




 Leaving Islam



 J      Joseph Cohen Yousef al Khattab      Joseph Cohen Yousef al Khattab

Today it is the political Left that is supporting the infiltration of Islam in the West. They see Islam as their ally because Islam is against Judeo-Christianity (Islam is against everything).   A good example of that is what happened in Spain when the Rodr�guez Zapatero's Socialist government was elected, thanks to the bombing in Madrid. He announced a plan for a �road map� that would treat all religions equally under law. With this he removed all Catholic symbols from public spaces and ended the religious instructions in the schools. He also divested the Catholic Church of the economic and social privileges it had enjoyed traditionally in Spain. At the same time, only weeks after the Madrid bombing in which Muslims massacred  nearly two hundred Spaniards, their socialist government opened the gates of Spain to Muslim immigrants. Then this very government that cut all the funds from the Church, started subsidizing mosques.  The stated purpose of this subsidy is to make the mosques less dependent on money from militant groups abroad. But doesn't this goes against the very claim that they made to separate religions from the state? Now compare that with the treatment that the Christians get in Islamic countries.  

How can one explain this blatant travesty? The non-Muslims should work and pay taxes so their government hand that to the Muslims so they can plan the destruction of their country. Is there any insanity bigger than this? Is this not dhimmitude? If the government of Spain was caliphate would it be any different? One must be blind not to see the hidden agenda of Rodriguez Zapatero and his socialist government. The objective is not equality, but the destruction of Judeo-Christian mores. The socialist government of Spain sees Christianity as an obstacle and is doing everything possible to destroy it. Alas, the harm that this government has caused to Spain is irreparable already. Nothing will save Spain except a civil war. That is on the making. Just wait another two decades or less. Ironically that is what would save Spain, the alternative is Islamization of that country and its total destruction.  Naturally, if we succeed to beat Islam in time, all that gory scenarios can be averted and the new immigrants will become loyal citizens of Spain.  

Marxists are not just the enemies of religions, they see patriotism as a problem too. They hope to establish the world dictatorship of the proletariats. The Islamists also see patriotism as a problem. Their goal is to create the Islamic world Caliphate. So both these groups, wherever they are, make people hate their own country and cultural heritage. In order to subdue people and impose on them your ethos, you have to rob them from their identity. You must make them hate their own culture, heritage, mores, government and religion. These are what gives strength to people. Divested from their identity, they become like potty in your hands. Once you rob them from their selfhood, you can shape them in any way you like. That is exactly what Muslims and Marxists do. That is why they have this much enmity with your culture, religion and heritage.   

Watch this shocking video clip on Joseph Cohen, a Jew who converted to Islam, changed his name to Yousef al Khattab and now not only he hates Israel, he actually praises the suicide bombers who kill the Israelis and says all Jews should be killed. When asked about the innocent children, this father of four said that is okay to kill them too because they go to paradise. 

This man  has lost his humanity. His conscious has been reduced to the level of an animal. He is basically bereft of conscience. He is now a brainless zombie. This is how Islam dehumanizes people, fills them with hate and converts them into monsters. Do you see now that being evil has nothing to do with our ethnicity and has everything to do with what we believe? If Gandhi was born in an Islamic country and if he was subjected to all the hate propaganda that Muslim children are subjected to, would he have still believed in non-violence? Of course not! He probably would have become another Osama Bin Laden. It's education that makes us who we are. 

Perhaps the Israeli leftists are not as open about their hatred of Israel as is Yousef al Khattab and certainly they do not advocate killing Israeli children but their rhetoric is the same. They have the same mindset that Muslims have; the same logic, or lack there of; use the same tu-quoque arguments and harbor the same hatred of their own culture, government and country. The difference is perhaps in `degree but not in substance.   

The leftists, like Muslims, give lip service to equality and justice. But like them  they divide mankind into "us" (the poor/the believers) and "them" (the rich,/the unbelievers) and they direct their hatred at "them" while portraying the "us" as victims. Inducing the feeling of victimhood is the greatest motivator to incite hate and that is what the leftists and the Muslims do best.   

This is what ideologies do to people. I even have received hate mail from a Christian. He asked me for a link exchange. I told him he is welcome to link to my site but I can't link to his because it would not only give a false impression of my site I also do not believe in Christianity. His next email was filled with insults and vituperation. Ideology is evil. It robs one from rational thinking and once one loses that ability, he become like an animal. To the degree that you subscribe to an ideology, any ideology, you become dehumanized. Man is noble because he is capable of independent thought. You lose that through beliefs and ideologies. 

When the Islamists came to power in Iran, the first thing they did was to destroy the Iranian heritage and up to this day, they are at it. Marxism and Islam have a lot in common. They have similar goals and similar methodologies. So it is natural that they see each other as allies. What unites these two odd bedfellows is their mutual hatred of freedom and democracy. Curiously, the extreme Right, the neo Nazis, are also with them in this orgy of madness. At the same time that these groups take advantage of democracy to come to power, demanding their rights to free speech so that they can spew hate, they do everything they can to destroy the foundation of that democracy so they can stay there for ever.  

With this I do not mean that the leftists are bad people. I also don't think that Muslims are bad people. Both Muslims and the leftists are fooled by evil ideologies and as the result do evil things with the best of intentions. As the saying goes: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Ignorance is the mother of all evils. Foolish people can do tremendous harm while they think they are doing good.  The leftists are self-righteous, but so are the Muslims. Neither of them can possibly imagine that they are destroying the world.

Your Marxist friend is a hopeless case. Waste not your time on him. Spread the truth. Eventually the light of the truth will illumine the world. Let those who prefer to hide their heads in the sand alone. Expose their fallacies and leave them.  There is a world that needs to be awakened. Use your efforts judiciously. Sow where the yield is more copious. 



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