for the sake of defense”.   Let us talk about these two subjects. Let us talk about women first. We have proven that women in Islam are oppressed. It is up to you to show us this is false. Here is our proof.


Next let us talk about Jihad. You say Jihad is a way of defense. Really? Let us talk about that and see how defensive have been the Islamic wars that have left millions of deaths in Iran, India, Spain and virtually everywhere Muslims have gone to “defend” their religion. Then we’ll see how just and humane the jihad is. 

So you are invited to debate. Pleas join our forum and write there directly. Let us discuss the Issue of women’s right in Islam first. Read these articles to learn why we say Islam is abusive of the right of women. Then prove to the world that we are wrong. This site is visited by at least 2000 people on a daily basis. Hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, will eventually read our debate. It would be a pity if they find that a scholar like you has shirked to defend Islam.  Good luck to you

Kind regards

Ali Sina 


You can join this debate here http://forum.faithfreedom.org/viewtopic.php?p=11044#11044






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