




 Leaving Islam




Then this Muslim claims that 1400 years ago girls matured faster and a 9 years old child was as mature as a 21 year old woman of today.  This is of course an obvious fallacy. There is no need to disprove this because this is an outright lie and ridiculous. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that a 9 years old child 1400 years ago was any different from a 9 year old child today. He wants us to accept a ludicrous lie with no evidence only because he has run out of excuses. We know that Aisha used to play with her dolls, her friends used to come to play with her and Muhammad sat and played with them too. One hadith says that dolls are prohibited in Islam but Muhammad let Aisha to play with them because she was a little girl. In another hadith Aisha said that nothing surprised her more than when Muhammad entered her on the same forenoon that she was taken to his house. The poor girl did not know what sex is yet and this fiend did not wait until evening. So clearly she was not a mature woman at the age of nine. This fallacy is preposterous.  

The entire arguments of Muslims consist of logical fallacies. Since they can’t consider the possibility that Muhammad was an impostor, they engage in all sorts of fallacies to defend him. This is a psychological problem not an intellectual one. This Muslim is not an educated person, even though he has immigrated to the USA , it is clear that he is an ignorant man. But we have had letters from very educated Muslims, scholars, scientists, doctors, nuclear physicists and university professors, who used the same logical fallacies because they can’t accept the possibility that Muhammad was not a prophet and they have been conned.  

In psychology this is called cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort felt when facing a discrepancy between what one already knows or believes to be true and new information or interpretation that contradicts that belief. It therefore occurs when one has to accommodate new ideas.  

The bigger is our commitment to a certain idea, the stronger will be our resistance to accepting ideas that contradict our previously known and accepted belief. The Psychologist Carl Rogers recognized that accommodation is more difficult than Assimilation.[1] And —counter-intuitively, perhaps—if learning something has been difficult, uncomfortable, or even humiliating enough, people are less likely to concede that the content of what has been learned is useless, pointless or valueless. To do so would be to admit that one has been "had", or "conned".      

Cognitive dissonance was first investigated by Leon Festinger[2]  and associates, arising out of a participant observation study of a cult which believed that the earth was going to be destroyed by a flood, and what happened to its members — particularly the really committed ones who had given up their homes and jobs to work for the cult — when the flood did not happen. While fringe members were more inclined to recognize that they had made fools of themselves and to "put it down to experience", committed members were more likely to re-interpret the evidence to show that they were right all along (the earth was not destroyed because of the faithfulness of the cult members). [3]

This explains why Muslims accuse the apostates of not having been true Muslims in the first place. They are actually right. Those who are devout Muslims are so brainwashed that they can’t rid themselves of it. The pain of awakening and the pang of humiliation for realizing that one has been duped all his life are so intense that one resists seeing the truth, wants to fight it and even kill those who try to burst his bubble. It is much more comfortable, easier and safer to enter into denial than face the harsh and cold truth that one has been coned.  The bigger is the deception, the greater is the pain of awakening and the fiercer the believer will fight to keep his belief intact. This explains why it is easier for people of other religions to leave their faith than it is for Muslims. It also explains why Muslims are so offended if their faith is criticized and why they are so violent towards those who carp their faith. 

When I found the truth I could not pick at someone else or kill anyone because I had found it on my own. Nonetheless it took me nearly two years before I admit that I had been coned and Muhammad was nothing but a psychopath criminal no better than Hitler, Jim Jones or Charles Manson.

This Muslim ends his letter by saying: “Islam is a religion of peace” while his first email to me was a death threat. Muslims do not see the contradiction in their words and their actions. To them it perfectly makes sense to claim that Islam is a religion of peace while murdering innocent people and wreaking havoc with terrorism.    

To understand the Muslim mind we must study narcissism. "All cruelty springs from weakness", said the Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca (ca. 4 BC–AD 65). Muslims genuinely think that Islam is perfect, divine, incomparable, and as the followers of such an unrivalled truth, they are entitled to be respected, admired and enjoy privileges that are not available to others. They have a pervasive feeling of grandiosity and self-importance. This is actually a defense mechanism, behind which they hide their intense sense of inferiority and lack of self esteem. They lack empathy, often appearing boastful and pretentious, whilst correspondingly underestimate and devalue the achievements and accomplishments of others. Only Islam is good; all other cultures and religions are jaheliyah (ignorance) and taghoti (satanic), according to them. With such an inflated ego, narcissists can’t take criticism. They easily lose their temper and resort to violence if criticized or rejected.  

I publish the emails that Muslims send to me, not just to provide a humorous section in this site but also to give the readers an insight into the mind of the Muslims. They often complain that by criticizing Islam, it is as if I am insulting them and attacking their persons. That is because they have lost their selfhood and now they cling to Islam for their identity.  No other religious person feels so vulnerable if his faith is slighted. That is because no other religion devalues its followers to such an extent deindividualizes them and destroys their selfhood like Islam does.

Islam does not make people spiritual. It make them co-dependent in relation to Muhammad and narcissists vis-à-vis others. You can’t be spiritual if you are a co-dependant and a narcissist. Far from being spiritual, Muslims are the most perverted, corrupt, violent, dishonest, wicked, vile, base, contemptible, depraved, foul, ignoble, immoral, mean, miserable, noxious, wretched and sinful people of the world. This, even they acknowledge; although they foolishly think that they are in this mess because they do not follow the Quran properly. They are poisoned by Islam and they think to recover they have to ingest more of the same poison.  

[1] ROGERS CR (1980) Freedom to learn for the 80s New York : Free Press.

[2] FESTINGER L (1957) A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance Evanston , Ill. ; Row Peterson

[3] http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/dissonance.htm

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