




 Leaving Islam



The terrorist that killed Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, left a five page letter pinned to his chest with a knife.

The letter was revealed by the Dutch authorities, and Dan Cannon, a member of FFI translated it into English:    

Open Letter to Hirshi Ali

In the name of Allah the kind, the merciful.

Peace and blessings upon the Emir of the Mujahideen, the laughing killer Mohammed Rasoulou Allah (Sala Allaho alaihie wa Sallam), his family and companions and those who follow him truthfully till the day of judgment.

There is no aggression except against the aggressors.

The following:

Peace and blessings upon any who follows the guidance.

This is an open letter to an infidel fundamentalist, Ayaan Hirshi Ali, of the Thaghoet party VVD.

Dear miss Hirshi Ali,

Since your entrance into the political arena of Holland you have been constantly terrorizing Muslims and Islam with your words. You are not the first and you won't be the last to join the crusade against Islam.

With your apostasy, you have not only turned your back on the truth, but you also march along the ranks of the soldiers of evil. You mince no words about your hostility against Islam, and for this your masters have rewarded you with a seat in parliament. They have found in you a companion in their crusade against Islam and Muslims. A companion who gives them the "gunpowder" so they don't have to do the dirty work. Seeing as that you're blind by the burning infidelity which rages inside you, you are incapable of seeing that you are just an instrument of the true enemies of Islam.

You are being used to spew various hostilities about Islam and the most noble, Mohammed Rasoul Allah (Salla Allaho aleihie wa Sallam).

I don't blame you for all of this Miss Hirshi Ali. As a soldier of evil you are merely doing your job.

The fact that you can openly spew your hatred is not to blame on you, but on the Islamic ummah. They have ceased their task of resistance against injustice and are sleeping it off.
All your hostilities can thus only be blamed on the Islamic ummah.

This letter is Insha Allah an attempt at silencing your evil once and for all. These written words will Insha Allah make you drop your mask

I would like to start with your recent proposal to 'screen' (profile) on their ideology at job interviews.

Your proposal is very interesting, more so because the application of it unveils the rotten faces of your political masters (when they would of course be tested honestly and they would openly reveal their ideology

It is a fact that Dutch politics is dominated by many Jews who are a product of the Talmud schools; that includes your political party-members.

Seeing as you always propagate "self-criticism", we shall test your proposal in your own political surroundings. The same politicians that with their policies have launched terrorism against Islam and Muslims.

I would like to ask you the following questions:

How do you feel about the fact that Van Aartsen (leader of the VVD) subscribes to an ideology where non-Jews are considered as non-humans?

Baba Mezie 114a-114b: Only Jews are people ("Only you are called people"). Also see Kerlthoth 6b under subtitle ("Oil of anointing") and Barakath 56a, where gentile (non-Jews) females are called animals ("female-donkeys")

Yebamoth 92a: All Gentile children are animals.

How do you feel about the fact that a mayor is leading Amsterdam , whom subscribes to an ideology where Jews can lie to non-Jews?

Baba Kamma 113a: Jews may lie ("listen") to mislead a Gentile.

How do you feel about the fact that you are part of a government that supports the state with an ideology that proposes genocide?

Sofarim 15, line 10 (Minor Tarcctates): These are the words by rabbi Simom ben Yohai: Tod shebe goyyim herog ("Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed").

Since you are a fighter for equal rights, you will probably (after learning this knowledge) ask with your Jewish masters in chambers to reject the teachings of the Talmud. You will also probably make work of asking the Jewish community in Holland to reject it.

Our actions now and then are in response to your coward temerity with which you seek attention for your cause. Like how you had the temerity to ask Muslim school children to chose between their creator and the constitution.

Then you used the answer from these young, pure souls to justify your crusade. With these hostilities you have released a boomerang and you know it’s only a matter of time before this boomerang will seal your fate.

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