




 Leaving Islam




a. through d.  war maxims -- The first four war maxims, as drawn from verse-law (5:32) are shown above, and not repeated here.  Such maxims, however, introduce the following, contextually related war maxims from the next three verse-laws.

                  e. war maxim --  Commandoes of the World Islamic Front must punish  Christians, and Jews and other non-Muslim enemies, whenever such enemies wage war, or engage in non-war mischief, against Muslims;  wherefore, WIFront punishments of such enemies, when they are captured, are to include these alternatives:

(1)  execution of captured  Christians, Jews or other non-Muslim foes;

(2)   crucifixion, being nailing  such captives unto death upon a cross;

               (3)  mutilation, by the cutting-off of a captive Christian’s, or other

enemy’s, hands and feet from opposite sides;  and/or

                                              (4)  the exile of such enemies, when conquered, and the seizure of their properties as war plunder.  [authority:  Qur’an, ch. 5, verse-laws 33 and 34]

f.  war maxim -- However, if such enemies convert to be Muslims, before they are captured, then commandoes will not so punish them, by such murder or mutilation.  Op. cit.

g.  war maxim --  In war and peace, a Muslim will prosper, so long as he strives in Allah’s cause in war to advance Islam to non-Muslim lands. [authority: Qur’an, ch. 5, verse-law 35]


Against such war maxims, there remains the U.S. Fatwa, for benefit of American civilians.  The war confuses them.  Leadership who subvert efforts to  protect U.S. borders confuse them. On Islam, however, the U.S. executive branch yet instructs such American voters.  The U.S. Fatwa, and its authority in Qur’an (5:32), show that Islam eschews terrorism and extremism.  However, the American commander-in-chief, is in his parallel universe.  He would disbelieve the terrible war maxims drawn above.  Even preoccupied  U.S. leadership could yet easily  compare the above war maxims with the actual verse-laws above.  They suggest  how Sheik Bin Laden’s literal analysis of the Qur’an enriches Osama’s  leadership lexicon.  He and other leaders of the WIFront use such  war maxims to motivate and guide WIFront commandoes and homicide martyrs.  


The Saudis as Source of the Parallel Universes


Sheik Bin Laden and more objective war analysts  have the answer.  What is the source of  the no-Qur’an-analysis,   parallel universe of the U.S. Presidency and the British Prime Ministry?  Non-Muslim greed and Saudi Arabian money, would answer Osama and others.  [21]  U.S. federal corruption, to delight of the WIFront,  is indestructible.  “When it comes to the Saudi-American relationship, the White House should be called the ‘White Tent.’” So said Mohammed al-Khilewi,  a Saudi Arabian diplomat who defected to U.S.    [22]   Money and oil considerations  pay  officials to block U.S. inquiry into the powerful intent stated in Allah’s Qur’an.  The one still reasonably respected U.S. news magazine has reported on this influence.  Money as weapon, Islam’s slush-fund for U.S. leaders, was described in 2003 in U.S. News & World Report.


            “[T]he Saudis had spread money around Washington by the millions.  Vast sums from Saudi contracts have bought friends and influence here.  In… [book] Sleeping with the Devil:  How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude, former CIA operative Bob Baer calls it ‘ Washington ’s 401(k) Plan.’ 

            “’The Saudis put out the message,’ Baer wrote.  ‘You play the game -- keep your mouth shut about the kingdom -- and we’ll take care of you.’  The list of beneficiaries is impressive:  former cabinet secretaries, ambassadors, and CIA station chiefs.  Washington lobbyists, P.R. firms, and lawyers have supped at the Saudi table, as have non-profits from the Kennedy Center to presidential libraries. 

            “The high-flying Carlyle Group has made fortunes doing deals with the Saudis.  Among Carlyle’s top advisers have been former president George H.W. Bush;  James Baker, his secretary of state;  and Frank Carlucci, a former secretary of defense….”   [23]


Earlier addressed was how the current U.S. President and envoy optimistically applauded the U.S. Fatwa.  U.S. Muslims, presumably in truth, had spoken out with good optimism. The non-Muslim Americans therefore, must believe this about Islam.  “…[T]here is no justification in Islam for terrorism.”  So said the President through his personal envoy in September of 2005.


Even given slush payments, why do these men and women, leaders of the U.S. and the U.K. at war, yet obstruct clearly-needed analysis of the Qur’an?  This chapter has above shown how literalist Qur’an believers, notably Sheik Bin Laden, would transform the sacred text of the Qur’an into war maxims.  Also shown is that the President has surely read the four war-verses associated with the 2005 Fatwa.  The U.S. commander-in-chief still obstructs  efforts by U.S. defenders systematically to study the Qur’an and thereby learn the war ideology of U.S. enemies.  Sheik Bin Laden has yet frequently and with great fanfare informed the U.S. Presidency and the U.K. ’s Prime Ministry. The WIFront war engine, Osama has explicitly proclaimed,  is fueled by Allah’s guidance in the Qur’an.  [24]


An effort by U.S. counter-intelligence to open the Qur’an as to its war influence, news-reported in December, 2004, has never been  seen in officially-sourced print or Internet again.  The news report, wisely-written, report identifies the suppression force as the U.S. illness of PC or political correctness. 


                “Are the terrorists…driven by religion?  …[A]re they following a manual of war contained in their scripture?… Four years into the war… U.S. officials [say]…there are no baseline studies, of the Muslim prophet Muhammad or his ideological or military doctrines, …at the CIA or Defense Intelligence Agency, or even the war colleges….

            “Why? …P[olitical] C[orrectness] still infects the Pentagon, four years after Jihadists hit the nation’s military headquarters. …The hardest part of formulating a strategic response to the threat is defining Islam as a political and military enemy.  Once that psychological barrier has been crossed, defense sources [say] …countermeasures -- such as educating the public about the militant nature of Islam…-- can begin. 

            “’Most Americans don’t realize we are in a war of survival, a war that is going to continue for decades,’ [an] official warns.  It remains to be seen…whether [ U.S. ]…P[olitical] C[correctness] political leaders would…adopt such controversial measures.”  [25]


Sheik Bin Laden would accurately say that the Political Correctness ideology is a mind-infection of his non-Muslim enemies.  It appears as  an illness vectored by money.  Hence, the above-quoted news article, which found the PC illness to be why U.S. executive leaders obstruct Qur’an analysis, should have said “PC money.”  Too many U.S. leaders, as PC advocates, are directly and indirectly paid by the Wahhabi-devout Saudi princes.    [26]


Until this corruption is burned away by another, truly devastating WIFront attack on the U.S. homeland, the U.S. government will remain compromised by well-slushed executive department leaders and bureaucrats.  They will hide the Qur’an from American soldiers and civilians.  The Wahhabis’ strong influence over U.S. leaders, however,  does not yet extend to the suppression of free speech.  [27]  


The President was above shown, figuratively  to have opened then closed his copy  of the Qur’an. He also  had finished  reading the U.S. Fatwa.  Also shown above, via something akin to war maxim-writing, is how a WIFront political officer would apply his Qur’an.  He reads it literally, with the confident devotion of  Sheik Bin Laden.   Their government now suppresses  knowledge of the Qur’an.  American soldiers and civilians find it seldom mentioned in government documents or speeches, even in war college studies.  Internet and bookstores yet present Allah’s Qur’an for English readers.  This article encourages non-Muslims to leave open their newly-purchased copies.  With pen, paper and the war-maxims concept, non-Muslims may still, quite accurately, replicate their foe’s war ideology.  The World Islamic Front forces are lethal in intent, and literal in reading the Qur’an..


This article has posed  such war maxims implicit in only four but quite important verses of  Allah’s Qur’an.  Over 300 verse-laws bear directly or indirectly on war.  They merit urgent attention.  Allah, Lord Churchill and Sheik Bin Laden might agree. Principled war maxims can avail a leader an escape from  chaos into a quiet, ominous room  with a critical thinking desk.  For now the U.S. government entrance-door is locked.                                     



Alexandra Paris is author of the novel, Arabel:  The Smallpox Chronicles (Publipresse AG:  Zurich , Switzerland , 2005).


[1]  See generally Editors, Wikipedia:  The Free Encyclopedia, “[article]  Fatwa” (undated), as posted at <en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatwa> (last visited 4/3/06).

[2]   See Editors, Council for American Islamic Relations (the CAIR), “[actual document, signatories and endorsers] U.S. Muslim Religious Council Issues Fatwa Against Terrorism” (July 28, 2005), as posted at <cair-net.org/FatwaJuly2005.pdf> (last visited 4/6/2006).  Hereinafter, this source is also referenced as,  see “U.S. Fatwa at footnote [2] above.”

[3]   See Burghart, T.,  Associated Press, “[article] Bush confidante…Hughes meets…Muslim group,” as published by [newspaper] Detroit News,  and posted  at <detnews.com/2005 /religion/0509/19/relig-302464 …>.  Hereinafter, this source is referenced as, see “9/05 Fatwa Ratification at footnote [3] above.”

[4]  See Editors, Wikipedia:  The Free Encyclopedia, “[article] Muhammad Ali”  (undated), as posted at <en.wikipedia.org/wiki Muhammad _Ali> (last visited 4/5/06)







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