




 Leaving Islam



But to completely destroy and annihilate the agri-culture peasantry, taking away their lives with their harvests, soon shown to be too short a view. This is when the idea to domesticate the peasantry came to be, making them serfs instead of slaves, though the differences are slim. The serfs could ‘’own’’ a property but a great part of the production from his land had to be given to the ‘’lords’’ in ex-change for ‘’protection’’. This we call feudalism in the west, the lords being the Vikings. It is also the Koran notion for the dhimmis.  

In Christian theology you find a basic determination of the opposition between the Aryan values and the Semitic ones. For the Aryan, you’ll find it is THE JUSTIFICATION BY THE GOOD DEEDS, while for the Semitic it was THE JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH ALONE. That can be a rule to judge what values we are confronted to.  

Yet, it isn’t so obvious at all times, under any circumstances, because those two so different values tend to mix into one another! The clearest case of mixing things up is naturally Nazism. By corrupting the very essence of the Arya meaning, Hitler really propounded a Semitic way of dealing with things! Of course it is particularly ironical since Nazism propounded anti-Semitism at its core. Maybe, now, you understand why these two terms have to be put in their rightful meanings; otherwise we miss the most important nuance of all time! Nazism is driven by faith alone, which is Semitic! If the Gestapo would have acted through the Aryan good deeds, they never could have killed anyone not expressly violent towards them!  

In fact we find the Aryan way as the humanist one. It tends to the universal, through good intentions.

That’s why Buddha used this expression as meaning ‘’noble’’. It is corroborated by the Rig Veda, as in Zoroaster’s Avestas. Truth is freedom. But, to establish that truth, one must be aware of the real compounds implicated. Since the aryan notion was corrupted, as much as the swastika’s cross, then it’s no wonder  we erred constantly.  

The mixing of both values has many more intricate ramifications: the Bible is Semitic alright, but then again Israel is really based on communal Aryan ground! The Jews are now professing a Semitic religion while being aryans in fact! Dear Ali Sina, I hope that by now you start to be aware of the nuances. It brings enlightenment to the political situations in front of us and a rectified knowledge will result in a better understanding of where we should be heading and what we’re facing.  

Let’s take another revealing example: what about Christianity? Is it Aryan or Semitic? Well, it’s another case of mixing both values, which we’ll analyse together. By now, I am quite sure you are able to make the distinctions by yourself. First you can, and must, relate ARYAN AND ARIANISM.  The similitude is not fortuitous. Arius the monk is just a cover-up, as the monk Wulfilas, the one who wrote the gothic bible, can’t be the name of a baptised person from Alexandria . I think he’s most probably the earliest compiler of the Bible we now have. They say he took away all the violent passages in the holy book. I’d rather say those passages were added later! This also goes for the Khazar’s credo, which is a lot more humane than the bible! Here again, I have to come back to the basic of my argumentation: is Christianity a Semitic religion or an Aryan one? I say it is a mixture of both.  

Dear Ali, you’ll probably be amazed if I say to you that, through the institution of Eucharist, what Jesus really meant to institute was vegetarianism! Do you see the word Aryan in it? And also Aryanism? OK. Then you get to the truth. When he compared flesh into bread and blood into wine, he really meant to propound the Aryan agricultural values in a bloody world that included cannibalism. So, at first, Christianity was Aryan to its core and soul.  

This was later semitised by the Catholic Church which is really the Viking’s church! Once you see that, another big chapter of history gets clear out. Through bloody persecutions, they got rid of the real Aryans who were the Goths. These Goths are related to the archaic Gutiens, first inhabiting the Zagros mountain range. That takes us back to your dear Iran . Since they were mountain peoples, they’ve been associated with the goats, hence their name. In the West, the so-called Lombards and Vandals were mainly Goths, just as the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths of our history books. What the Vikings couldn’t destroy, their church did, finishing Goth’s eradication. But not completely since we own them our gothic cathedrals and our guilds, ancestors of our trade unions!  

There were no ‘’barbarian’’ invasions in western Europe except the Viking’s ones. They rewrote his-tory through their ‘’Catholic’’ church and their absolute power over the printing revolution. The Index and the bloody Inquisition made it possible without any critic overview. Then the train just kept rolling.  

Semitic stands never accepted any critics. They are allergic to reason and to logic, like a vampire that melts with the first ray of the rising sun and has to hide away. Sooner or later to be challenged by both science and true spirituality, it can only survive through violence and negations, blind faith and total annihilation of any form of contestation.  

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