




 Leaving Islam




If an Israeli is caught in Palestinian controlled land, it is absolutely certain that he will be mauled and killed. This happened to two Israelis who made a wrong turn and ended up in Ramala a few years ago. Yet we see thousands of Palestinians living in Israeli controlled cities, work there, prosper and are happy. That is why your story does not add up. It defies logic and observation.

Palestinian crowd waves entrails of butchered Israeli victims. in Ramala. The expression on their faces show they are orgasmic. This level of hate is only possible in Islam


A Palestinian shows his bloody hands to the ecstatic fellow Muslims after butchering a Jew.

One thing is sure and that is Israelis do not turn the other cheek. In my book I said this is the only way Muslims should be treated. Bully understands force. He interprets your forgiveness and tolerance as your weakness and becomes bolder and more aggressive. Israel is doing the right thing to strike back and retaliate every time there is an attack on Israeli soil and Israelis are killed as the result. You might be in Palestine and suddenly a house or a car is bombed and a few Palestinians are killed. You immediately conclude that the Israelis are terrorists conducting terrorist acts with sophisticated weaponry and killing indiscriminately. What you miss is that this is a retaliatory action and it is done in response to what the Palestinians did a few days earlier. And those killed by Israel were not innocent people but involved in the terrorist campaign against Israel. Sometimes innocent people and even children are killed, but that is because these cowards hide behind the children and use them as human shield. They love to see children killed so they can use that as publicity stunt and fool the naive Europeans with their bogus claim of victimhood. 


It is hard to accept our own fault. Today, the tension between Iran and the civilized world is increasing. The possibility of Iran being bombed and even nuked, causing the death of many innocent people is on the rise. This is tearing me apart from within, but if that happens, I can’t blame anyone but Iran. The civilized world has no option but to stop the the criminal mullahs to become nuclear. It is better to bomb Iran, and kill several thousands today than wait and be forced to nuke the entire country and kill millions. The Mullahs must be stopped. It does not matter at what cost. They must be stopped and defanged otherwise the consequence is a thousand times worse. It is not easy to be objective when our own people are involved, but we must.  

The truth of the matter is that the Palestinians don’t want peace. They do not want any settlement with the Jews. These people are driven by hate. They are willing to be nuked as long as Israel is wiped off of the map. This is the mentality of the suicide bomber taken one step further.  

Much of the stories of “Israeli atrocities” shown in the West are fabrications of Palywood. (Please see this and this.)  It is hard to have any sympathy for a people who have this much hate and try to fool the world with this much lies.

I know this is hard for you, but in this war the Palestinians are at fault. They are the bad guys, just as the Iranians (now reduced to the regime only and a small percentage that support them) are the bad guys. But in Palestine, the bad guys are still the average people.  The fact that the Palestinians chose overwhelmingly a terrorist organization to rule over them says a lot about them. Let us not fool ourselves with PC talk. I am not a PC person. I write what I think. We have no difficulty to condemn one person when he is bad. We have also no difficulty to condemn a small group when they are bad. But somehow we stop condemning a large group when they are bad. If a bad thing is done by a large number of people then that bad thing somehow loses its badness. But evil is evil. It does not become less evil if the majority of people do it. The majority of the Palestinians think evil and do evil. The fact that the only alternatives on the ballots were a bunch of thieves or a bunch of terrorists, says a lot about the deplorable state of the Palestinians. I believe it was Plato who said people deserve the government that rules over them. 

The Iranians were just as stupid 27 years ago as the Palestinians are today. They were full of hate and arrogance. They paid the price, and what a price!  Now, a generation later, their children have changed. The majority of Iranians think differently. In my view, Palestinians should be left to their own. A wall must be built to protect the Israelis and the Palestinians must be given the opportunity to learn their lesson the hard way, the way they want to learn it, just as the Iranians did. This is their right. Maturity cannot be imposed. It must be earned with pain. I think they should not be given any money. We are destroying their dignity by making them perpetual beggars. Stop giving them fish, let them learn how to fish on their own. Let them learn their lesson through hunger. All the money you give them is funneled in the pockets of their rulers. Arafat had billions of dollars to his name on the day he went to hell. The problem was not Arafat, the problem is the Arab culture and their mentality that allows likes of Arafat to become heroes while milking the ignorant people. And when you tell them to have democracy, they go an elect the terrorists.    

Israel belongs to the Jews. They were living in those lands thousands of years before anyone else showed up. They were dispersed around the world through wars. Everywhere they were persecuted and used as scapegoats. They were treated as "scum of the earth", and despite that, with their genius they proved to be the salt of the earth. They were  massacred. They were wiped out from Islamic countries. Now they have come back to their own ancestral land. That is where they belong. They transformed this most forsaken land of God into a paradise. They made the desert bloom and now from that tiny arid land they produce enough food to feed the entire Arab world. They have technology and science that can benefit all their Arab neighbors. Israel is the only shining light in the middle of an ocean of darkness. The least the Muslims can do is to learn from their democracy. But the only thing they can think of is how to wipe Israel off the map.

That wet dream is not going to materialize. Israelis have the power to defend themselves. If their existence is threatened, it is legitimate for them to kill their enemies first even if this means reducing half or all the Muslim world into ash. Muslims must realize that their stupidity is only sealing their own doom.  

Palestine never existed. Palestinians are Arabs. All these phony Arab countries are the creation of the Old Fox (the Great Britain). Iraq. Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, are all phony countries. They were all parts of the Ottoman Empire. The British thought the best way for them to continue milking the fools is to divide them. Jack Straw is a typical British Politician. This man is evil and cunning in every sense of the word. Fortunately he was booted out from the cabinet. There will be more Jack Straws. They divided the Ottoman Empire and gave parts of that their loyal friends. Jordan became Jordan-e Hashemi, the entire country belongs to the Hashemi family. Saudi Arabia was given to Al Saud family, so on so forth. Isn't that an insult to people. These lands do not belong to the millions of people living there. They belong to these families. Arabs are so brain-dead that accepted this humiliation and still don't complain. 

Anyway, all these phony Arab countries are the invention of the British. The Palestinians are just Arabs like the rest of Arabs. The solution to the problem of the Middle East is that all these Arabs come together, and form a federal government. They are just one people. They should have one country and the Palestinians should be part of that country. This tiny land called Israel belongs to the Jews.   

The Israelis do not have any enmity with the Muslims. They were the first to recognize Bangladesh after their fellow Muslim Pakistani bhais massacred 3,000,000 of them and raped 250,000 of their women. The Israelis were the first to support the rights of the Kurds to self determination. They are the first to offer help to any Islamic country that is hit by a natural disaster. The Israeli doctors were among the first to rush to Kosovo helping the Muslims. When Bam in Iran was hit by an earthquake burying thousands of people under rubbles, Israel immediately offered to help with rescue teams. The Mullahs said no and God knows how many thousands of people suffered agonizing slow deaths in that winter under the rubbles. They could have been saved if the Israelis were allowed to help. The Israelis have shown they care more about the people of Iran than the mullahs. They care about human life while the mullahs care about their nefarious ideologies and give a damn to human life. Your story of Israelis killing the Palestinians for sport and fun simply does not fall into any known pattern. 

Since the creation of Israel until the Islamic revolution, Israel was a great ally of Iran. Even though they were a small country, they had a hospital in Tehran where every Muslim went when his life was endangered. These Jew haters, forgot about their hatred and the fact that the Jews are najis and sought their help to save their lives.  In fact Muslims have for centuries trusted their lives in the hand of Jewish hakims, while at the same time they called them descendants of apes, pigs and rats.

Leaving Islam; is the first step towards humanization. Leaving our hatred behind is getting there.  

Speaking of the Jews let me share with you a story I heard from a Jew, that I already quoted before.  

“Two Yeshiva students arguing over when the dawn of the day begins. One said it was the dawn when you could tell the difference between an olive tree and a fig tree. (An olive tree has small leaves; fig trees have big leaves.) The other argued that the dawn of the day was when you could tell the difference between a man and woman. Neither could agree. Finally, they asked their rabbi. The rabbi answered, "It is the dawn of the day when you can no longer see a difference between a Jew and a Gentile. That is the dawn of THE DAY.”

We must strive for that dawn. We must learn to see people as people and not as Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Americans, Arabs, Chinese, Whites, Blacks or Reds. When you become blind to all these differences you can see the soul of your fellow human and all you see is your self in him. Beneath all these superficialities, we are one people, made of the same stock, of the same essence. Each human is a letter from God. We come in different envelops, sometimes dirty, sometimes beaten up and broken. Disregard that envelop and read that beautiful message of love that we all carry within.  

What separates us from one another, are ideologies. Even nationality is a vacuous ideology. Not that I am against nationality. I strongly believe in patriotism. But what I don’t believe in is jingoism. I don’t believe in tribalism. I don’t believe we should prefer our own people over others and neglect their rights. I believe charity starts a home, but this does not mean the rights of others should be trampled and ignored. Once we accept this undeniable and self evident fact that every person that is born on this planet has exactly the same rights to live on it and enjoy it as we do; much of this hatred and antagonisms we harbor against each other will vanish and the day of unity of mankind will dawn. That would be the dawn of THE DAY.    


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