Miracles of Iron
The sixth miracle according to
Mr. Ahmed is the verse:
We sent aforetime our messengers with Clear Signs
and sent down with them the Book and the Balance (of Right and Wrong),
that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down Iron, in which is
(material for) mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that
Allah may test who it is that will help, Unseen, Him and His messengers:
For Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (and able to enforce His
Mr. Ahmed says that according to the Modern
science, iron is the only element that does not belong to the Earth but is
sent from heaven to Earth and hence the above verse is a miracle.
The truth is that four billion years ago, when our
planet was still a scorching ball of fire, a giant asteroid mostly made of
metal struck the Earth scattering a lot of it to the sky. The asteroid
however penetrated the core of the Earth. That is why the deeper we go the
more metal we find. However iron was not the only metal found that came
with that asteroid. It contained many other metals including gold.
The verse actually should not be taken literally.
In this verse Muhammad is saying that we sent you everything that you need
including iron with which has mighty power i.e. is strong and can benefit
you as well. He did not mean that the iron, among all the elements, is the
only element that has descended from the heaven. In Muhammad's language
eveything is "sent' to man by God and that is the meaning of this
word andalna here. He did not mean that God sent the iron from they sky
but since the giver of the iron is God so the verb nadala is used.
Somewhere else Muhammad says that He sent down cattle (39.6) Do we have to
take this literally?
Mr. Ahmed in the defense of his theory states that
the energy required to create one atom of iron equals several times the
energy stored in the sun. This is obviously absurd. This gentleman makes
up in bravado what he lacks in knowledge.
The last “miracle” of the Quran mentioned by
Mr. Ahmed is when Muhammad says: "Each one is traveling in an orbit
with its own motion" (Qur'an 21:33; 36:40). Then he wonders: “How
did the author of the Qur'an know of this?”
Anyone looking at the sky can see that the Sun and
the Moon follow a fixed orbit. This was known to our ancestors since the
dawn of time. However we see that the Sun and the Moon revolve around the
Earth and this is the orbit that the Quran is talking about. What Quran
says about the orbits of the Sun and the Moon is the observable and
perceived orbits of these celestial objects caused by the rotation of the
Earth. The Quran is talking about neither the actual orbit of the sun
around the central star of the Milky Way that takes 226 million years nor
the orbit of the moon around the Earth that takes 29 days. Muhammad is
talking about the “perceived” orbit of these objects that takes 24
hours. Any ignorant man, even the animals, could observe what Muhammad
observed. Any ignorant man could have said what Muhammad said. Muhammad
was not aware of the actual orbit of the Moon that became known to
humanity through the findings of Copernicus and Galileo let alone the
orbit of the Sun that was discovered in the 20th century.
This is clear from the verse 2:189.
"They ask you about the new moon. Say: They
indicate the periods for (various activities of) mankind, and for the
Muhammad is asked about the moon and why it changes
shape. This was a perfect opportunity for him to say it is because of the
rotation of the moon around the Earth and because the light of the moon is
a reflection of the light of the sun. But he did not know the right
answer. He instead said that the Moon is a giant clock/calendar in the sky
created for the believers to know what time of the month it is and when
they should perform their pilgrimage.
Muhammad thought that the Sun and the Moon have
similar orbits chasing each other in the sky while it is not allowed for
the Sun to catch the Moon.
It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor
doth the night outstrip the day. They float each in an orbit.
We are dealing with a man with a very primitive
mind. In the verse 10:5 Muhammad says that the Moon has its own light and
then reiterates that it is a calendar in the sky, created for us humans to
measure the time.
PICKTHAL: He it is Who appointed the sun a
splendour and the moon a light, and measured for her stages, that ye might
know the number of the years, and the reckoning. Allah created not (all)
that save in truth. He detaileth the revelations for people who have
Of course both these statements are false. The Moon
has no light of its own nor it has anything to do with us humans. The moon
has been there probably as long as the Earth has been around and that is
4.5 billion years while we humans appeared on this planet only 100,000 ago
and will most likely disappear much sooner than the moon. It is ridiculous
to assume that the celestial objects have been created for us humans. We
are merely one species among the millions inhabiting this planet. Nothing
is created for us. These ideas are childish and do not belong to this day
and age of enlightenment.
There is no doubt that Muhammad used to think that
Moon gives light.
Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies,
and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light;
And made the moon a light in their midst, and made
the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp?
Of course the Moon is not a lamp and it does not
give light. These verses are enough to prove that the Quran is not
revealed by any knowledgeable god. Muhammad simply stated what was obvious
to his eyes. His knowledge of the astronomy was no more than any ignorant
man of his time.
This is also clear when he says that the Sun
“rises” and “sets” in murky waters. 18.86
Mr. Ahmed, in his debate with Denis Giron makes an
astounding statement. He says that the critics could say that the orbits
of the Sun and the Moon mentioned in the Quran may indicate the rotation
of these objects around the Earth. But he says this is not so because
Muhammad did not say such thing.
This reminds me of a joke we used to tell each
other when in primary school. “We Iranians used to have wireless
technology in our ancient civilization. Why? Because the archeologists
have not been able to find any wire in the old ruins.”
Of course we were kids and this was a joke. However
it seems that the brain of some grownup Muslims is even less evolved than
that of the children. So according to our esteemed opponent, if Muhammad
did not say that the orbit he was talking about is the rotation of the Sun
around the Earth, he must have meant the rotation of the Sun around the
black hole in the Milky Way. It does not even occur to him to ask, if that
was the case why he did not say that. Why he did not clarify that the moon
rotates around the Earth and the Earth rotates around the center of the
Milky Way? The Milky Way is very visible in the deserts of
. Muhammad stated what he saw. That is virtually the same thing my cat can
see. That is the Sun and the Moon have orbits and they rotate the Earth.
These are the “miracles of science” that Mr.
Ahmad wanted me to respond to. Actually Denis already responded to all
these claims. However Denis is very cautious and does not call the Quran
to be a hodgepodge of gibberish. He tries to be politically correct. He is
even afraid to call a spade a spade and say all these verses are rubbish.
He goes only as far to say that the “knowledge” contained in these
verses were already known to humans prior to Muhammad. What knowledge?
Most of the Quran is garbage.
The soft attitude of Denis has emboldened Ahmed who
claims the possibility of Muhammad in being right in each and every one of
these verses is 1/500,000. Then he multiplies all these fractions and
comes with an astronomically minute number and states that the chance of
Muhammad just guessing the correct answer each and every time is less than
one over a number with 26 zeros in front of it.
Dear. Mr. Ahmed. Please do not be fooled by
Denis’s niceness. He is just trying to be politically correct. The truth
is that your Quran is the stupidest book ever written. There are not one
or two but hundreds of errors in that book. It is a shame that a man like
you is so blinded with faith that cannot see the obvious errors of this
book. But stick around. Don’t go anyway. We will go over this book
together and will find out more inanities of it together.
If you have finished with your “miracles”, this
time allow me to dig into that cesspool called Quran and pull out verses
that would embarrass you or hopefully open your eyes.
You also seem to not pay much attention to what
others say. You have learned only one subject and you think this is such a
big hit that you want to play it in every occasion. Sadly you are not
intelligent enough to see when you are defeated. Dr. Morey, obviously saw
you are not a scholar and did not think you are worth his time. You go
around claiming you have defeated him? How you have defeated him when he
did not even dignify you with a response? The reason he gave is that your
way of debating is insulting your opponent. That is ad hominem and highly
unscholarly. I do not blame him for not giving you much credence. You
claim that you defeated Denis Giron. I listened to your debate with him
and to me it is clear that you are the one who is defeated.
Judging by your performance and especially by your
boasting and bravado, it is clear that you are not a scholar but a little
man in search of fame. You try to debate with some recognized names on the
net and even though they do not respond to you add them to your portfolio
to make yourself look bigger that who you really are. I knew your games.
At first, like Dr. Morey, I thought you are not really worth my time. But
seeing your boastfulness and bluster, I thought you would benefit if I put
you in your place and amuse the Internet folk at your expense. Perhaps
this will teach you some humility and help you to become a better debater.
I will continue debating with you, provided you
behave like a scholar. Fortunately I heard your voice and you sound like a
grown up man. Otherwise judging by your bluster and arrogance I would have
suspected you are just a teenager. If you want to debate with me, you are
required to behave like a scholar. I hope that is clear.
Now back to our discussion. You did not comment on
my statement that even if the Quran is proven to be a miracle (which of
course as we are seeing it is not) Muhammad cannot be hailed as a prophet.
The ethics and morality of Muhammad are crucial to determine his
truthfulness. A liar cannot be a prophet. Is that clear? Do you agree with
this? Do you agree that if the Quran is proven to be a miracle as you say
and Muhammad is proven to be a criminal, there is a good chance that the
Quran was revealed to Muhammad by Satan? I need your statement on this
subject before we can continue with our study of the Quran.
Furthermore, please respond to other members. They
are all better scholars than you. So debating with them will certainly add
to your profile and make you look important.
Kind regards
P.S. We generally treat our guests and oponents
with respect. However your chest beating and swelling claiming to have won
when we did not even start to debate was a factor for me to deal with you
in this way and bruise your nose so hopefully you become more respectful
in your future correspondance.
If anything you failed to answer my claim that even
if the Quran is proven to be a miracle still Muhammad cannot be called a
prophet. This would only prove that he was inspired by Satan. Your silence
in this regard tells me you have no response for that and hence you are
the defeated one in this first round.
see that motion is able to dissolve and inflame the air; indeed, moving
bodies are often actually found to melt. Now the sun's motion alone is
sufficient to account for the origin of terrestrial warmth and heat. For a
motion that is to have this effect must be rapid and near, and that of the
stars is rapid but distant, while that of the moon is near but slow,
whereas the sun's motion combines both conditions in a sufficient degree.
That most heat should be generated where the sun is present is easy to
understand if we consider the analogy of terrestrial phenomena, for here,
too, it is the air that is nearest to a thing in rapid motion which is
heated most. This is just what we should expect, as it is the nearest air
that is most dissolved by the motion of a solid body.
This then is one
reason why heat reaches our world. Another is that the fire surrounding
the air is often scattered by the motion of the heavens and driven
downwards in spite of itself.
further suffix to prove that the celestial sphere is not hot or fiery: for
they do not occur in that upper region but below: yet the more and the
faster a thing moves, the more apt it is to take fire. Besides, the sun,
which most of all the stars is considered to be hot, is really white and
not fiery in colour.