




 Leaving Islam




There is no mixing though in Islam. It is 98% Semitic, with slim Aryan values mostly from Sufism and the Druze. So that movement could be an aryan way out of the semitic Islam. They really survived only through their concept of ‘’Taqiya’’ (dissimulation) which allows them to hide their faith in a hostile milieu. When Israel was founded, they stood with the Jews, fighting on their side. So now they are full time citizens, in this democratic country. That dissimulation allows us to believe that they are much more numerous that we may think. Once relieve from the Islamic oppression, they’ll rise with pride. Bahaïsm is recent but it must have an aryan (universal spirituality) sprinkle. They again will rise with pride in time. It could also become a way out of Islam, the most enduring Semitic terror ever.  

We will end this by analysing communism. Is it Semitic or not? As I am sure you guess by now, it is made of both. Communism is Aryan in the equality that it propounds. It says something true: the farmer is the most important person in any society. Farmers feed the doctors and the lawyers, as well as the artists and the plumbers. Yet they are not valued. Karl Marx also saw that the Capital is a nomadic modern horde which we will have to keep in better control. Right now, big corporations are handling this modern horde that is the Capital. This will have to be brought down to a more humane level. The way out is probably in sharing, from everyone’s capacity to everyone’s need. The hordes of Capital must be humanised. Here also, a clear perspective will help in a meaningful resolution of this cruel dilemma, where 20% of the people benefit from the other 80% who live in poverty. Our consciences are at stake.  

Then again communism became a semitic concept through Lenin, Mao and Stalin. In their radical way of imposing an equalitarian society they blackmailed personal interests. By cutting out the driving force of individual motivations, they con-demned their economy to stagnation. It is well known that in communist countries the black market was overwhelming to the point of shaking the whole communist structure.  

On that matter, the Indian caste system should be revaluated completely by sociologists. Gandhi, as you know, stood firm against the South African apartheid, while adhering totally to the caste system, which only looks backward from a very superficial insight. I have to deepen this research.  

Just as Christianity became a spiritual laziness by conferring to a single ‘’son of god’’ the enlightenment that each one of us has to realize, democracy as we maintain it, is lazy. It confers, through a single election, too much power. Democracy, as intended by the Greeks, implies referendums for most any decision taken for the community. This is too much, as a single general election is too little.  

Let’s close this letter, dedicated as much to you as to all mankind, by a few more important considerations, in order to understand the Semitic stands.  

In a psychological perspective, the Semitic values are based on  father’s role been kidnapped. In a universalistic, humanistic or Aryan point of view; the father is like a bridge reuniting the family (tribe or nation) to the unknown world of the strangers, the other shore or other bank of the social river. The father is then to be the bridge between the US and THEM. Crossing that bridge, separating the tribe values to the universal entity of strangeness, is the path to self realisation. It should be what the universities, all around the world, provide to the students, instead of doctors related to doctrines. Right now, they aim only at efficient narrow minded officers of a particular society, missing the real education of people, for the closed instruction field. There is much to improve here. Universities should produce spiritual consciousness, as much as they make Doctors of material doctrines!  

The Semitic values blow down that bridge. The adolescent is then forced to stay back as the kidnapped father is shown as a dogma, a particular ideology, a secured past: is it the Nation or a Religion. The youth is then unable to get accus-tomed to the universal person one longs to be.   

Dear Ali, differentiating between Semitic and Aryans values, is of the utmost importance, if we truly want a better world. From that only can we, then, expect better days for all mankind, within deep considerations for humanity and respect for Nature!  

For the moment, we all must seek the implosion of Islam. Thanks to people like you, it’s on its way! But to win the peace thereafter is much more important than just winning a war…  

As Buddha once said: ‘’the greatest of all miracles is education’’. That is part of my Golden Rule.


Frederic-John Decat.  

  E  N  D.

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