




 Leaving Islam



However, you will get the opportunity, Miss Hirshi Ali, to prove you're right and crave it forever in the pages:

There is one certainty in the whole of existence; and that is that everything comes to an end.

A child, who is born into this world and fills this universe with his life cries, will ultimately leave this world with his death cry.

A blade of grass sticking up its head from the dark earth and being caressed by the sunlight and fed by the descending rain, shall ultimately whither and turn to dust.

Death, Miss Hirshi Ali, is the common theme of all that exists. You, I and the rest of creation can not disconnect from this truth.

There shall be a Day where one soul can not help another soul, a Day with terrible tortures and torments, a Day where the unjust shall emit from their lounges horrible screams. Screams, Miss Hirshi Ali, which will cause shivers to roll down one's spine; that will make hairs stand up. People will be seen drunk with fear while they are not drunk. FEAR shall fill the atmosphere on that Great Day:  

When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up;
When the stars fall, losing their lustre;
When the mountains vanish (like a mirage);
When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended;
When the wild beasts are herded together (in the human habitations);
When the oceans boil over with a swell;
When the souls are sorted out, (being joined, like with like);
When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned -
For what crime she was killed;
When the scrolls are laid open;
When the world on High is unveiled;
When the Blazing Fire is kindled to fierce heat;

And when the Garden is brought near;-
(Then) shall each soul know what it has put forward. (81:1-14)

That Day shall a man flee from his own brother,
And from his mother and his father,
And from his wife and his children.
Each one of them, that Day, will have enough concern (of his own) to make him indifferent to the others.
Some faces that Day will be beaming,
Blackness will cover them:
Such will be the Rejecters of Allah, the doers of iniquity. (80:34-42)

You, as unbelieving extremist of course won't believe in the above described scene. For you the above is merely a made-up drama piece from a Book like many. And yet, Miss Hirshi Ali, I bet my life that you are sweating with FEAR when you read this.

You, as unbelieving fundamentalist, of course do not believe that a Supreme Being controls the entire universe.

You do not believe that your heart, with which you cast away the truth, has to ask permission from the Supreme Being for every beat.

You do not believe that your tongue with which you deny the Guidance from the Supreme Being is subject to his Laws.

You do not believe that life and death has been given to you by this Supreme Being.

If you really believe this, then the following challenge should be no problem for you.

I challenge you with this letter to prove you are right.
You don't have to do much:

Miss Hirshi Ali: WISH for DEATH if you are really convinced you are right.

If you will not accept this challenge; know then that my master, the Most High, has unmasked you as an unjust one.

”…seek ye for death, if ye are sincere."
But they will never seek for death, on account of the (sins) which their hands have sent on before them. And Allah is well-acquainted with the wrong-doers.” (2:94-95)

Lest I be accused of the same, I shall make this wish FOR you:

My Rabb (God), give us death and make us rejoice with martyrdom.

Allahoemma Amien.

Miss Hirshi Ali and the rest of the extremist infidels: Islam has resisted many hostilities and oppressions throughout the history. Every time the pressure on Islam was added, the fire of Faith was merely alighted.

Islam is like a withered plant, which has been rendered by the years-long pressure and extreme high temperatures, a diamond, a withered plant which is formed by the fancies of time into the strongest jewel on this Earth, a jewel on which the hardest hammer is broken.


You and your companions know very well that the current Islamic youth is a rough diamond that only needs smoothing, so that it may spread her all-invading light of Truth. Your intellectual terrorism will not stop this; on the contrary you will only hasten it.

Islam will conquer by the blood of the martyrs. It will spread its light to every corner of this Earth and it will, if necessary, drive evil to its dark hole by the sword.

This unleashed battle is different from previous battles. The unbelieving fundamentalists have started it and Insha Allah the true believers will end it.

There shall be no mercy for the unjust, only the sword that is raised at them. No discussion, no demonstrations, no parades, no petitions; merely DEATH shall separate the Truth from the LIE.

Say: Lo! The death from which ye shrink will surely meet you, and afterward ye will be returned unto the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will tell you what ye used to do. (62:

And like a great prophet once said:

"I deem thee lost, O Pharaoh. " (17:102)

And so we want to use similar words and send these before us, so that the heavens and the stars will gather this news and spread it over the corners of the universe like a tidal wave.

I deem thee lost, O America.

I deem thee lost, O Europe.

I deem thee lost, O Holland .

I deem thee lost, O Hirshi Ali

I deem thee lost, O unbelieving fundamentalist.

Hasboena Allah wa ni3ma alwakeel

Ni3ma alMawla wa Ni3ma anNasseer

Saifu Deen al Muwahhied

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