




 Leaving Islam



 It is not surprising, therefore, that martyrdom
appeals at some level to each and every Muslim, from
the most liberal to the most radical, from the most
courageous to the most cowardly, and from the most
scholarly to the most ignorant. It is a secret
yearning that each Muslim has. Martyrdom is a romantic
notion. It is an honorable and glorified notion. It is
the ultimate escape from all fears. Indeed, history
has shown us the kind of death and utter destruction
that Islamic martyrdom causes when unleashed upon the
human race.

Revelation had many observable effects upon Muhammad.
Fear as already been mentioned. Another was cold
shivers, evidenced from the fact that he begged to
covered in blankets. Some effects mentioned in other
hadith are the following: flushed face, ringing
sounds, cold sweats, lip movement, anxiety, falling to
the ground, sudden onset, and neck muscles trembling.
Many of these effects are hard to fake, and so those
who witnessed the effects on Muhammad were likely to
conclude that his experience truly was of a
supernatural, even divine, nature. These effects
repeatedly served to reinforce and increase faith in
his prophethood, for the believers as well as for
Muhammad himself. It was obvious to his followers that
he was suffering greatly under the weight and burden
of divine revelation. Consequently, the believers
loved him greatly for suffering under the weight to
deliver the divine message, in the same way Christians
love Jesus for suffering on the cross to deliver them
from sin.

The Arabs at the time of Muhammad were mostly
illiterate and uneducated with primitive medical
knowledge, and therefore had no rational explanation
for the effects. However, the absence of a rational
explanation does not automatically validate an
irrational one by default. Today, our knowledge of
medicine and psychology is vastly superior to that of
the primitive Arabs. We know now that all of these
effects, each and every one of them, are symptoms of a
mental illness called epilepsy, specifically a form
called temporal lope epilepsy (TLE). These effects are
all well documented. Other symptoms include memory
lapses, hallucinations, and having mystical or
ecstatic experiences.

Recall that Muhammad, before his prophethood, was a
devout man who would worship God alone in caves. A
devout follower of any religion EXPECTS to get closer
to the divine. It is a testament to the true power of
the human mind that the mind tends to give us what we
expect. Indeed, Muhammad's mind was expecting to make
a mystical connection with the divine. Consequently,
his mind fulfilled his expectation, by granting him
visions of the supernatural to accompany his first
epileptic seizure.

Muhammad's faith in his prophethood grew over time.
Indeed, his conviction grew immensely, and
consequently his ego. He started believing that he was
not just an ordinary prophet anymore, but more, much
more. Thus, a once humble man, impaired by his mental
illness, gave in to the dark side. Whereas initially
revelations came indirectly via angels, Muhammad
started believing God could speak directly through
him, literally. He started believing that he was the
last and final prophet of God. Nay, he started
believing that he was extremely special. How special?
So special that he was the best of all prophets... of
all mankind... indeed of all creation past, present,
and future. The size of his ego is truly unfathomable.
For someone with an ego of such cosmic proportions,
meeting the divine after death as ordinary people
expect would be a grave insult indeed. No, his mind
expected... demanded... much more. For him the Divine
could not hide, not behind clouds nor behind burning
bushes. For him, God had to present Himself Face to

Religion is a window into the human psyche. Muhammad's
religion is a window into his own dark and disturbed
psyche. His story of Satan, out of pride, refusing to
prostrate himself in front of Adam as God had
commanded is very revealing. It suggests that
Muhammad, once humble, was conflicted at a
subconscious level, and his own grand ego manifested
itself as Satan's bloated ego.

When one believes he is the savior of all creation,
and his followers believe it with the strongest of
conviction, what greater power is there to be gained?
Indeed, Muhammad had gained absolute power, and as
history will bear witness repeatedly, absolute power
corrupts absolutely. In the case of Muhammad, a
mentally ill man, it corrupted him utterly. He was
left a man bereft of his very humanity. His insane
ideology became embodied in his religion. Therein lies
the true power of Islam: to make the sane... insane.
Following the twisted ideology of a mentally ill man
can do nothing BUT rob one of his or her sanity.

All the secrets of Muhammad's dark side, the vast
majority of which come straight from the Quran and
hadith, can be found at http://www.faithfreedom.org
operated by Ali Sina.

[End cerebral upload]

Morpheus: How is he?

Tank: Ten hours straight. He's a machine.

Neo: I know kung fu.

Apostate: Neo knows the truth.

Morpheus: Show me.

[In the sparring program]

Morpheus: This is a sparring program... similar to the
programmed reality of the Matrix. It has the same
basic rules. Rules like gravity.

Morpheus: What you must learn is that these rules are
no different than the rules of a computer system. Some
of them can be bent. Others... can be broken.

Apostate: What you must learn is that the beliefs of
Islam are no different than the beliefs of any other
religion. Some of them can be discredited. Others...
can be refuted. Understand?

Morpheus: Then hit me... if you can.

Apostate: Then counter me... if you can.

Apostate: Why does Islam hold the policy of "All may
enter, none may leave." Those who were born into the
faith did not choose it of their own free will, yet
they must take it with them to their grave. Where is
the justice?

Apostate: Why do men in Heaven get scores of virgins,
but women get no one, except maybe their former
husbands? Where is the justice?

Apostate: Allah has promised sustenance for all
beings. Where are the provisions for the innocent
babies, children, woman, and men who die of famine and
drought? What did they do to deserve that?

Morpheus: What are you waiting for? You're faster than
this. Don't think you are. Know you are.

Apostate: What are you waiting for? You're stronger
than this. Don't think you are. Know you are.

Apostate: Why do Muslims and Jews not eat pork, and
Hindus not eat beef, while everyone else has been
doing so for millennia without problems? Why does
Islam consider dogs impure and black dogs to be Satan?
Are all these not absurd superstitions like black cats
crossing one's path? 

Apostate: Why was the Quran not compiled and written
down in the lifetime of Muhammad, but instead several
decades later? What was the Divine Wisdom of delaying
it? Was this not the last and final revelation, the
integrity of which was to be protected at all costs?
Indeed, alternate versions arose, one was selected,
and the rest destroyed. Does this not make Allah look
less than perfect?

Apostate: Muhammad said many times that women are, by
their nature, deficient in intelligence. Does this not
directly contradict our own observations? Have men not
seen women that possessed a level of intelligence
superior to their own? Does such thinking not reduce
them to a level between men and animals? Then do we
not see them treated as such in Muslim countries?

Morpheus: Come on! Stop trying to hit me, and hit me!

Apostate: Come on! Stop trying to counter me, and
counter me!

Apostate: Why are the wicked and innocent punished and
rewarded together in this world, for example with an
earthquake, but punished and rewarded separately in
the hereafter? Does not Allah have the power to spare
all innocent babies, children, women, and men?

Apostate: Why is the testimony of a woman who was
raped not admissible in court, without the presence of
a male witness? How often do rapists commit the act
with a male witness observing? Indeed, she is
silenced. If pregnancy resulted from the rape, it
doesn't prove rape. Instead, it proves that she
committed adultery, the punishment for which is death
by stoning. Indeed, she is silenced again. Either way,
a raped woman is silenced. Where is the justice?

A. Allah is merciful.
B. Those who ascribe partners to Allah will be
punished for all eternity.
Islam holds that A is true and B true.
If A is true, and B is true, then A and B logically
contradict each other.
            A merciful God would eventually forgive
all sins.
            Only a merciless and sadistic God would
punish for all eternity.
            Either A is true, or B is true, but both
CANNOT be true.      
Therefore, Allah does not exist.

Neo: I know what you're trying to do.

Morpheus: I'm trying to free your mind. But I can only
show you the door. You're the one that has to walk
through it.

Tank: Load the jump program.

[In the jump program]

Apostate: The side you are on is the Shahada: "I bear
witness that there is no god but God. And I bear
witness that Muhammad was his prophet. I believe in
all the other prophets, and in the revelations sent
unto them. I believe in the angels and jinns. I
believe in heaven and hell. I believe in the Day of

Apostate: The other side is the Anti-Shahada: "I bear
witness that we created God, and that God did not
create us. And I bear witness that Muhammad was a
false prophet. I declare that there have never been
any prophets. I declare that all revelations have
human origins. I reject faith in angels and jinns. I
lust not for heaven, nor do I fear hell. There shall
be no Day of Judgement."

Apostate: Now, you must jump to the other side, the
side of the Anti-Shahada. Allow yourself to accept it.
Let it in.

Apostate: Take the leap of faith.

Morpheus: You have to let it all go, Neo.

Morpheus: Fear... Doubt... Disbelief...

Morpheus: Free your mind.

[Morpheus makes the jump]

Neo: Whoa.

Neo: Okey-dokey. Free my mind.

Tank: No one's ever made their first jump.

Neo: All right. No problem. Free my mind.

Neo: Free my mind. No problem. Right.

[Neo jumps... and falls]

Cypher: Everybody falls the first time.

Apostate: Since Islam is a faith founded entirely on
fear, a Muslim may fall several times before making
the jump.

[In the Agent program]

Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is
our enemy. But when you're inside, what do you see?

Apostate: Religion is a system, Neo. That system is
our enemy. But when you're inside, what do you see?

Morpheus: Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters.

Apostate: Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians.

Morpheus: The very minds of the people we are trying
to save. But until we do, these people are a part of
that system... and that makes them our enemy.

Morpheus: You have to understand... most of these
people are not ready to be unplugged.

Morpheus: And many of them are so inert... so
hopelessly dependent on the system...

Morpheus: that they will FIGHT to protect it.

Apostate: Muslims will FIGHT to protect Islam. For
decades now, Muslim countries have been seeing
constant erosion of their religious values. This is
primarily due to the introduction of new technologies,
such as television, the VCR, satellite and cable TV,
the internet, and cell phones. The permeation of such
technologies throughout the society has brought about
tremendous changes rapidly. The Information Age is
forcing these traditionally closed societies to open
up. The more these societies are forced to adopt
western ideals of freedom of thought, freedom of
speech, women's rights, etc, the more Islam is
threatened. The more Islam is threatened, the more
radical the Muslims are becoming.


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